
Goal Goal: Illustrate how a problem from algebraic geometry can be - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The combinatorial Problem The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The algebraic geometry story A combinatorial approach to the study of divisors on M 0 , n Laura Escobar Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria 2012 June 14, 2012

  1. The combinatorial Problem The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The algebraic geometry story A combinatorial approach to the study of divisors on M 0 , n Laura Escobar Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria 2012 June 14, 2012 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  2. The combinatorial Problem The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The algebraic geometry story Goal Goal: Illustrate how a problem from algebraic geometry can be approached using combinatorics � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  3. The combinatorial Problem The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The algebraic geometry story The combinatorial Problem 1 The space The players The game The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees 2 The cone U The cone L The algebraic geometry story 3 Moduli spaces Divisors Useful tool � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  4. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Outline The combinatorial Problem 1 The space The players The game The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees 2 The cone U The cone L The algebraic geometry story 3 Moduli spaces Divisors Useful tool � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  5. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Cones Definition A cone is the positive span of a finite number of vectors, i.e., a set of the form pos ( v 1 , . . . , v k ) := { λ 1 v 1 + · · · λ k v k : λ i ≥ 0 } Cones can also be expressed as a finite intersection of halfspaces. � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  6. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Fans Definition A fan is a family of nonempty cones such that Every nonempty face of a cone in the fan is also a cone of the fan, 1 the intersection of any two cones is a face of both. 2 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  7. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Important example: Space of Phylogenetic trees Definition A rooted tree is a graph that has no cycles and which has a vertex of degree at least 2 labelled as the root of the tree. The leaves of the tree are all the vertices of degree 1; we label them from 1 to n . Each vertex of the tree corresponds to a subset of { 1 , . . . , n } Example 12345 1234 123 1 2 3 4 5 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  8. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Coarse subdivision on T ( K n ) Example There is a fan whose cones are in 1-1 correspondence with rooted n=4 trees with n labelled leaves. Maximal cones correspond to binary trees. Rays correspond to subsets of { 1 , . . . , n } of size ≥ 2, so a cone 1 2 3 4 corresponding to the tree T is generated by the rays corresponding to the vertices of 1 2 3 4 T . The union of the cones of this fan 1 2 3 is the space of phylogenetic trees 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  9. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Star 1 -convex functions Definition � Given a fan ∆ , N (∆) is the set of piecewise linear functions ϕ : σ → R σ ∈ ∆ that are linear on each cone of ∆ . N (∆) is isomorphic to R # of rays , i.e., a function ϕ is determined by its values on the rays. Phylogenetic case A function ϕ ∈ N (∆) is determined by the values on the rays v I where I is a subset of { 1 , . . . , n } of size ≥ 2. � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  10. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Definition Let σ ∈ ∆ , we say that ϕ ∈ N (∆) is star 1 -convex on σ if it satisfies that ϕ ( u 1 + · · · + u k ) ≤ ϕ ( u 1 ) + · · · ϕ ( u k ) for each u 1 , . . . , u k such that u 1 + · · · + u k ∈ σ , and 1 each u i ∈ τ i where τ i ⊃ σ and dim ( τ i ) = dim ( σ ) + 1, i.e., τ i ∈ star 1 ( σ ) . 2 Example star 1 ( σ ) of the cone σ corresponding to the red vertex. � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  11. The combinatorial Problem The space The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The players The algebraic geometry story The game Cones on N (∆) Definition Let σ be a cone of a fan ∆ , define C ( σ ) , the set of functions ϕ ∈ N (∆) that are star 1 -convex on σ , the set of functions in N (∆) star 1 convex on all cones σ ∈ ∆ : � L (∆) := C ( σ ) , and σ ∈ ∆ the set of functions in N (∆) star 1 convex on all cones σ ∈ ∆ of codimension 1: � U (∆) := C ( σ ) . σ ∈ ∆ , codim ( σ )= 1 Question Clearly L (∆) ⊆ U (∆) , but are the two cones equal for certain fans? � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  12. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story Outline The combinatorial Problem 1 The space The players The game The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees 2 The cone U The cone L The algebraic geometry story 3 Moduli spaces Divisors Useful tool � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  13. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story The cone U Theorem Trees corresponding to cones of codimension 1 have only one vertex with exactly 3 children. Each of these trees gives a halfspace for U which depends only on this vertex and its children. Example For K 5 , U is the intersection of 65 halfspaces in R 26 . Some of the halfspaces: 12345 ϕ ( 123 ) + ϕ ( 4 ) + ϕ ( 5 )+ ϕ ( 12345 ) 123 ≤ ϕ ( 1234 ) + ϕ ( 1235 ) + ϕ ( 45 ) 1 2 3 4 5 12345 ϕ ( 12 ) + ϕ ( 3 )+ ϕ ( 45 ) + ϕ ( 12345 ) ≤ ϕ ( 123 ) + ϕ ( 345 ) + ϕ ( 1245 ) 12 45 1 2 3 4 5 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  14. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story The cone L Theorem Let T be the tree corresponding to the cone σ and r 1 , . . . , r k be all the vertices of T having ≥ 3 children. Then computing cone C ( σ ) can be reduced to computing smaller cones C ( r i ) where each such cone depends only on vertex r i and its children. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  15. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story The cone L Theorem Let T be the tree corresponding to the cone σ and r 1 , . . . , r k be all the vertices of T having ≥ 3 children. Then computing cone C ( σ ) can be reduced to computing smaller cones C ( r i ) where each such cone depends only on vertex r i and its children. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  16. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story The cone L Theorem Let T be the tree corresponding to the cone σ and r 1 , . . . , r k be all the vertices of T having ≥ 3 children. Then computing cone C ( σ ) can be reduced to computing smaller cones C ( r i ) where each such cone depends only on vertex r i and its children. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ϕ ( 1 ) + ϕ ( 2 ) + ϕ ( 3 )+ ϕ ( 123 ) ≤ ϕ ( 12 ) + ϕ ( 13 ) + ϕ ( 23 ) � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  17. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story The cone L Theorem Let T be the tree corresponding to the cone σ and r 1 , . . . , r k be all the vertices of T having ≥ 3 children. Then computing cone C ( σ ) can be reduced to computing smaller cones C ( r i ) where each such cone depends only on vertex r i and its children. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ϕ ( 1234 ) + ϕ ( 5 ) + ϕ ( 6 )+ ϕ ( 123456 ) ≤ ϕ ( 12345 ) + ϕ ( 12346 ) + ϕ ( 56 ) � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n

  18. The combinatorial Problem The cone U The cones U and L for the space of phylogenetic trees The cone L The algebraic geometry story The cone L Theorem Let T be the tree corresponding to the cone σ and r 1 , . . . , r k be all the vertices of T having ≥ 3 children. Then computing cone C ( σ ) can be reduced to computing smaller cones C ( r i ) where each such cone depends only on vertex r i and its children. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ϕ ( 123456 ) + ϕ ( 789 ) + ϕ ( 10 )+ ϕ ( 12345678910 ) ≤ ϕ ( 123456789 ) + ϕ ( 12345610 ) + ϕ ( 78910 ) � � Laura Escobar Combinatorics of nef M 0 , n


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