goals grits grind

GOALS. GRITS.GRIND. Building a Financially Literate Tribe. Chairman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GOALS. GRITS.GRIND. Building a Financially Literate Tribe. Chairman , First Bank of Nigeria Limited Mrs. Ibukun Awosika The Art of Saving 1 GOALS 2 GRIT 3 GRIT - DEFINITION Grit is defined as courage, resolve or strength of

  1. GOALS. GRITS.GRIND. Building a Financially Literate Tribe. Chairman , First Bank of Nigeria Limited Mrs. Ibukun Awosika

  2. The Art of Saving 1

  3. GOALS… 2

  4. GRIT… 3

  5. GRIT - DEFINITION Grit is defined as courage, resolve or strength of character. To have grit is to be relentless in your will to be the best. It shows up in all of your actions as it relates to your goal. It is demonstrated in your unwavering fortitude and intention to make sure you are the most prepared you can be for every situation you will face. Grit emanates from a desire so strong that you feel that absolutely nothing can stop you from reaching your dream. You are full of energy and ready to learn all you need to learn. In the heart of a competitive battle, your grit will push through with an effort that is just stronger than your competitor that can make all the difference in the outcome. It is grit that can wear the best of competitors down. You’ve got to want it more than anyone else!!! 4

  6. GRIND… 5

  7. GRIND - DEFINITION Grind is the day in and day out commitment to practice, preparation and the sacrifice that it takes to accomplish the dream. It is the work that separates those that rise to the top from those that don’t. When you have the grit and desire to achieve a goal, no amount of grind becomes monotonous or tiring. The grind is embraced as a necessary and even exciting part of the journey. Dedication to your goals is evident through endless preparation and commitment to being the best and going through the extremely necessary process to get there. 6


  9. 8

  10. Thank you www.firstbanknigeria.com 9


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