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Global Leadership Effective Teamwork Competencies Across Cultures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Global Leadership Effective Teamwork Competencies Across Cultures Aimee Chan, Alison Soelberg, Paige Agustsson Objectives Define Culture and the Importance Identify where and why we experience cultured interaction Discuss cultural

  1. Global Leadership Effective Teamwork Competencies Across Cultures Aimee Chan, Alison Soelberg, Paige Agustsson

  2. Objectives ➢ Define Culture and the Importance ➢ Identify where and why we experience cultured interaction ➢ Discuss cultural barrier and how they create challenges ➢ Relate our research to the Deardorff model ➢ Identify the importance of intercultural interactions in terms of effectiveness

  3. Introduction What is Culture? ➢ Norms and customs shared within a group of people ➢ ➢ “The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.”(Oxford, 2018)

  4. What are the components that comprise of culture? Seen Unseen Food Customs ➢ ➢ Clothing Rituals ➢ ➢ Landmarks Behavioral norms ➢ ➢ People Values ➢ ➢

  5. Why is Culture Important? ➢ Influences our mindset and the way we think ➢ Influences parenting styles and parenting goals (Alvarez 2009). ➢ Dictates what we see as socially acceptable, and what we see as unacceptable

  6. Why is Culture Important? ➢ Can influence expectations on the ways that things should be done ➢ Stereotypes and expectations about people from other cultures ➢ “Culture matters because it permeates every aspect of programs:” (Larson & Ngo, 2018).

  7. Essentially... Culture plays a huge factor into our lives both in ways that we are able to see and unable to see

  8. Where do we see cultural interactions? ➢ Study Abroad “Nearly 4.3 million students are enrolled in university-level ○ education outside their home country” (OECD, 2018). ➢ International exchanges Highschool, church groups, etc. ○ ➢ Global business “58% of small businesses have international customers” ○ (SBT, 2018). ➢ Travel “Average of 1.5 billion international departures per year” ○ “Last year, there was a record of 80 billion Americans that ○ traveled abroad last year” (World Bank, 2018).

  9. Intercultural Barriers Barriers are the invisible walls of ➢ intercultural teamwork Fundamental epistemologies ○ Values/customs ○ Norms ○ Patterns of behavior ○ Verbal/non-verbal ○ communication styles Language ○ Prejudice, stereotypes and ○ ethnocentrism (Spencer-Rodgers, 2018).

  10. How barriers create challenges? ➢ Occurs from Differences ○ (fundamental epistemologies, values, customs, norms, behavior, communication styles, language and ethnocentrism) ➢ Unable to make adaptations ➢ Not understanding where someone is coming from, or the norms from their culture ➢ Can cause: Frustration ○ Anxiety ○ Impatientness ○ Confusion (Spencer-Rodgers, 2018). ○

  11. (Spencer-Rodgers, 2018). Overcoming Barriers Language Feelings Stereotypes Translation Emotionally services Prejudice Avoid understanding ethnocentrism Culture Avoid Interpreters Respectful Judgements Open-minded Be aware Visuals Accepting Know facts Try to relate Do research Classes Boundaries Do research Open to Avoid experience assumptions Avoid conflicts Acknowledge

  12. Deardorff Intercultural Competence Desired External outcome “...a lifelong developmental process and there is no point at which one becomes fully Desired Internal interculturally competent” (Deardorff, 2015). Outcome Knowledge and Comprehension Cultural Self-Awareness Skills Listen, observe, interpret Analyze, evaluate, relate Respect Openness Curiosity and discovery (Deardorff, 2006, 2009)

  13. Positives of working in an intercultural team ➢ Opens opportunity for diverse group thinking and strategizing ➢ Increases cross-cultural understanding ➢ Learning from and about each other ➢ Moving to overcome any barriers ➢ Building stronger relationships ➢ Opening up your mind to new ideas

  14. Today we have touched on... ➢ Defining Culture and the Importance ➢ Identified where and why we experience cultured interaction ➢ Discussed cultural barrier and how they create challenges ➢ Related our research to the Deardorff model ➢ Identified the importance of intercultural interactions in terms of effectiveness

  15. Conclusion ➢ How we go about all of these factors will determine the effectiveness of our teams ➢ Learn to value diversity rather than fear it

  16. Works Cited Alvarez, A., 2009. Asian American psychology: current perspectives , New York: Psychology Press. Anon, 2018. culture | Definition of culture in English by Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries | English . Available at: [Accessed July 24, 2018]. Deardorff, D., 2009. The SAGE handbook of intercultural competence . 1st ed. United States: SAGE. Deardorff, D.K., 2015. Intercultural competence: Mapping the future research agenda. International Journal of Intercultural Relations , 48, 3-5. International tourism, number of departures | Data. 2018. International tourism, number of departures | Data . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2018]

  17. Larson, R. W., & Ngo, B. (2016). Introduction to Special Issue. Journal of Adolescent Research , 32 (1), 3–10. OECD. 2018. OECD iLibrary | How many students study abroad and where do they go? . [ONLINE] Available at: d-and-where-do-they-go_eag_highlights-2013-12-en. [Accessed 30 July 2018]. Positive Revolution. (2014). Cultural Diversity Examples: Avoid Stereotypes While Communicating . [Online Video]. 9 February 2014. Available from: [Accessed: 30 July 2018]. Small Business Trends. 2018. 58 Percent of Small Businesses Already Have International Customers, Survey Finds - Small Business Trends . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2018].

  18. Spearhead Training, (2018), Effectiveness [ONLINE]. Available at: YmQCA&q=effective+teamwork&oq=effective+teamwork&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i30k1l4j0i5i30k1l2j0i24k 1l2.5761.7021.0.9788. w#imgrc=SMD06kQhDWD0aM:[Accessed 30 July 2018]. Spencer-Rodgers, J. ScienceDirect. 2018. Attitudes- ScienceDirect . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2018]. Unknown, (2018), What Are The Healthiest Foods And The Worst Foods to Eat? [ONLINE]. Available at: cAhWBLlAKHbKmDCcQjhx6BAgBEAM& st-worst-foods-to-eat%2F&psig=AOvVaw0_NVx9d8URvUaihqUvA2m3&ust=1532614603559136[Ac cessed 25 July 2018]. Unknown, (2018), World Fair Northwood Elementary [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 25 July 2018].


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