geometric algebra

Geometric Algebra A powerful tool for solving geometric problems in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Geometric Algebra A powerful tool for solving geometric problems in visual computing Leandro A. F. Fernandes Manuel M. Oliveira CG UFRGS Geometric problems Geometric data Lines, planes,

  1. Rotation of subspaces How to rotate vector a in the plane by radians. 55

  2. Rotation of subspaces How to rotate vector a in the plane by radians. 56

  3. Rotation of subspaces Rotors How to rotate vector a in Unit versors encoding rotations. the plane by radians. They are build as the geometric product of an even number of unit invertible vectors. 57

  4. Versor product for general multivectors Grade Involution The sign change under the grade involution exhibits a + - + - + - … pattern over the value of t . 58

  5. Checkpoint  The geometric product is the most fundamental product of geometric algebra  It is an invertible product  The other linear products can be derived from it  Versors encode linear transformations  Reflections  Rotations (rotors)  Rotors generalize quaternions to n -D spaces 59

  6. Coffee Break 60

  7. Checkpoint  Module I  Subspaces, the outer product, and the multivector space The resulting subspace is a primitive for computation! 61

  8. Checkpoint  Module I  Subspaces, the outer product, and the multivector space Scalars Vector Space Bivector Space Trivector Space 62

  9. Checkpoint  Module I  Subspaces, the outer product, and the multivector space  Module II  Metric and some inner products The inner product of vectors The scalar product The left contraction 63

  10. Checkpoint  Module I  Subspaces, the outer product, and the multivector space  Module II  Metric and some inner products  Module III  Geometric product 64

  11. Checkpoint  Module I  Subspaces, the outer product, and the multivector space  Module II  Metric and some inner products  Module III  Geometric product  Module IV  Orthogonal transformations as versors 65

  12. Module V Models of Geometry 66

  13. Geometric Algebra models  Assumes a metric to the space  Gives a geometrical interpretation to subspaces  Directions, points, straight lines, circles, etc.  Makes versors behave like some transformation type  Scaling, rotation, translation, etc. 67

  14. Euclidean vector space model  Euclidean metric matrix 68

  15. Euclidean vector space model  Euclidean metric matrix  Subspaces  k -D directions  Versors  Reflections  Rotations 69

  16. 2-D Working Space Homogeneous model  One extra basis vector interpreted as point at origin  Euclidean metric matrix 70

  17. 2-D Working Space Homogeneous model  One extra basis vector interpreted as point at origin  Euclidean metric matrix How Stuff Works 71

  18. 2-D Working Space Homogeneous model  One extra basis vector interpreted as point at origin  Euclidean metric matrix  Subspaces  Directions How Stuff Works 72

  19. 2-D Working Space Homogeneous model  One extra basis vector interpreted as point at origin  Euclidean metric matrix  Subspaces  Directions  Flats (point, line, plane) How Stuff Works 73

  20. 2-D Working Space Homogeneous model  One extra basis vector interpreted as point at origin  Euclidean metric matrix  Subspaces  Directions  Flats (point, line, plane) How Stuff Works 74

  21. Homogeneous model  One extra basis vector interpreted as point at origin  Euclidean metric matrix  Subspaces  Directions  Flats (point, line, plane)  Versors  Rotations around the origin 75

  22. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Two extra basis vectors  Point at origin  Point at infinity  Non-Euclidean metric 76

  23. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Two extra basis vectors  Point at origin  Point at infinity  Non-Euclidean metric How Stuff Works 77

  24. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Subspaces  Points How Stuff Works 78

  25. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Subspaces  Points  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere) How Stuff Works 79

  26. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Subspaces  Points  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane) How Stuff Works 80

  27. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Subspaces  Tangent (point, tangent k -D direction)  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane) How Stuff Works 81

  28. 2-D Working Space Conformal model  Subspaces  Tangent (point, tangent k -D direction)  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane)  Free ( k -D direction) How Stuff Works 82

  29. Conformal model  Subspaces  Tangent (point, tangent k -D direction)  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane)  Free ( k -D direction)  Versors  Reflections 83

  30. Conformal model  Subspaces  Tangent (point, tangent k -D direction)  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane)  Free ( k -D direction)  Versors  Reflections  Rotations 84

  31. Conformal model  Subspaces  Tangent (point, tangent k -D direction)  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane)  Free ( k -D direction)  Versors  Reflections  Rotations  Translations 85

  32. Conformal model  Subspaces  Tangent (point, tangent k -D direction)  Rounds (point pair, circle, sphere)  Flats (flat point, line, plane)  Free ( k -D direction)  Versors  Reflections  Rotations  Translations  Isotropic scaling 86

  33. Module VI History Application in Visual Computing Concluding Remarks 87

  34. Why I never heard about GA before?  Geometric algebra is a “new” formalism Paul Dirac (1902-1984) William R. Hamilton Hermann G. Grassmann William K. Clifford David O. Hestenes (1805-1865) (1809-1877) (1845-1879) (1933-) Wolfgang E. Pauli (1900-1958) 1980s, 2001 1920s 1840s 1877 1878 D. Hestenes (2001) Old wine in new bottles..., in Geometric algebra with 88 applications in science and engineering, chapter 1, pp. 3-17, Birkhäuser, Boston.

  35. Where geometric algebra has been applied  Perwass (2004) detect corners, line segments, lines, crossings, y-junctions and t-junctions in images C. B. U. Perwass ( 2004) Analysis of local image structure using…, Instituts für Informatik 89 und Praktische Mathematik der Universität Kiel, Germany, Tech. Rep. Nr. 0403.

  36. Where geometric algebra has been applied  Bayro-Corrochano et al . (1996) analyze the projective structure of n uncalibrated cameras E. Bayro-Corrochano, et al. ( 1996 ) Geometric algebra: a framework for computing point 90 and line correspondences and projective…, in Proc. of the 13th ICPR, pp. 334– 338.

  37. Where geometric algebra has been applied  Rosenhahn and Sommer (2005) define 2-D/3-D pose estimation of different corresponding entities B. Rosenhahn, G. Sommer (2005) Pose estimation in conformal geometric algebra part II: 91 real- time pose estimation using…, J. Math. Imaging Vis., 22:1, pp. 49– 70.

  38. Where geometric algebra has been applied  Hildenbrand et al. (2005) apply the conformal model on the inverse kinematics of a human-arm-like robot D. Hildenbrand et al. (2005), Advanced geometric approach for graphics and visual 92 guided robot object manipulation, in Proc. of the Int. Conf. Robot. Autom., pp. 4727 – 4732.

  39. Where geometric algebra has been applied  Jourdan et al. (2004) perform automatic tessellation of quadric surfaces F. Jourdan et al. (2004), Automatic tessellation of quadric surfaces using Grassmann- 93 Cayley algebra, in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. Graph., pp. 674 – 682.

  40. Where geometric algebra has been applied  Lasenby et al. (2006) model higher dimensional fractals J. Lasenby et al. (2006), Higher dimensional fractals in geometric algebra, Cambridge 94 University Engineering Department, Tech. Rep. CUED/F-INFENG/TR.556.

  41. Drawbacks  There are some limitations yet  Versors do not encode all projective transformations Projective Affine Similitude Linear Rigid / Euclidean Scaling Identity Isotropic Scaling Reflection Translation Rotation Shear Perspective 95

  42. Drawbacks  There are some limitations yet  Versors do not encode all projective transformations  Efficient implementation of GA is not trivial  Multivectors may be big (2 n coefficients)  Storage problems  Numerical instability  Custom hardware is optimized for linear algebra  There is an US patent on the conformal model A. Rockwood, H. Li, D. Hestenes (2005) System for encoding and 96 manipulating models of objects, U.S. Patent 6,853,964.

  43. Concluding remarks  Consistent framework for geometric operations  Geometric elements as primitives for computation  Geometrically meaningful products  Extends the same solution to  Higher dimensions  All kinds of geometric elements  An alternative to conventional geometric approach  It should contribute to improve software development productivity and to reduce program errors 97

  44. How to start Geometric Algebra for Geometric Algebra with Computer Science Applications in Engineering L. Dorst – D. Fontijne – S. Mann C. Perwass Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (2007) Springer Publishing Company (2009) 98

  45. Questions? θ 99

  46. Extra 100


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