generating knowledge and providing greater understanding

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Attendees and Presentation Schedule 32nd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management August 25-28, 2016 Dublin, Ireland Generating knowledge and providing greater understanding so that you can make

  1. Attendees and Presentation Schedule 32nd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management August 25-28, 2016 Dublin, Ireland Generating knowledge and providing greater understanding so that you can make better decisions. Let us help you reduce the uncertainty of risks to patients by investigating disease epidemiology, drug-outcome associations, and product usage in routine clinical practice and by evaluating the effectiveness of your risk minimization strategies.

  2. The power of knowledge. The value of understanding. Wednesday, August 24 | ICPE Pre-Conference Educational Session Contributions 8:30am-12:30pm Medical Device Epidemiology. C. Anderson-Smits, J. Jalbert, K. Etter, M. Ritchey , C. Holy, K. Davis, M. Steinbuch [Wicklow Meeting Room 4] 8:30am-12:30pm Introduction to the Evaluation of Therapeutic Risk Management Programs. G. Dal Pan, A. Spooner, L. Wise, M. Smith, E. Morrato, J. Jones, A. Gilsenan [Lifgey Meeting Room 3] 2:00-6:00pm Benefjt-Risk Assessment and Patient Preferences: Methodology and Tools for the Practitioner. T. Hammad, J. Juhaeri, A. B. Hauber , R. Noel [Lifgey Meeting Room 3] Thursday, August 25 | ICPE Pre-Conference Educational Session Contributions 8:30am-12:30pm Modern Pregnancy Pharmacoepidemiology: Methodological Challenges in Exposure Measurement and Implications for Study Design and Analysis. B. Bateman, K. Huybrechts, H. Kieler, A. Margulis [Wicklow Meeting Room 5] 2:00-6:00pm Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology Methods. S. Cadarette, R. Glynn, K. J. Rothman , H. Whitaker [Lifgey Hall 1] Friday, August 26 | ICPE Scientifjc Session Contributions 11:00-11:15am Evaluating Patient Knowledge of Risks and Safe Use of Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) [9] . L. J. Zografos , K. Suzart, A. Horvat-Broecker, M. Soriano-Gabarro, D. L. Wolin, B. Calingaert, E. K. Davenport, K. A. Hollis, E. Andrews [Contributed Paper Session - BRACE Yourself] 3:30-5:00pm Real World Efgectiveness: How Efgective is It? S. Garner, E. Andrews , T. van Staa [Plenary] 5:00-6:30pm Patient Engagement in Observational Pharmacoepidemiology Research: Where Are We, Where Do We Need to Be, and What Are the Steps for Getting There? [74] N. Heath, W. Camelo Castillo, T. Majid, E. Yucel, K. Yang, I. Petersen, N. Santanello, S. DosReis, S. West [Symposium] Lifgey B 5:00-6:30pm Does Randomization Work? Selection Bias in Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trials and Unblinded Observational Studies: A CER SIG Endorsed Symposium [78]. C. Girman, K. Davis, L. Smeeth, S. Garner, M. Ritchey , C. de Vries, A. Roddam [Symposium] Lifgey Hall 1 5:00-6:30pm Exploring Innovative Methods to Conduct Validation Using United States Medicare Administrative Claims Data [79]. E. Andrews , T. Stürmer, L. McGrath , M. Jonsson Funk, J. Lund, C. Johannes, A. Gilsenan [Symposium] Lifgey Meeting Room 2 8:00am-6:00pm Evaluation of Free-Text Comments to Validate Common Cancer Diagnoses in the UK CPRD [91]. J. Fortuny, J. Kaye, C. Bui, A. Gilsenan, J. Bartsch, E. Plana, L. McQuay, B. Calingaert, A. Margulis , W. J. Atsma, K. Appenteng, B. Franks, S. de Vogel, M. D’Silva, S. Perez-Gutthann, A. Arana [Spotlight Session 12:15-1:15 pm - Databases Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm An Algorithm to Identify Duplicate Patients When Pooling Aggregate Data from Two Primary Care Databases in the United Kingdom [93]. E. Plana, L. McGrath, J. Fortuny , A. Ruigomez, O. Fernandez-Cantero, L. Garcia-Rodriguez, A. Gilsenan, E. Andrews, C. Rebordosa, R. Ziemiecki [Spotlight Session 12:15-1:15pm - Databases Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm Improving Short-Term Mortality Prediction Using Timing of Acute Comorbidities During Lookback [235]. H. Zhang, L. McGrath , A. Ellis, R. Wyss, J. Lund, T. Stürmer [Confounding/Bias Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm Probabilistic Bias Analysis for Unmeasured Confounders in a Study of Users of Topical Tacrolimus, Pimecrolimus and Corticosteroids (JOELLE Study) [238]. J. Castellsague, B. Calingaert, K. Rothman, L. Gutierrez , M. van Herk-Sukel, J. Kuiper, A. Pottegård, J.Hallas, I. Berglind, A. Sundstrom, D. Dedman, A. Gallagher, J. Kaye , C. Pardo, S. Perez-Gutthann [Confounding/Bias Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm Reporting of the Trimmed Population in Propensity Score Analyses [246]. D. Odom, X. Zhou, S. Thomas [Confounding/Bias Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm Complementary Observational Studies Assessing the Incidence of a Rare Cancer Outcome by Linking State Cancer Registry Data to Large Pharmacy Claims Databases in the United States [254]. N. Kellier-Steele, A. Gilsenan, K. Midkifg, D. Harris, E. Andrews [Data Linkage Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm Characterization of New Users of Cilostazol in the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, and Germany [348]. J. Castellsague, B. Calingaert , B. Poblador-Plou, M. Giner-Soriano, M. Linder, O. Scholle, C. Varas-Lorenzo, A. Arana, C. Bui , A. Prados-Torres, F. Gonzalez-Rubio, A. Roso-Llorach, A. Citarella, E. Garbe, T. Blenk, S. Perez-Gutthann [Use of Medicines - Hematological and Cardiovascular Poster] 8:00am-6:00pm Drug Utilization Study: Evaluation of the Use of Nepafenac in The Netherlands and Denmark [387]. A. Margulis , E. Houben, M. Olesen, J. Hallas, J. Overbeek, A. Pottegård, W. Ye, D. Villegas, S. Perez-Gutthann, A. Arana [Use of Medicines - Other Poster] Saturday, August 27 | ICPE Scientifjc Session Contributions 8:30-8:45am Use of Non-Insulin Blood Glucose Lowering Drugs and the Risk of Acute Pancreatitis [422]. G. Masclee, I. Leal, L. Scotti, G. De Berardis, I. Bezemer, M. Gil, A. McGrogan, N. Schmedt, J. D. Seeger, G. Trifjro, S. Pecchioli, M. Pladevall-Vila , M. M. Smits, P. Rijnbeek, M. Sturkenboom, S. A. Romio [Contributed Paper Session - A Sticky Subject: Diabetes Safety] 9:15-9:30am Validation of Cardiovascular Events and Covariates in CPRD GOLD Using Questionnaires to General Practitioners (GPs) [437]. A. Margulis, C. Varas-Lorenzo, C. Bui, L. McQuay, R. Ziemiecki, M. Reynolds, C. Rebordosa, M. Pladevall-Vila, J. Fortuny, E. Rivero-Ferrer, E. Plana , W. J. Atsma, K. Appenteng, B. Franks, S. de Vogel, M. D’Silva, S. Perez-Gutthann, A. Arana [Contributed Paper Session - Identifjcation and Validation of Outcomes] 2:00-2:15pm Exposure Misclassifjcation and Inverse Probability Weighting: A Plasmode Simulation [472]. M. M. Conover, K. J. Rothman , T. Stürmer, C. Poole, M. Jonsson Funk [Contributed Paper Session - A Methods Coddle] 4:00-5:30pm The Epidemiological Approach to Rare Disease Research: Challenges and Opportunities [479]. M. Ritchey , J. Jalbert, A. Gilsenan , T. Lystig, M. Peng, T. Kou, W. Blumentals [Symposium] Lifgey Hall 2


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