george pro phd mph february 22 2020 age agenda

George Pro, PhD, MPH February 22, 2020 Age Agenda Opioid epidemic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Perspective on the Ep Epidemiology of of Opi pioi oid Addiction on and Treatment George Pro, PhD, MPH February 22, 2020 Age Agenda Opioid epidemic background Treatment Services Research at NAU Future Research at NAU

  1. National Perspective on the Ep Epidemiology of of Opi pioi oid Addiction on and Treatment George Pro, PhD, MPH February 22, 2020

  2. Age Agenda Opioid epidemic background • Treatment Services Research at NAU • Future Research at NAU •

  3. Background nd

  4. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Op Opio ioid id types

  5. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Ra Racial/ethnic disparities

  6. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Di Differences by state and region

  7. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Converging epidemi mics National Survey on Drug Use and Health

  8. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Converging epidemi mics National Survey on Drug Use and Health

  9. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Converging epidemi mics National Survey on Drug Use and Health

  10. Treatment nt Services Research at NAU

  11. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Me Medicati tion-as assisted ed ther erap apy Empty opioid receptor Methadone Buprenorphine Naltrexone Full agonist Partial agonist Antagonist

  12. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research MA MAT tr trends Treatment Episode Dataset-Discharges

  13. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research MAT outcome mes G , Utter J, Cram J, Baldwin J (2019) Pr Pro G Racial/ethnic and gender differences in associations between medication-assisted therapy and reduced opioid use between outpatient treatment admission and discharge Journa nal of Psychoactive Drugs Accepted/in press

  14. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Re Research study background Definitions of MAT success vary • Reducing opioid use improves health and safety • Tolerating some continued opioid use is a harm reduction strategy •

  15. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Re Research study background RE RESE SEARCH CH QUE UESTIONS To what extent nt does MAT effect a reduction n in n opioid use? And nd does the MAT effect chang nge based on n racial/ethni nic and nd gend nder group? MAT A reduction total effect receipt in opioid use moderation Race/ethnicity Gender

  16. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Data source and me methods Treatment Episode Dataset-Discharges (2015-2017) Restricted to those in treatment with heroin or other opioids indicated at outpatient admission n=232,547 Statistical modeling to predict the probability of clinical improvement

  17. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research De Descriptive fi findings gs Gr Greater MA MAT receipt Le Less MA MAT receipt

  18. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research De Descriptive fi findings gs Gr Greater Received MAT re reduction in use Did not receive MAT Le Less re reduction in use

  19. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Measuring group differences using statistical mo models Differences in clinical improvements using statistical modeling to total effect aO aOR=3 =3.79 MAT A reduction receipt in opioid use mo moderation 3.79 Race/ethnicity Gender 1

  20. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Di Discussion

  21. Fu Future NAU NAU research

  22. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research MAT me medications Methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone (Vivitrol) have similar ef effic icac acy ness differs based on client characteristics and preferences Effectivene OUD treatment services that offer all three are optimal

  23. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research MA MAT availability ty and uti tilizati tion The majority of treatment service providers do not offer MAT ≈1/3 of individuals with a need for MAT receive it Insurance coverage for each medication varies widely 15% of addiction service physicians Fewer than n 15% have applied for a license to prescribe buprenorphine

  24. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Me Medicaid exp xpansions under th the ACA Medicaid Expansion Decisions – as of Nov. 2019 – Adopted and implemented Adopted but not implemented Not adopted

  25. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Substance abuse and me mental health parity Ment ntal Health Parity and nd Addiction n Equity Act Evaluating State Mental Health and Addiction Parity Statutes: A Technical Report

  26. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Substance abuse and me mental health parity United States, Color Coded by Statutory Grades Statutory grades A-B C D F

  27. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Re Relevance to Arizona and nei neighbor oring ng stat ates es n=138,000 n=3,061 n=2,045 n=1,438

  28. Background | Treatment Services | Future NAU Research Relevance to Arizona and Native Ame merican states Arizona Rank #12 New Mexico Rank #34 Oklahoma Rank #49

  29. Conc nclusion

  30. Co Conclusio sion Prevention + MAT • A complex issue with many intersecting parts • Progress will be driven by interdisciplinary efforts • Importance of interprofessional education •

  31. Thank nk you

  32. Ex Extr tra sli lides

  33. Group differences in reduced opioid use between outpatient admission and discharge 1 0.75 Group proportions 0.5 0.25 0 MAT, no alcohol MAT + alcohol No MAT, no No MAT + alcohol alcohol AI/AN men AI/AN women Black men Black women Latino men Latina women White men White women

  34. Referenc nces

  35. Slide – Opioid types National Institute on Drug Abuse. (January 2019). Overdose Death Rates . Trends and Statistics. National Institutes of Health. Slide – Racial/ethnic disparities Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2018). Opioid Overdose Death Rates by Race/Ethnicity . Health Status: Opioid Overdose Deaths.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D Parkhurst ND, Burke A, Montiel A, Davis J, Ritchey J. (2018). The Opioid Epidemic in Indian Country . Indian Health Service Cooperative Agreement. Public Health Emergency and Preparedness Technical Assistance. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. Tribal Epidemiology Center. Slide – Difference by state and region Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2018). Opioid Overdose Death Rates by Race/Ethnicity . Health Status: Opioid Overdose Deaths.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D Slide – Study Background Zhang Z, Friedmann P, Gerstein D. (2003). Does retention matter? Treatment duration and improvement in drug use. Addiction, 98 (5), 673-684. Brugal M, Dennis B, Bhalerao A, Plater C, et al. (2002). Factors associated with non-fatal heroin overdose: Assessing the effect of frequency and route of heroin administration. Addiction, 97 (3)319-327. Macmadu, A., Carroll, J., Hadland, S., Green, T., & Marshall, B. (2017). Prevalence and correlates of fentanyl-contaminated heroin exposure among young adults who use prescription opioids non-medically. Addictive Behavior, 68 , 35-38. Bruneau, J., Roy, E., Arruda, N., Zang, G., & Jutras-Aswad, D. (2012). The rising prevalence of prescription opioid injection and its association with hepatitis C incidence amongstreet-drug users. Addiction, 107 (7), 1318-1327. Young, A., & Havens, J. (2012). Transition from first illicit drug use to first injection drug use among rural Appalachian drug users: A cross-sectional comparison and retrospective survival analysis. Addiction, 107 (3), 587-596. Veilleux, J., Colvin, P., Anderson, J., York, C., & Heinz, A. (2010). A review of opioid dependence treatment: Pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to treat opioid addiction. Clinical Psychology Review, 30 (2), 155-166.


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