generating alignments using target foresight in attention

Generating Alignments using Target Foresight in Attention-Based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Generating Alignments using Target Foresight in Attention-Based Neural Machine Translation Jan-Thorsten Peter, Arne Nix, Hermann Ney Mai 29, 2017 EAMT 2017, Prag Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition

  1. Generating Alignments using Target Foresight in Attention-Based Neural Machine Translation Jan-Thorsten Peter, Arne Nix, Hermann Ney Mai 29, 2017 EAMT 2017, Prag Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition Computer Science Department RWTH Aachen University J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 1/23 29.05.2017

  2. Outline Motivation Neural Machine Translation Target Foresight Guided Alignment Training Target Foresight with Guided Alignment Training Conclusion J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 2/23 29.05.2017

  3. Motivation ◮ Alignment use to be important for SMT ◮ Neural Machine Translation (NMT) uses attention ◮ There are still application for alignments: ⊲ Guided alignment training [Chen & Matusov + 16] ⊲ Transread 1 ⊲ Linguee 2 ◮ Using the attention as alignment produces bad results ◮ Can we use NMT to create alignments? 1 2 J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 3/23 29.05.2017

  4. Related Work D. Bahdanau, K. Cho, Y. Bengio [Bahdanau & Cho + 15]: Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. ICLR, May 2015 . ◮ Introducing an attention mechanism to neural machine translation W. Chen, E. Matusov, S. Khadivi, J.-T. Peter [Chen & Matusov + 16]: Guided alignment training for topic-aware neural machine translation. AMTA, October 2016 . ◮ Introduces guided alignment training Z. Tu, Z. Lu, Y. Liu, X. Liu, H. Li [Tu & Lu + 16]: Modeling coverage for neural machine translation. ACL, August 2016 . ◮ Analysing attention of neural machine translation using S AER J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 4/23 29.05.2017

  5. Outline Motivation Neural Machine Translation Target Foresight Guided Alignment Training Target Foresight with Guided Alignment Training Conclusion J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 5/23 29.05.2017

  6. Attention Based NMT 1 into − → 1 and ← − ◮ Bidirectional RNN encodes source sentence f J h J h J 1 ◮ h j := [ − → j ; ← − h T h T j ] T J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 6/23 29.05.2017

  7. Attention Based NMT α ij = v T ◮ Energies computed through MLP: ˜ a tanh( W a s i − 1 + U a h j ) W a ∈ R n × n , U a ∈ R n × 2 n , v a ∈ R n : weight parameters J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 6/23 29.05.2017

  8. Attention Based NMT exp(˜ α ij ) ◮ Attention weights normalized with softmax: α ij = � J k =1 exp(˜ α ik ) J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 6/23 29.05.2017

  9. Attention Based NMT ◮ Context vector as weighted sum: c i = � J j =1 α ij h j J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 6/23 29.05.2017

  10. Attention Based NMT ◮ Neural network output: p ( e i | e i − 1 , f J 1 ) = g out ( e i − 1 , s i − 1 , c i ) 1 g out : output function J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 6/23 29.05.2017

  11. Attention Based NMT ◮ Hidden decoder state: s i = g dec ( e i , c i ; s i − 1 ) g dec : gated recurrent unit J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 6/23 29.05.2017

  12. GIZA++ vs. NMT Alignment GIZA++ NMT ◮ GIZA++ creates a clean alignment ◮ Noise NMT alignment J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 7/23 29.05.2017

  13. Alignment Error Rate ◮ Alignment Evaluation: AER ( S, P ; A ) = 1 − | A ∩ S | + | A ∩ P | [Och & Ney 03] | A | + | S | SAER ( M S , M P ; M A ) = 1 − | M A ⊙ M S | + | M A ⊙ M P | [Tu & Lu + 16] | M A | + | M S | Europarl De-En Alignment Test Model AER% SAER % GIZA++ 21.0 26.8 Attention-Based 38.1 63.6 ◮ Attention is converted into hard alignment in both directions ◮ Merged using Och’s refined method [Och & Ney 03]. J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 8/23 29.05.2017

  14. Alignment Error Rate ◮ Alignment Evaluation: AER ( S, P ; A ) = 1 − | A ∩ S | + | A ∩ P | [Och & Ney 03] | A | + | S | SAER ( M S , M P ; M A ) = 1 − | M A ⊙ M S | + | M A ⊙ M P | [Tu & Lu + 16] | M A | + | M S | Europarl De-En Alignment Test Model AER% SAER % GIZA++ 21.0 26.8 Attention-Based 38.1 63.6 ◮ Attention is converted into hard alignment in both directions ◮ Merged using Och’s refined method [Och & Ney 03]. J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 8/23 29.05.2017

  15. Outline Motivation Neural Machine Translation Target Foresight Guided Alignment Training Target Foresight with Guided Alignment Training Conclusion J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 9/23 29.05.2017

  16. Target Foresight ◮ Idea: Use knowledge of the target sentence e I 1 to improve the attention α ij = v T V a ∈ R n × p ˜ a tanh( W a s i − 1 + U a h j + V a ˜ e i ) J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 10/23 29.05.2017

  17. Raw Target Foresight ◮ Target word encoded in source embedding and attention weights J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 11/23 29.05.2017

  18. Target Foresight with Noise Target Foresight with Noise NMT 0.9 0.9 </S> </S> 0.8 0.8 . . 0.7 0.7 call 0.6 0.6 call 0.5 0.5 this this 0.4 0.4 heeded heeded 0.3 0.3 Commission 0.2 0.2 commission 0.1 0.1 the the die Kommission hat diesen Appell vernommen . </S> die Kommission hat diesen Appell vernommen . </S> ◮ Adding noise on attention does not help J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 12/23 29.05.2017

  19. Freeze Encoder and Decoder Target Foresight Frozen NMT ◮ Train baseline system ◮ Freeze encoder and decoder weights ◮ Continue training with target foresight J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 13/23 29.05.2017

  20. Freeze Encoder and Decoder Target Foresight Frozen NMT Alignment Test Model A ER % S AER % GIZA++ 21.0 26.8 Attention-Based 38.1 63.6 + Target foresight with frozen en-/decoder 33.9 55.6 J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 13/23 29.05.2017

  21. Outline Motivation Neural Machine Translation Target Foresight Guided Alignment Training Target Foresight with Guided Alignment Training Conclusion J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 14/23 29.05.2017

  22. Guided Alignment Training ◮ Idea: Introducing target alignment A as a second objective [Chen & Matusov + 16] ◮ Cross-Entropy cost L align between the attention weights α and target alignment A I n J n L align ( A, α ) := − 1 � � � A n,ij log α n,ij N n i =1 j =1 ◮ Optimize w.r.t. L ( A, α, e I 1 , f J 1 ) := λ CE · L CE + λ align · L align ⊲ L CE : standard decoder cost function (cross-entropy) ⊲ λ align , λ CE : weights determined through experiments J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 15/23 29.05.2017

  23. Guided Alignment Training IWSLT De-En Test Alignment Test Model BLEU% AER% SAER% Attention-Based 29.3 41.8 66.3 + GA 30.3 35.4 44.2 ◮ Improves translation by 1 . 0 BLEU on IWSLT2013 Test ◮ Great improvement in AER and SAER and Alignment Test ◮ Trained an all IWSLT 2013 data J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 16/23 29.05.2017

  24. Outline Motivation Neural Machine Translation Target Foresight Guided Alignment Training Target Foresight with Guided Alignment Training Conclusion J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 17/23 29.05.2017

  25. GIZA ++ vs. Target Foresight with Guided Alignment GIZA++ TF + GA ◮ Target foresight creates correct alignment J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 18/23 29.05.2017

  26. Results Alignment Test Model A ER % S AER % fast_align 27.9 33.0 GIZA++ 21.0 26.8 BerkeleyAligner 20.5 26.4 Attention-Based 38.1 63.6 + Guided alignment 29.8 38.0 + Target foresight with frozen en-/decoder 33.9 55.6 + Target foresight with guided alignment 19.0 34.9 + converted to hard alignment 19.0 24.6 ◮ Trained on Europal data ◮ Target foresight improves A ER by 2.0% compared to GIZA++ ◮ S AER is biased towards hard alignments J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 19/23 29.05.2017

  27. Results Alignment Test Model A ER % S AER % fast_align 27.9 33.0 GIZA++ 21.0 26.8 BerkeleyAligner 20.5 26.4 Attention-Based 38.1 63.6 + Guided alignment 29.8 38.0 + Target foresight with frozen en-/decoder 33.9 55.6 + Target foresight with guided alignment 19.0 34.9 + converted to hard alignment 19.0 24.6 ◮ Trained on Europal data ◮ Target foresight improves A ER by 2.0% compared to GIZA++ ◮ S AER is biased towards hard alignments J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 19/23 29.05.2017

  28. Retrain Guided Alignment ◮ Use improved alignment for guided alignment training ◮ Test data: IWSLT 2013 ◮ Train data: Europarl corpus Test Alignment Test Model B LEU A ER % S AER % Attention-Based 16.0 38.1 63.6 + GA using GIZA++ 18.4 29.8 38.0 + GA using target-foresight alignments 18.8 28.5 36.7 J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 20/23 29.05.2017

  29. Outline Motivation Neural Machine Translation Target Foresight Guided Alignment Training Target Foresight with Guided Alignment Training Conclusion J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 21/23 29.05.2017

  30. Conclusion ◮ Improvement of A ER by 2.0% compared to GIZA++ ◮ Can easily be used to align unseen data ◮ Aligned data can again be used for guided alignment training ◮ Neural networks will cheat if it is possible ◮ Guided alignment keeps it from cheating J.-T. Peter, A.Nix, H. Ney:Target Foresight 22/23 29.05.2017


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