green national accounting in india a framework bio

Green National Accounting in India: A Framework-Bio-diversity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Green National Accounting in India: A Framework-Bio-diversity related findings Dr.V. Parameswaran Deputy Director General 04-12-2013 Social Statistics Division Central Statistics Office National Statistical Organization Ministry of Statistics

  1. Green National Accounting in India: A Framework-Bio-diversity related findings Dr.V. Parameswaran Deputy Director General 04-12-2013 Social Statistics Division Central Statistics Office National Statistical Organization Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation New Delhi

  2. } Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting in India is in developing stage. } The entire process of Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting involves 3 steps: ◦ Physical Accounting ◦ Monetary Valuation and ◦ Integration with Economic Accounting. } In order to develop sector-wise uniform methodology for Natural Resource Accounting, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation commissioned 8 studies on NRA to specialized institutes.

  3. CSO initiated Studies on NRA Sl.N Study Organisation o 1 NRA of Air and Water Institute of Economic Growth Pollution in Andhra Pradesh (IEG), Delhi & Himachal Pradesh 2 NRA of Land and Forest for I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f F o r e s t Madhya Pradesh & Himachal Management (IIFM), Bhopal Pradesh 3 Environmental Accounting of North East Hill University (NEHU), L a n d a n d F o re s t o f Shillong Meghalaya 4 NRA on Solid Waste, Air Integrated Research and Action for Pollution, Water Pollution, Development (IRADe), Delhi Forest in Goa

  4. CSO initiated Studies on NRA Sl.No Study Organisation 5 Environmental Accounting of Madras School of Economics Land and Water in Tamil (MSE), Chennai Nadu 6 NRA for Air and Water Jadavpur University, Kolkata Sectors in West Bengal 7 Accounting for unsustainable The Energy and Resources mineral extraction in Madhya Institute (TERI), Delhi Pradesh & West Bengal 8 NRA for Land and Forestry Centre for Multi-Disciplinary ( e x c l u d i n g m i n i n g ) i n D e v e l o p m e n t R e s e a r c h Karnataka (CMDR), Dharwad, Karnataka

  5. } A Synthesis Report based on 8 studies has since been prepared under the guidance of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) headed by Dr. Kirit Parikh, former Member, Planning Commission to recommend sector wise methodology for environmental accounting. } The TAC recommended the preparation of a National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts(NAMEA). } There are two forms of NAMEA-Hybrid supply and use tables and hybrid input-output tables. } India to start with national input-output tables with extensions on environmental factors.

  6. } Subsequently, in accordance with the direction of Hon ’ ble Prime Minister, an Expert Group under the Chairmanship of Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge, UK was set up in 2011 to develop a framework of green national accounts and prepare a roadmap for India to implement the framework. The Group held three meetings. } The Group submitted its Report in March, 2013. An International Workshop was held during 5-6 April, 2013 in New Delhi to discuss the Report. The Workshop was inaugurated and the Report unveiled by Hon ’ ble Prime Minister.

  7. } Chapter 1 is the Executive Summary of the Report. } Chapter 2 and its appendices deal with the conceptual foundations of Green Accounting. The conceptual framework lays out the conditions for sustainability under the assumption that information is not a serious constraint for evaluating and aggregating the diverse elements that compose an economy.

  8. } It provides an outline for what would ideally be needed for a comprehensive set of national accounts. } The Report ’ s central conclusion is that, adjusting for the population, the coin on the basis of which economic evaluation should be conducted is a comprehensive notion of wealth (adjusted for the distribution of wealth in the economy) and not on GDP nor on the adhoc indicators of human well-being such as HDI.

  9. } Here wealth comprises (i) reproudcible capital (commonly known as manufactured capital), (ii) human capital (population size and composition, education and health), and (iii) natural capital (ecosystem, land, sub- soil resources, etc.) } NDP is GDP minus depreciation which has to include not only wear and tear of buildings and equipment but also loss of human capital and physical depletion and quality degradation of natural capital.

  10. } As per the Report, inter-generational well-being averaged over the generations increases over a brief interval of time if and only if aggregate consumption per capita is less than NDP per capita.

  11. } Chapter 3 gives an outline of the production and expenditure systems currently in place in the existing structure of National Accounts of India and the salient features of UNSEEA. } Chapter 4 is a transition chapter which explains how the conceptual framework can be translated in a limited manner into a practical situation through calculation of Net domestic Product which not only takes in to account Consumption of Fixed Capital but also the depletion of natural resources and the cost incurred for preserving natural capital.

  12. } Chapter 5 gives some illustrations of Physical Asset Accounts for selected assets such as land and soil, forests Agricultural and pasteur lands , and minerals based on the existing data. } Chapter 6 gives a brief of the various steps taken by the Government of India towards implementing natural resources/ environmental accounting followed by the recommendations of the Expert Group.

  13. } Ecosystems provide innumerable services * Food, fibres, fuel and fresh water } Ecosystems provide hidden services * Control floods, mitigate droughts, filter pollutants, assimilate waste, pollinate crops, operate the hydrological cycle, and maintain the gaseous composition of the atmosphere. As these services are not visible, it is easy to overlook them.

  14. } Ecosystems offer joint products * Wetlands recycle nutrients and produce purified water. * Mangrove forests protect coastal land from storms and are sprawning grounds for fish. } Natural capital is a mesh of environmental resources. } Ecosystems have been traditionally associated with more or less “ natural ” systems that is with a limited degree of human influence.

  15. } Different degrees of human influence can, however, be observed. } Example: * In a natural forest or a landscape ,ecosystem processes dominate the dynamics of the ecosystem and there are likely to be fewer impacts from human management of the ecosystem or from human disturbances. * In a greenhouse or in intensive aquaculture ponds, ecosystem processes have become dominated by human management and ecosystem close to human settlement may be significantly affected by human disturbances such as pollution.

  16. } Assessment of ecosystems should consider their ecology and location. } Key characteristics of the ecology i. Its structure (eg. the food web within the ecosystem) ii. Its composition including biotic (flora and fauna) and abiotic (soil, water) components. iii. Its processes (eg. photosynthesis or the recycling of nutrients) iv. Its functions ( eg. resilience).

  17. } Key characteristics of its location are i. Its extent ii. Its configuration (i.e. the way in which the various components are arranged and organized within the ecosystem) iii. The landscape forms (eg. mountain regions, coastal areas) within which the ecosystem is located. } An important broad characteristic of ecosystems related to its ecology and location is its biodiversity. There are, therefore, important connections between ecosystems and biodiversity.

  18. } Ecosystems can be identified at different spatial scales. } In addition, ecosystems are interconnected commonly being nested and overlapping and they are subject to processes that operate over varying time scales } General measurement issues in the compilation i. The integration of information across different spatial scales. ii. Benefit transfer and the scaling of data. iii. Gross and net recording. iv. The length of the accounting period.

  19. } Ecosystem services are supplied in many ways and vary from ecosystem to ecosystem. } Ecosystem services may be grouped into four types i. Provisioning services (such as the provision of timber from forests) ii. Regulatory services (such as when forests act as a sink for carbon) iii. Supporting services (such as in the formation of soils) iv. Cultural services (such as in the enjoyment provided to visitors to a national park)

  20. } The relationship between ecosystem services and biodiversity is complex. *Biodiversity is a core characteristic of ecosystems and is a fundamental aspect of ecosystem processes that support the generation of all ecosystem services *In the SEEA, biodiversity is considered a characteristic of ecosystems and hence is best accounted for as part of the assessment of ecosystem assets

  21. } In accounting, one has to understand the relationship between bio-diversity, ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide, quantification of the impact of human activity on bio-diversity and ecosystem services and motivations of accounting.


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