goals of engagement

Goals of Engagement Familiarize community stakeholders with the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The 211 of Tomorrow Community Members Parents Students Teachers Staff Charge From Board of Educa?on 1. Gather current and accurate percep?ons and priori?es reflec,ng a broad base of community; 2. Familiarize community with current programs,

  1. The 211 of Tomorrow Community Members Parents Students Teachers Staff

  2. Charge From Board of Educa?on 1. Gather current and accurate percep?ons and priori?es reflec,ng a broad base of community; 2. Familiarize community with current programs, services, resources, finances and facili,es of the District; 3. Communicate District’s accomplishments and challenges ; 4. Build a process to strengthen communica?on and collabora?on with the community to serve the District in the future; 5. Gather community’s priori?es for the curricular ini?a?ves needed to ensure con,nued high student achievement and readiness; 6. Gather community’s priori?es for improving healthy social rela?ons and wellness among students; and 7. Consider resources to develop and sustain effec?ve programs to accomplish these objec,ves in the intermediate and long term.

  3. Goals of Engagement • Familiarize community stakeholders with the District’s current programs, services, resources, finances and facili,es • Learn community’s percep,ons and priori,es for District 211 • Foster process of communica,on and collabora,on • Provide informa,on to the Board of Educa,on to assist development of a Strategic Plan to set course for the next five years

  4. Facilita?ng Team • Community volunteers represen,ng a variety of backgrounds throughout the District • Planned and coordinated the Community Engagement Program • Share same personal investment and community interest in District 211 sustaining its quality Deep apprecia?on and thanks to the Facilita?ng Team volunteers!

  5. Facilita?ng Team Team Roster Community Chairs Peter Carlson Linda Reedy Jose Skrobot Cur,s Bradley Susan Kobeski Merydith Brostoff Dipak Kumar Dave Carver Tom Lober Robert Falardeau Ryan McCoy Community Members Jill Finis Debora Quiroz Dan Goodman Jose Quiroz Shantanoo Govilkar Debbie Schmidt Avery Hodges Aarushi Shah Dan Cates, Superintendent Lisa Small, Associate Superintendent District Representa?ves Kathe Lingl, Assistant to the Superintendent Tom Petersen, Community Rela=ons Director Anita Lee, Teachers Union Representa=ve School Board Members Mucia Burke Anna Klimkowicz

  6. Community Engagement: Why now? • Board of Educa,on and Administra,on sought extensive community input for the crea,on of a Five-Year Strategic Plan • Numerous years since the last formal Strategic Plan • Today’s world calls for collabora,on and exchange surrounding our community’s most valued asset: OUR CHILDREN and OUR STUDENTS

  7. Community Engagement: Reaching Out • Website & social media pos,ngs • Media outlets & mul,ple news releases • Email communica,ons • Village water bills • Local Public Access channels • Posted community flyers • Announcements at school and spor,ng events • Daily school announcements • Translated announcements & materials

  8. What We Heard: the convergence of… Opinions and ideas gathered through: • 14 Focus Groups with more than 200 par,cipants covering a range of topics • 8 Community Engagement Sessions covering four topic areas involving 914 aVendees and 136 ac?ve small group discussions • 500 random telephone surveys represen,ng the 211 community • 1,600 online surveys More than 3,000 Personal Engagements

  9. Community Engagement Sessions **Aeendees could select more than one category 914 TOTAL ATTENDEES 136 GROUP DISCUSSIONS

  10. What We Heard: Percep?ons of D211 • Community offers a great place to live, work and raise a family • Strong school system protects home values • The District 211 popula,on is becoming more diverse

  11. What We Heard: Strengths of D211 Community Engagement Focus Groups High level of sa,sfac,on with the District 211 is well respected, • • District in key areas including: innova,ve, academically strong, curriculum, extra-curricular and financially sound ac,vi,es, teacher & staff quality Teachers and administrators are • and finances held in high esteem and found to Academic programs prepare be caring and nurturing in their • students for college & career work with students High gradua,on rate is a source of District 211 responds well to the • • pride needs of all students in its popula,on

  12. What We Heard: Strengths of D211 Telephone Online Ques?on/Statement Survey Survey Families move into this area because of the 83% 89% reputa,on of District 211 Agree/ Strongly Agree/Strongly Agree Agree What grade would you give District 211? 77% 82% A, B, C, D, or F A or B A or B Recrui,ng and retaining a high quality 72% 80% teaching staff Excellent/good Excellent/good

  13. What We Heard: Challenges facing D211 Community Engagement Focus Groups The impact of technology on student • Greater emphasis and awareness • focus should be given to those students Students’ ability to achieve balance • who are not college bound or less between student wellness and academically strong academics/involvement demands The diversity of staff members • The need to support the increasing • does not reflect the diversity homeless popula,on among students. More minority staff members would be of benefit to the District

  14. What We Heard: Challenges facing D211 Telephone Online Ques?on/Statement Survey Survey Focus aeen,on on the life skills that 81% 82% students need to be successful adults High Priority High Priority 78% 73% Strengthen career programs for non-college High Priority High Priority bound students The growing diversity of various ethnici,es 54% 60% is a huge challenge for District 211 Agree Agree

  15. What We Heard: D211 Graduates of Tomorrow Community Engagement Desired characteris,cs iden,fied by 211 of Tomorrow par,cipants include: • Strong social-emo,onal skills • Confident • Prepared for college and career • Technology ready • Cri,cal thinkers • Aware of physical and mental wellness Focus Groups Strong social skills • Strong “life” skills including crea,vity, • coopera,on, collabora,on, perseverance and problem solving Technology ready •

  16. What We Heard: D211 Academic Programming Focus Groups Community Engagement Curriculum sugges=ons: Curriculum sugges=ons: Build oral and wrieen • Build oral and wrieen • communica,on skills communica,on skills Incorporate hands-on experiences • Provide opportuni,es to explore • such as internships various careers, coursework and/or Develop some ability to speak a • interests second language Incorporate programs and • opportuni,es such as internships Recognize and support students • who may change their career path

  17. What We Heard: D211 Academic Programming Telephone Online Ques?on/Statement Survey Survey Focus more aeen,on on students who are not 94% 87% performing at grade level Important Important Curriculum Sugges4ons: Place a greater emphasis on science, technology, 77% 82% engineering and math programs Important Important Provide opportunity for all students to gain college 79% 62% credit before they graduate from a District 211 high High Priority High Priority school Strengthen career programs for non-college bound 78% 73% students High Priority High Priority 75% 88% Keeping up-to-date with instruc,onal technology Excellent/good Excellent/good

  18. What We Heard: D211 Student Involvement & Wellness Community Engagement Focus Groups • Con,nue to provide varied • Develop proficiency in “life skills” opportuni,es for extra-curricular such as crea,vity, coopera,on, par,cipa,on collabora,on, perseverance and • Explore ways to support students in problem solving balancing academics & ac,vi,es • Allow for flexibility when students par,cipate in mul,ple sports/ ac,vi,es • Assist students in developing “life skills” that are cri,cal for success in the work place and life in general

  19. What We Heard: D211 Student Involvement & Wellness Telephone Online Ques?on/Statement Survey Survey Schools should try to involve all students in 81% 84% athle,cs or aoer school ac,vi,es Agree Agree Expand programs that offer social and 86% 81% emo,onal support for students Important Important Strengthen programs for ethnic minority 76% 60% students Important Important

  20. What We Heard: D211 Facili?es Community Engagement Focus Groups Con,nue to complete and integrate District 211 facili,es are well • • facili,es improvements that are student maintained and in excellent centered condi,on Explore ways to improve traffic paeerns Some par,cipants suggested that • • as well as drop-off/pick-up procedures the aging facili,es fail to meet the taking into considera,on the impact of needs of today’s educa,onal student drivers on the traffic flow standards Determine if sufficient space is available There is a lack of space for student • • to house the varied sports/ac,vi,es sports and ac,vi,es Schaumburg Academy- Conant Fremd Higgins Ed Hoffman Pala,ne HS North HS HS Center Estates HS HS

  21. What We Heard: D211 Facili?es Telephone Online Ques?on/Statement Survey Survey 70% 84% Aeend to the District’s aging school buildings High Priority High Priority Keeping up with the repair and maintenance 77% 85% of school buildings Excellent/Good Excellent/Good 80% 84% Providing safe and secure schools Excellent/Good Excellent/Good Schaumburg Academy- Conant Fremd Higgins Ed Hoffman Pala,ne HS North HS HS Center Estates HS HS

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