gift mikandu mukwenje mrs msc urban management

Gift Mikandu Mukwenje (Mrs) (Msc Urban Management & Development, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gift Mikandu Mukwenje (Mrs) (Msc Urban Management & Development, Bsc Urban & Regional Planning, MZIP) Director of Planning Kabwe Municipal Council Sponsored by the Kabwe Chamber of Commerce TRANSFORMING KABWE INTO A SMART &

  1. Gift Mikandu Mukwenje (Mrs) (Msc Urban Management & Development, Bsc Urban & Regional Planning, MZIP) Director of Planning Kabwe Municipal Council Sponsored by the Kabwe Chamber of Commerce


  3. Preamble  Efforts are being made to revamp the economy of Kabwe.  One concept that has been taken on board is the Local Economic Development (LED) approach that is meant to revive the economic status of town.  Under the LED concept, the district has set its vision as “A green prosperous town with equal economic and business opportunities”, whose goals are:  (1), to create an enabling environment for equal economic and business opportunities and  (2), to transform the town into a green, clean, and healthy town for attraction of investment.  In order to achieve one of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is making Cities more livable

  4. • In achieving this as well as the Vision 2030 from the 7NDP which is to become a prosperous medium country by 2030 and leaving no one behind , the Local Authority has a vision in its 5 year strategic plan of making Kabwe” A Vibrant, Inclusive, creative, well connected and safe city”. • While the Mission Statement is “Delivering Exceptional value and quality life through good governance and teamwork”. • Kabwe’s Investment Profile outlines programmes and projects viable for both local and foreign investment that will give rise to growing the local economy, increasing local jobs, increasing the local tax base, diversifying the local economy and achieving sustainable local economic development.

  5. Economic Activities  Kabwe’s economy today is largely driven by government institutions that account for more than 50% employment for the local population.  The institutions include the army and related military services, prison services, educational institutions and health institutions. local investments in tertiary education such as universities and colleges which also support the economy of the district. Farming has remained as one of the drivers of the economy with both small scale farmers and commercial farmers.  Kabwe’s central location also provides various opportunities in trade with local businesses investing in hospitality and transportation.

  6. Future potential areas of Investment  Education:  Establishment of Tertiary Institutions  Student accommodation  ICT, education and skills training

  7. Future potential areas of Investment continued Ho te ls •Co nfe re nc e fa c ilitie s •Ho spita lity sc ho o ls •So c ia l a me nitie s

  8. Future potential areas of Investment continued  Health:  Establishment of specialized health centres and hospitals  Research centres in medicine  Factories in manufacturing medicines and medical equipment

  9. Future Potential areas of Investments continued  Social Housing  Presidential Housing Initiative (PHI); construction of 2000 housing units  Zambia National Building Society  Other developers

  10. Future potential areas of Investments continued  Water and Waste management:  Sewer treatment plants  Waste recycling plants  Engineered land fills

  11. Future potential areas of Investments continued  Transport:  cargo and logistics Airport  Railway  Roads (trams)  Warehousing and haulage industry development

  12. 10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD INVEST IN KABWE  Centrally located, providing easy access to markets, and connectivity to the road and rail networks as well as energy and communication systems  Transitory district to Copperbelt, Northern, Lusaka and Southern provinces of the country with potential for hospitality business, haulage, warehousing, etc  Fertile soil, favourable climatic condition and plenty of land for agriculture and livestock production  Unexploited opportunities for Agro-processing and industrial production  Availability of institutions for provision of Government, banking and insurance Services  Availability of both skilled and unskilled labour  Proactive district administration and policy shift promoting investment the district through the local authority and central government  Stable political environment  ZDA tax rebate for MFEZ investors  Friendly people 

  13. THE END


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