Getting Started with Hyperledger Indy Tracy Kuhrt, The Linux Foundation Community Architect, Hyperledger
Tracy Kuhrt Community Architect, Hyperledger 20+ years of software engineering and architecture experience The Linux Foundation PayPal Microchip Technologies Twitter: @TracyKuhrt Hyperledger Chat: tkuhrt
Agenda The Linux Decentralized Demo Use Case Hyperledger Foundation and Identity Indy and How to Hyperledger Concepts Get Involved
The Linux Foundation is Much More than Linux Security Networking Cloud Automotive Blockchain Web We are helping We are creating We are creating a We are creating the We are creating a We are providing the global privacy and ecosystems portability layer for platform for permanent, secure application security through a around networking the cloud, driving infotainment in the distributed ledger development program to encrypt to improve agility de facto standards auto industry that that makes it easier framework for next the entire internet. in the evolving and developing the can be expanded to create generation web, software-defined orchestration layer into instrument cost-efficient, mobile, serverless, datacenter. for all clouds. clusters and decentralized and IoT applications. telematics systems. business networks. We are regularly adding projects; for the most up-to-date listing of all projects visit
Hyperledger Open source Hosted by Global collaboration collaborative effort The Linux Foundation , spanning finance, to advance cross- fastest-growing banking, IoT, supply industry blockchain project in its history chains, manufacturing technologies and technology
Community Stewardship and Technical, Legal, Marketing, Organizational Infrastructure Frameworks Permissioned & permissionless Permissionable smart Permissioned with Decentralized identity Mobile application focus contract machine (EVM) channel support support; EVM transaction family Tools Tools Blockchain framework As-a-service deployment Model and build View and explore data on Ledger interoperability benchmark platform blockchain networks the blockchain
Agenda The Linux Decentralized Demo Use Case Hyperledger Foundation and Identity Indy and How to Hyperledger Concepts Get Involved
Identity Models
Centralized Identity Org You Account Standards: CC BY-SA 4.0 - From The Story of SSI Open Standards by Drummond Reed, Chief Trust Officer Evernym and Sovrin Foundation Trustee
Third Party IDP (Federated Identity) IDP Org You Account Standards: CC BY-SA 4.0 - From The Story of SSI Open Standards by Drummond Reed, Chief Trust Officer Evernym and Sovrin Foundation Trustee
Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) You Peer Connection Distributed Ledger (Blockchain) CC BY-SA 4.0 - From The Story of SSI Open Standards by Drummond Reed, Chief Trust Officer Evernym and Sovrin Foundation Trustee
Decentralized Identifiers
URN Syntax (RFC 2141) urn:uuid:ae84-d5c2-9fb785ea-72cd34 Namespace-specific Identifier Namespace Scheme
DID Syntax did:sov:3k9dg356wdcj5gf2k9bw8kfg7a Method-specific Identifier Method Scheme
You will not just have one DID Individuals will have hundreds or thousands of DIDs to prevent correlation -- each one is a pairwise-unique pseudonym
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
A zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that something is true, without revealing any information apart from the fact that this specific statement is true. - The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof Systems Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali and Charles Rackoff
Proving Your Age Name : John Doe Address : 123 Never St Over 21 Phoenix, AZ 85001 Birth Date : 01/01/1995 Without With Zero Knowledge Zero Knowledge Proofs Proofs
Verifiable Credentials
Today's Credential Workflow Issuer Person Verifier Credential 2. Present 1. Issue credential credential 3. Validate credential integrity
Verifiable Credential Workflow Issuer Person Verifier Credential 3. Present 2. Issue credential credential 1. Register proof of 4. Validate credential integrity credential integrity and provenance and provenance CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 - Adapted from Blockchain Security and Blockchain Registry Privacy by Anil John, Digital Security Coach
Agenda The Linux Decentralized Demo Use Hyperledger Foundation and Identity Case Indy and How to Hyperledger Concepts Get Involved
Registering a Restaurant in British Columbia
Agenda The Linux Decentralized Demo Use Case Hyperledger Foundation and Identity Indy and How Hyperledger Concepts to Get Involved
Tools, libraries, and reusable components for providing digital identities rooted on blockchains or other distributed ledgers so that they are interoperable across administrative domains, applications, and any other silo.
Hyperledger Indy's Open Source Stack Identity Solutions Agent Node SDK Plenum Crypto
Hyperledger Indy Roadmap Indy Node Indy SDK Agents Crypto Network monitoring Pluggable storage Default / Reference Anoncreds Schema Agent Enhancements DID / DID Doc and New encryption format Agent Discovery Protocol Hyperledger Shared Credentials standards Crypto Library compliance Agent-to-agent Pluggable payment Agent messaging Protocol compatibility communication instead of interface standardization with Identity Mixer ZMQ Node Reputation Thread Safety and Protocol test suite Set Membership parallelism attributes Sharding Android support Message families More ZK tools
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Working Group Call Development and architecture discussions Thursday 8 AM PT, 11 AM ET, 5 PM CET
Wiki Pointers to documentation, source code, and other useful information about Hyperledger Indy
Questions? Tracy Kuhrt , Community Architect, Hyperledger tracykuhrt @tkuhrt on Hyperledger Chat
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