generalised eden growth model and random planar trees

Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees Marco - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees Marco Longfils Sergei Zuyev Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden CG Week 2015, Eindhoven Sergei Zuyev

  1. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees Marco Longfils Sergei Zuyev Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden CG Week 2015, Eindhoven Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  2. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Notation Given a finite subset C of Z 2 which we call a crystal, its (external) boundary ∂ C are these nodes of Z 2 \ C which have at least one neighbour in C : ∂ C = { y ∈ Z 2 \ C : ∃ x ∈ C such that � x − y � = 1 } . Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  3. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Notation Given a finite subset C of Z 2 which we call a crystal, its (external) boundary ∂ C are these nodes of Z 2 \ C which have at least one neighbour in C : ∂ C = { y ∈ Z 2 \ C : ∃ x ∈ C such that � x − y � = 1 } . Four types of nodes: ∂ C = ∂ 1 C ∪ ∂ 2 C ∪ ∂ 3 C ∪ ∂ 4 C , where ∂ i C = { y ∈ Z 2 \ C : exactly i neighbours of y lie in C } , i = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  4. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Crystal and its boundary Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  5. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Growth model At time t = 0 we start with a fixed connected set C 0 ⊂ Z 2 – the initial crystal. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  6. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Growth model At time t = 0 we start with a fixed connected set C 0 ⊂ Z 2 – the initial crystal. Let C n is the crystal at time t = n . At time t = n + 1 one of the external boundary nodes z ∈ ∂ C n will become crystallised, i.e. a new crystal is C n + 1 = C n ∪ { z } , where z is chosen randomly with probability depending on the number of neighbouring crystallised nodes, i.e. their type. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  7. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Generalised Eden model We consider the following Generalised Eden model: given 4 non-negative parameters r 1 , . . . , r 4 not all equal 0, the probability that z ∈ ∂ i C n , i = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 is crystallised at time n + 1 is given by r i � 4 i = 1 r i | ∂ i C n | Once crystallised, nodes stay crystallised forever. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  8. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  9. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Continuous time version At time t = 0 , each boundary node z ∈ ∂ i C 0 is given independently an exponentially Exp ( r i ) distributed clock and the one z 1 with the minimal time t 1 is crystallised. Neighbours of z 1 have their clocks reset depending on their new type. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  10. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Continuous time version At time t = 0 , each boundary node z ∈ ∂ i C 0 is given independently an exponentially Exp ( r i ) distributed clock and the one z 1 with the minimal time t 1 is crystallised. Neighbours of z 1 have their clocks reset depending on their new type. Classical Eden model is the one with parameters r i = i . Equivalently, every node retains its Exp ( 1 ) clock. It is equivalent to first-passage percolation model: the crystal C t at time t are the nodes which are “wet” at time t when the water source is C 0 and the water speed along each edge is independent 1 / Exp ( 1 ) r.v.’s. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  11. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Infinite growth If r 1 > 0 , the crystal cannot stop growing. Let z ( C n ) be the leftmost among the lowest nodes of C n and | C 0 | = n 0 . Then | ∂ C n | ≤ 4 ( n + n 0 ) , probability that the node f ( C n ) ∈ ∂ C n just below z ( C n ) crystallise is at least 1 / ( 4 ( n + n 0 )) and by the Borel-Cantelli lemma, this would happen infinitely often. We consider only the case r 1 > 1 and, without loss of generality, assume r 1 = 1 . Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  12. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Infinite growth If r 1 > 0 , the crystal cannot stop growing. Let z ( C n ) be the leftmost among the lowest nodes of C n and | C 0 | = n 0 . Then | ∂ C n | ≤ 4 ( n + n 0 ) , probability that the node f ( C n ) ∈ ∂ C n just below z ( C n ) crystallise is at least 1 / ( 4 ( n + n 0 )) and by the Borel-Cantelli lemma, this would happen infinitely often. If r 1 = 0 , the crystal can got stuck (e.g., when r 2 = 1 and C 0 = { 0 , 1 } 2 ). We consider only the case r 1 > 1 and, without loss of generality, assume r 1 = 1 . Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  13. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Shape result Assume C 0 = 0 . One speaks of a Shape result if there exist a compact set D containing the origin, such that n →∞ dist H ( n − 1 / 2 C n , D ) = 0 a . s ., lim where dist H ( A , B ) = sup x ∈ A inf y ∈ B � x − y � is the Hausdorff distance between sets. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  14. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Non-decreasing rates For the case r 1 ≤ r 2 ≤ r 3 ≤ r 4 the main tool is Kingman’s subadditivity theorem for time t ( x , y ) when y crystallises from initial crystal C 0 = { x } : Show that for co-linear 0 , x , y along each rational direction θ ∈ [ 0 , 2 π ) t ( 0 , y ) ≤ t ( 0 , x ) + t ( x , y ) . (1) This is proved by coupling two crystallisation processes, starting from { 0 } and from { x } . Eq. (1) implies existence of an a.s. limit � y �→∞ � y � − 1 t ( 0 , y ) = ρ ( θ ) lim Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  15. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Then show continuity of ρ ( θ ) using subadditivity again: t ( 0 , y ) ≤ t ( 0 , x ) + t ( x , y ) and t ( 0 , x ) ≤ t ( 0 , y ) + t ( x , y ) for � x � = � y � = n and � x − y � = n ε . Theorem When r 1 ≤ r 2 ≤ r 3 ≤ r 4 the Shape result holds. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  16. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Flake model Consider now an extreme case r 1 = 1 , r 2 = r 3 = r 4 = 0 : a node can crystallise if only one of its neighbour is crystallised. The crystal is a tree: a node which would close a cycle has at least two crystallised neighbours and so will never crystallise. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  17. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  18. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Types of nodes One may distinguish The crystallised nodes: C n – the crystal 1 The nodes ∂ 1 C n which can be crystallised at the next 2 step (their clocks are set) Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  19. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Types of nodes One may distinguish The crystallised nodes: C n – the crystal 1 The nodes ∂ 1 C n which can be crystallised at the next 2 step (their clocks are set) forbidden nodes: F n = ∂ 2 C n ∪ ∂ 3 C n ∪ ∂ 4 C n 3 Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  20. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Types of nodes One may distinguish The crystallised nodes: C n – the crystal 1 The nodes ∂ 1 C n which can be crystallised at the next 2 step (their clocks are set) forbidden nodes: F n = ∂ 2 C n ∪ ∂ 3 C n ∪ ∂ 4 C n 3 All the rest: Z 2 \ ( C n ∪ ∂ C n ) among which are the 4 nodes which will never get crystallised since they belong to holes. Definition A hole is a finite connected set H ⊂ Z 2 \ ( C n ∪ ∂ C n ) such that ∂ H ⊂ F n . Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  21. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Holes Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  22. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Holes Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  23. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Geometry of a hole Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees

  24. Generalised Eden model Shape result Flake model Open problems Consider F = ∂ H of a hole H and let f ( H ) be the leftmost of its lowest nodes. F contains no more than 2 neighbouring horizontally or vertically aligned nodes. If there are 3, the central one cannot be forbidden, since its neighbours are 2 forbidden and 1 node from the hole. Sergei Zuyev Generalised Eden growth model and random planar trees


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