gospel pres sentation idea airplane to cross

Gospel Pres sentation Idea - Airplane to Cross A paper airplane - PDF document

Gospel Pres sentation Idea - Airplane to Cross A paper airplane transforms into a cross as you share the gospel message. Materials Age Group Paper 5 to 12 Scissors Fold the sheet of paper into an airpl lane like this: Go

  1. Gospel Pres sentation Idea - Airplane to Cross A paper airplane transforms into a cross as you share the gospel message. Materials Age Group   Paper 5 to 12  Scissors Fold the sheet of paper into an airpl lane like this: Go ospel Presentation Idea - Airplane to Cross, Page 1 of 5

  2. Show the children the airplane and begin sharing the message of salvation. Guidelines on what to say can be fo ound below. When you reach point 4 of What to Say below (But because God loves us so mu uch and wants us to be with him in heaven n forever, he made a special way for us to go o to heaven) , cut the airplane lengthwise into 2 lik ke this: Unfold the paper to reveal a cross: Then continue with the rest of your presentation. Go ospel Presentation Idea - Airplane to Cross, Page 2 of 5

  3. Here are some key points to cove er as you Use Questions to enga age your listener present the gospel. and to check understan ding. You may need to tailor your gosp pel presentation to suit the age of your audience. Use Bible Verses wher re appropriate, but be careful not to overloa ad your listener with too many verses. 1. I know of a very special place.  It is better than any holiday de estination  This place is perfect Can you imagine a plac ce like that?  The people there are perfect t too! Where do you think this place is?  There is no sickness, no pain and no hunger  No one ever dies  Everyone is perfectly happy 2. This special place is called hea aven. Do you want to be with God in heaven?  Heaven is a special place that t is not on this Do you think you can ge et to heaven in an earth  So you can't go to heaven in a airplane? an airplane  Heaven is God's home  God wants all of us to go to he eaven to be with Rev 21:4 him He will wipe away every y tear from their eyes, and there will be n no more death, sadness, crying, or pain n. Rev 21:21 The twelve gates were t twelve pearls, each gate having been made from a single pearl. And the street of the city y was made of pure gold as clear as glass. Go ospel Presentation Idea - Airplane to Cross, Page 3 of 5

  4. 3. We can't be with God in heave n because of Do you know what "sin" means? the wrong things we have don e.  We have all done things that h have made God What are some things y you have done that may have made God un nhappy? unhappy  These things are called sin  Telling lies, disobeying your p parents, hurting Rom 3:23 others and being selfish are e examples of sin  The punishment for our sins is Everyone has sinned an nd fallen short of s that we can't God's glorious standard d. be with God in heaven. 4. But because God loves us so m much and wants us to be with him in hea aven forever, he made a special way for us to g go to heaven...  Cut the airplane lengthwise in to 2.  Unfold the paper to reveal a c cross. 5. This cross represents Jesus. J Jesus is the Do you know who Jesus s is? only way to get to heaven to be e with God.  God loves us so much that he Do you know when we c celebrate Jesus' e sent his son, birth? Jesus, to earth  Jesus was a man who was dif fferent from any Rom 5:8 other person  Jesus is God and never sinne But God shows his grea at love for us in this ed. way: Christ died for us w while we were still sinners. 6. Jesus came from heaven to ea arth to take the punishment for our sins.  Instead of us being punished, Rom 6:23 he took our The payment for sin is d death. But God place gives us the free gift of l life forever in Christ  Jesus died on the cross so tha at all the wrong Jesus our Lord. things that we have done can be forgiven  And on the third day, Jesus be ecame alive Acts 13:30, 31 again But God raised him up f from the dead! After this, for many days, thos se who had gone with Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem saw him. Go ospel Presentation Idea - Airplane to Cross, Page 4 of 5

  5. 7. If we want to be with God in he eaven, we must Do you think you have s sinned? believe in Jesus. This means.. .  Admitting that we have sinned d and asking Do you believe that Jes us died on the God to forgive us cross to take your punis shment?  Believing that Jesus died on t he cross to be Do you want to ask God d to forgive you? punished instead of us, and  Inviting Jesus into our lives to help us turn Do you want to invite Je esus into your life? away from sin 8. Invite the child to sincerely pra ay for forgiveness and for Jesus to c come into John 3:16 his/her life. God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so o that whoever believes in him may not t be lost, but have Sample Prayer eternal life. Dear Jesus, 1 John 1:9 Thank you for loving me. I know t that I have But if we confess our sin ns, he will forgive sinned. I have done things that ar re wrong. I our sins, because we ca an trust God to do believe that you died on the cross s to pay the what is right. He will cle anse us from all the price for my sins. Please forgive all of my sins wrongs we have done. and make my heart clean. Please come into my life and help me turn away from d doing wrong. Thank you that with a clean heart t, I can have a relationship with you and will one e day be with you in heaven. Go ospel Presentation Idea - Airplane to Cross, Page 5 of 5


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