generating networks

Generating Networks Small World Network and Preferential - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Generating Networks Small World Network and Preferential Attachment f Some more terms Diameter Find all of the shortest paths between all nodes of the network, the Diameter is the longest such path Average Path Length Find the

  1. Generating Networks Small World Network and Preferential Attachment

  2. f Some more terms ● Diameter Find all of the shortest paths between all nodes of the network, the Diameter is the longest such path ● Average Path Length Find the shortest path between all nodes and sum them up and divide by the number of paths

  3. Small World Network Most nodes are not neighbors but there are very short paths between most nodes. That is that the average path length is small. Note the diameter of the network can still be large.

  4. Erdős–Rényi model All possible edges in the network have an equal probability of being added. This probability is a parameter of the construction of the network. Alternatively of all of the graphs with N nodes and M edges one is chosen with uniform probability.

  5. Watts and Strogatz model Start with a uniform ring network where each node n is connected to k nodes immediately next to it. Next for each edge let there be a random chance of probability β that this edge be removed and replaced by another edge that does not exist and is not a self link.

  6. Barabási–Albert model Start with a seed network of at least 2 nodes that are connected. Now add a node making k connections to existing nodes, choosing the nodes such that the probability of connection is biased by the number of existing connections to that node. This is called preferential attachment or “rich get richer”.

  7. Thanks wikipedia


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