general assembly meeting

General Assembly Meeting WORK PACKAGE 3 Organisational Innovation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

General Assembly Meeting WORK PACKAGE 3 Organisational Innovation Allen Weeks BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548 Overview of WP3 OBJECTIVES: To

  1. General Assembly Meeting WORK PACKAGE 3 Organisational Innovation Allen Weeks BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548

  2. Overview of WP3 OBJECTIVES: To implement and take into action an innovation management structure , leveraging the innovation potential of the ESS while ensuring a smooth ERIC implementation within the project Partners. This includes capacity building in technology and knowledge transfer , and the identification of business cases . Task 3.1. Completion of ERIC Task 3.2. Capacity building in Technology Task 3.3. Capacity Building of ESS Partners Implementation Transfer in Public Procurement of Innovation To identify the specific risks and BrightnESS will support the capacity Two-fold approach: in theory by training opportunity categories, develop a plan for building process at ESS by organisation of seminars for procurement professionals in prioritising and addressing those issues and training seminars, provision of expertise in the partner labs and in practice by carry out the plan. selected cases, staff exchange, and TTO identifying and preparing the launch of one Conferences. joint PCP with relevant partners. Timeline covered in this presentation: M1-M12 (Sep 2015 – Aug 2016) Partners:

  3. Deliverables and Milestones • ERIC Risk and Opportunity Plan D3.1. • Accomplished ERIC transfer MS6 • Setting-upof a Technology Transfer Office at ESS MS7 BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 676548

  4. Activities in Task 3.1. Completion of ERIC Implementation BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548

  5. Deliverable 3.1 To identify the specific risks and opportunity categories, develop a plan for prioritising and addressing those issues and carry out the plan. In particular: VAT Treatment • Procurement Rules Implementation • Staff Mobility and Taxation •

  6. ESS AB transitioned into European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) ESS AB European Spallation Source ERIC - Swedish limited liability - European Research Infrastructure corporation, owned by the Consortium, Sole governing body: Swedish and Danish the European Spallation Source Transfer of Assets, governments ERIC Council, comprised of Obligations and representatives from the Personnel Member and Observer Countries on Oct 1, 2015 ERIC Plate Ceremony • 8 September, 60 guest on site • Ceremony marked the transition to the European Spallation Source ERIC. • Robert-Jan Smits, DG RTD, presented the ERIC • Guest speakers : • SE Minister HellmarkKnutsson • DK Minister Lunde Larsen • Photo opportunities and media interviews resulted in extensive media coverage

  7. VAT Workshop 14-15 June • 33 participants from the ESS member and observer as well as representatives from ESS in Lund • Aim: to summarise common understanding of how the VAT treatment affects in-kind partners and handled in different Members • Suggest strategies to find suitable solutions for the individual members

  8. PRECONDITION APPROACHES OUTCOMES Local tax authority yes yes exemption ESS ERIC Representing entity recognized as yes no acting in the name of an member VAT Exemption International / Reimbursement Organization Representing entity yes no using 15(10) forms no yes Cash Contribution no NO solution (pay VAT) no

  9. Aim: Discuss the experience of ESS with its recent transition to an ERIC. Information regarding tax regulations, mobility of ELI-Beamlines international staff, use of structural funds, and in-kind contributions were of particular interest to the ELI-ALPS delegation. May 31 • ELI-Beamlines stakeholder meeting ELI-ALPS Visit ESS June 2 nd • ELI ALPS Managing Director, Research Technology Director; financial and legal personnel of ELI-ALPS and ESS staff

  10. Activity Report 2015 Working Version Final Version • Revision of Working Version of Activity Report • Production of Activity Report o 1000 Soft Cover o 100 Hard Cover • Distribution of Activity Report to Key Stakeholders

  11. Activities in Task 3.2. Capacity Building in Technology Transfer BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548

  12. Good News Hired an Innovation Officer to lead this sub- • package and the process of innovation strategy. Bad News He left end of April for another job • On Track Hiring new person now and should have complete • end of October

  13. Technology Transfer DTU , through the analysis of several practices from other Big Science facilities, universities and research centres, concluded that there are different sources of innovation : In-Kind Use of ESS Contributions and Instruments in Procurement Partners Research Projects Staff Exchange ESS Operations

  14. Mapping of Innovation Ecosystem of ESS LOCATION COUNTRY POPULATION FACILITIES DK / SE 3,877,887 Greater CPH ESS / MAX IV FR 6,510,561 Rhône Alpes ESRF / ILL UK 2,361,105 Thames Valley ISIS / Diamond CH / DE 4,089,991 Aargau SINQ / SLS Greater CPH has the largest research and ✓ development activity as percentage of GDP. Main actors: Private & public Private companies Support networks Incubators funding

  15. Upcoming Plans Complete training program • Implement the ESS staff Training • Two TTO conferences planned •

  16. Activities in Task 3.3. Capacity Building of ESS Partner Organisations in Public Procurement of Innovation BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548

  17. Public Procurement of Innovation Training seminars with partner organisations Invitation to Market Consultation Tender documents for PCP Roadmap for procurement of innovation for scientific facilities (NEW)

  18. Workplan Capacity Building of ESS Partner Organisations Public Procurement of Innovation 2017 2016 Workshops with Partner Organisations: Consolidated workshop with • • ü 1. STFC (UK) – June Partner Organisations (Q1 2017) ü 2. LU, MaxIV (SE), DTU, DTI (DK), BNC Wigner (HU) – 7 Sept Identification and Preparation of 1 • ü 3. CERN – 28 Sept PCP with at least one Partner Internal ESS training seminar to explain Organisation (2H 2017) • framework and opportunities for PPI/PCP ü NSS – 30 September ü SPL – 6 October

  19. Costs BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548

  20. Overall expenditure Expenditure per cost category Personnel Costs 46% 56% Direct Costs 98% Travel Costs 66%

  21. General Assembly Meeting WORK PACKAGE 3 Organisational Innovation Allen Weeks BrightnESS is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 676548

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