greening european cities

Greening European cities Stefano Carosio Managing Director, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Greening European cities Stefano Carosio Managing Director, Unismart Padova Enterprise srl Padova, 19 th September 2018 The background EU Seminar on September 2017 within Flormart in collaboration with the European

  1. Greening European cities Stefano Carosio Managing Director, Unismart Padova Enterprise srl Padova, 19 th September 2018

  2. The background EU Seminar on September 2017 within Flormart in collaboration with the European Commission, Mrs. Maria Yeroyanni

  3. H2020 SC5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Ø W ater and Climate Resilient, Sustainable Cities Ø Urban Regeneration Ø Systemic urban innovation connecting digital, physical, natural and social solutions for cities Ø Large-scale demonstration projects with replication potential Ø A stronger global actor ü Open Innovation ü Open Science ü Open to the world Courtesy: European Commission

  4. Nature-based solutions Nature-Based Solutions: economic, social and environmental benefits (& co-benefits) Courtesy: European Commission

  5. Horizon 2020: Creating a community of practice on NBS European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve EKLIPSE NBS EWG CSA SC5-09-2014 the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and ESS Towards a strategic research agenda on soil, land-use and INSPIRATION CSA SC5-10b-2014 land management in Europe Development of a multi-stakeholder dialogue platform and ThinkNature CSA SC5-10-2015 Think tank to promote innovation with Nature based solutions NAIAD RIA SC5-9-2015 Insurance Value of Nature Nature4Cities SCC-03-2015 New governance, business, financing models and economic RIA impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with NBS Naturvation SCC-03-2015 CONNECTING SCC-02-2016 GROW GREEN SCC-02-2016 Demonstrating innovative NBS in cities/ water and climate IA UNALAB resilience SCC-02-2016 Urban GreenUP SCC-02-2016 Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity BiodivERsA3 ERA-NET SC5-09-2014 and ecosystem services Courtesy: European Commission

  6. Examples of cities involved in previous projects Courtesy: European Commission

  7. ThinkNature

  8. EU R&I Policy on Cities Innovating Cities – Cities as actors of innovation & Systemic urban innovation ure_cities H2020 Large Scale Demonstration projects 'Smart and sustainable cities' Courtesy: European Commission

  9. EU R&I Policy on Cities Urban Agenda for the EU – DG REGIO EU Urban Partnerships Courtesy: European Commission

  10. EU R&I Policy on Cities Urban Agenda for the EU – DG REGIO development/cities; Topic Page on Cities Courtesy: European Commission

  11. EU R&I Policy on Cities Urban Agenda for the EU – DG REGIO Urban Innovative Actions Courtesy: European Commission

  12. EU R&I Policy on Cities EU adaptation Strategy – DG CLIMA Climate Adapt Courtesy: European Commission

  13. EU R&I Policy on Cities Courtesy: European Commission

  14. EU R&I Policy on Cities Instruments EIP Smart Cities and Communities – DG ENER-MOVE-CNECT Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects Courtesy: European Commission

  15. EU R&I Policy on Cities Instruments Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe – DG RTD EU Member State initiative on Systemic Urban Innovation. Sustainable Research and Innovation Agenda: 'Transition towards sustainable and liveable urban futures' Courtesy: European Commission

  16. Achievements so far 30 years of EU funded Urban development EUR ~1 billion • Horizon 2020 EUR ~total budget for cities :1.7 billion for about 600 projects EU Budget of each R&I demonstration project EUR ~12 • million , ~30 participants (consortium) 120 cities in Europe as hubs of open Innovation & Living • Labs participate in the H2020 Smart and Sustainable Cities H2020 funded projects

  17. Strategic agenda H2020 calls launched until now on Innovating Cities § Climate and Water Resilient cities § Urban regeneration § New business and governance models § Circular and regenerative cities § Healthy cities EU Strategic, research and Innovation Agenda : § DGRTD launched a Commission High Level Expert group on Innovating Cities on 12 June 2018; § This Expert group will help the Commission to formulate a EU SRIA on Innovating Cities that supports a holistic, systemic and cross-sectoral approach and goes beyond sectoral silos

  18. Strategic agenda § EU SRIA on cities addresses inter-linked urban challenges related to mobility, energy, climate change, water, waste, resource efficiency, pollution, health, well- being and social inclusion ; § EU SRIA on cities ensures alignment with the Global Covenant Mayors Agenda Innovate4Cities, IPCC agenda, Urban Agenda for the EU, Habitat III Agenda, JPI Urban Europe Strategic Agenda, SUGI (Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative) agenda; The EU SRIA will provide : § Input on future R&I priorities on cities and advice on EU investments on R&I actions on cities; § Shape R&I work on cities in Horizon Europe; § EU SRIA Final report is due by April 2019.

  19. Next event HORIZON 2020 Join our sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities , October 2018 in Brussels 9 October 10 October 11 October 14:30 Who owns 'the right 9:30 Challenges and opportunities for 9:30 Accelerating Research to the city'? EU interregional cooperation in agri- &Innovation Excellence in Research and food systems High Potential Innovation for countries/regions inclusive urban regeneration -How the right to the city 9:30 Exploiting clean energy contributes to urban inclusivity? - innovations in regions What are the challenges faced by 9:30 Industrial R&I infrastructures: the cities around the world to move to gateway for regional cooperation inclusive urban regeneration? -How EU R&I actions can reduce 16:30 iCapital Stories - gentrification and inequalities Experimenting, Engaging, between cities and regions? Expanding, Empowering in Cities Courtesy: European Commission

  20. Next event HORIZON 2020 Join our sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities , October 2018 in Brussels 9 October 10 October 11 October 14:30 Who owns 'the right to 9:30 Challenges and opportunities for 9:30- Cultural and creative cities the city'? EU Research interregional cooperation in agri- 13:0( for all'. Know and Innovation for food systems EQUAL ACCESS TO cultural ledge inclusive urban cities and how this excha regeneration promotes social cohesion, nge individual well-being and platfo health and reduce public rm) expenditure. 15-16 NOVEMBER 9:30 Exploiting clean energy innovations in regions 'Fair of European Innovators 9:30 Industrial R&I infrastructures: the in Cultural heritage' gateway for regional cooperation 16:30 iCapital Stories - Courtesy: European Commission Experimenting, Engaging, Expanding, Empowering in

  21. Thanks a million!!!! Padova, 19 th September 2018 Stefano Carosio Managing Director Unismart

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