fy20 street outreach services network

FY20 Street Outreach Services Network Pre-Application Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DC Department of Human Services Family Services Administration FY20 Street Outreach Services Network Pre-Application Conference August 13, 2019 William Kuennen, FSA Program Manager Jim Crawford, FSA Grants Management Specialist Agenda

  1. DC Department of Human Services Family Services Administration FY20 Street Outreach Services Network Pre-Application Conference August 13, 2019 William Kuennen, FSA Program Manager Jim Crawford, FSA Grants Management Specialist

  2. Agenda  Street Outreach Landscape  Request For Applications  Overview  Background  Street Outreach Model  Application Package  Selection Criteria  Application Deadline & Submission  Q & A  2

  3. Street Outreach Landscape – FY20 Focus Increased District-wide resources in FY20 to support systematic street outreach services in the District  New DHS and DBH solicitations represent a coordinated effort to serve vulnerable persons  Unsheltered individuals,  Individuals with behavioral health needs,  Individuals with opioid use disorders, etc.  Enhanced coordination (between DHS, DBH, CFSA, outreach providers, non-profit organizations, other stakeholders)  Ensures individuals are appropriately referred/linked to services, and  Creates a platform for consultation with partners to make continual service delivery enhancements  3

  4. RFA Overview Name: Street Outreach Services Network Purpose: Identify applicants to provide Street Outreach services for unsheltered individuals focused primarily on fostering housing stability and ultimately increasing their health, safety and quality of life. Funding: Up to $3,000,000 for up to three awards Award period: Nov. 1, 2019 to Oct. 31, 2020 – Up to four additional option years, pending funding availability  4

  5. 2019 Point in Time Count The District had 3,578 homeless individuals  44% are chronically homeless  31% have severe mental illness  22% suffer from chronic substance abuse  21% have a chronic health problem  16% have a physical disability  17% (608 individuals) are unsheltered  5

  6. Homeward DC - Strategy 1 Develop a more effective crisis response system including a coordinated community-wide outreach network to cover assigned geography, that will act as an entry point to the Continuum of Care, especially for unsheltered individuals who are disconnected from services  6

  7. Street Outreach Model  Focus  Target population  Geographic clusters  Outreach services  Hours of operation  Street Outreach network coordination  Performance Standards  Evaluation  7

  8. Focus Increasing housing stability and ultimately improving the health, safety and quality of life of unsheltered individuals  Engage clients with the appropriate level of outreach based on individual needs  Make connections to housing systems, homeless services, public benefits, physical/behavioral healthcare, harm reduction, and other mainstream resources  8

  9. Target Population Unsheltered individuals residing on the street or in locations not fit for human habitation  These individuals may:  be disconnected from services and resources,  be at high risk for health and safety concerns,  be chronically homeless, and/or  need additional help navigating the CoC  9

  10. Geographic Clusters  10

  11. Outreach Services  Light-touch Outreach services: wellness checks, weather emergency outreach, information sharing, etc.  Intensive Outreach services: links to housing, benefits, harm reduction, healthcare, etc.  Acute Response services: rapid action to emerging place-based threats (overdose outbreaks, building fires, etc.)  11

  12. Hours of Operation  Street Outreach services must be available through 11:00 p.m. on weekdays, and during holidays that fall on weekdays  Grantee(s) are also expected to complete at least one eight hour shift each weekend  During hypothermia season and in case of DHS designated emergency threats, Grantee(s) are expected to be able to mobilize at least 50% of their staff to provide after-hours outreach NOTE : DHS is seeking applications that address early hours (staring 5am) and late hours (through 11pm) outreach needs.  12

  13. Street Outreach Network Coordination  Coordinating with DHS, other DHS Street Outreach providers, the central coordinating entity, additional District outreach teams, and network partners / stakeholders  Participating in Street Outreach meetings, DHS/DBH meetings, CAHP meetings, ICH meetings  13

  14. Performance Standards/Outcomes Outcome/Purpose Deliverable/Instrument Methodology Performance Standard(s) Improved efficiency and Comprehensive Monthly Migrate to the Adopt, utilize and shift client referral coordination for Street Street Outreach Report technology platform process to the technology platform Outreach providers specified by DHS in specified by DHS within 30 days of coordinating street making the resource available to outreach presence and Grantee(s) services deployment District-wide coordinated Monthly Street Outreach Actively participate in Have designated representative street outreach efforts Network Meetings DHS led Street Outreach attend all meetings Network Meetings Comprehensive, timely and Street Outreach Needs Identify and scope out Street Outreach Needs Map accurate map of street Map the outreach needs in the developed within 2 months of Grant outreach needs in the designated geographic cl Award. The map needs to be District usters (on weekdays updated on a quarterly and weekends, basis throughout the duration of the during daytime hours and Grant Agreement. at night)  14

  15. Performance Standards/Outcomes cont'd Outcome/Purpose​ Deliverable/ Methodology​ Performance Standard(s)​ Instrument​ Expanded/extended street Weekly Outreach Develop a weekly coverage plan 24/7 street coverage availability Coverage Plan listing after-hours staff available to outreach services after provide emergency outreach hours, during hypothermia services (clinical staff should be on season and emergency call) threats Hypothermia Develop a coverage plan for Ability to mobilize 50% of Season and hypothermia season and emergency outreach staff within 3 hours of Emergency Threats threats and share with DHS and the activating the Cold Weather or Coverage Plan designated central coordinating Emergency Threat Alerts entity Referral Triage and Coordinate, develop and implement All Grantee(s) follow a unified Centralized, coordinated street outreach referral Dispatch Protocol Street Outreach Network wide a triage and dispatch street triage and dispatch protocol for outreach referral protocol process outreach referrals HMIS & CAHP data DHS will randomly and routinely % of clients w/completed VI- To ensure all Street Outreach staff are select a sample of records and case SPDAT notes for participants receiving case % of clients on the current By conducting intakes, management services from Street Name List (CAHP) screenings, and Outreach Network Grantee(s) assessments (using the VI- SPDAT) and CAHP Systems  15

  16. Performance Standards/Outcomes cont'd Outcome/Purpose​ Deliverable/ Methodology​ Performance Standard(s)​ Instrument​ To ensure case HMIS Data DHS will randomly and routinely Service Plans identify specific select a sample of records and case service needs (housing, benefits, management is meaningful notes for participants receiving case employment , health needs etc.) for all participants who management services from the HMIS records reflect request or express Street Outreach Network Grantee(s) correspondence between willingness to engage in referrals, service needs and goals case management To ensure case Quarterly Grantee(s) will submit a Quarterly At least 50% of participants have Performance Performance Report to DHS at least obtained a higher level of self- management is producing Report quarterly outlining services provided sufficiency since first case positive outcomes for all and the outcomes seen by those management engagement (see participants who request or engaged in services. RFA for details) express willingness to engage in case management  16

  17. High Level Case Management Standards  30:1 maximum case management ratio  Client service plan documented in HMIS w/in 7 days of engagement, and updated every 90 days or more frequently (as needed)  Progress notes updated in HMIS w/in 48 hours of interaction  Circumstances for removing a client from the caseload include: appropriate housing, refusal of service, 30 days of inactivity  17

  18. Reporting  Outreach needs map  Weekly outreach coverage plan  Monthly street outreach report  Quarterly performance report  Hypo/emergency outreach coverage plan  18

  19. Staffing Model Outreach team shall include at least the following positions:  Program Manager: Oversee all Street Outreach program activities  Lead Street Outreach Network Coordinator: Act as a liaison with the lead coordinators designated by other Grantee(s) and the central coordinating entity to ensure timely information sharing, efficient case coordination, representation at coordinating forums (e.g. CAHP, ICH, DHS meetings, etc.), and thoughtful approaches to developing the Network. Grantees may assign these responsibilities to one position or split them out into two roles.  19

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