functional design using behavioural and structural

Functional Design Using Behavioural and Structural Components - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Functional Design Using Behavioural and Structural Components Richard Sharp University of Cambridge aims of this research SAFL is a Behavioural HDL Supports a functional programming style Designed for

  1. Functional Design Using Behavioural and Structural Components Richard Sharp University of Cambridge

  2. aims of this research � SAFL is a Behavioural HDL • Supports a functional programming style • Designed for source-level program transformation • Ease of analysis and optimisation � Combine behaviour and structure? • Verilog/VHDL do this to great effect… but as a result are very complex => transformation VERY difficult. Aim: to combine behavioural- and structural-level Aim: to combine behavioural- and structural-level design elements in a pure-functional framework. design elements in a pure-functional framework.

  3. talk overview � Behavioural HDL: SAFL � Structural HDL: Magma � Integrating SAFL + Magma � Case Study � Conclusions and further work

  4. SAFL: a behavioural HDL s tatically a llocated f unctional l anguage General properties Hardware-specific properties � Functional � Concurrent � Functional � Concurrent � Call-by-value � Statically Allocated � Call-by-value � Statically Allocated � First-order � Resource Aware � First-order � Resource Aware The FLaSH Silicon Compiler translates SAFL into RTL-Verilog. The FLaSH Silicon Compiler translates SAFL into RTL-Verilog. Other tools (e.g. Leonardo Spectrum, Quartus II, Modelsim) process Other tools (e.g. Leonardo Spectrum, Quartus II, Modelsim) process this RTL-Verilog and map it onto silicon. this RTL-Verilog and map it onto silicon.

  5. a SAFL example fun mult(x, y, acc) = if (x=0 | y=0) then acc else mult(x<<1, y>>1, if y[0] then acc+x else acc) fun cube(x) = mult(x, mult(x, x, 0), 0) fun f(x) = let val y=mult(x,5,0) in y+x end circuit structure: SAFL Properties Behavioural, … but � cube … captures system-level structure � One “fun definition” => one hardware � f mult resource

  6. magma: a structural HDL � Embedded in pure-functional ML • Similar syntax and semantics (CBV) to SAFL � Supports synthesis/simulation • Uses ML functors to parameterise over different basis functions • Synthesis == Static Expansion � Only describes acyclic, combinatorial hardware • no “observable sharing” problems

  7. a magma example (1) functor RippleAdder (B:BASIS):RP_ADD = struct type bit=B.bit fun adder (x,y,c_in) = (B.xorb(c_in, B.xorb(x,y)), B.orb( B.orb( B.andb (x,y), B.andb(x,c_in)), B.andb(y,c_in))) x y Adder c_in c_out s_out

  8. a magma example (2) fun carry_chain f _ ([],[]) = [] | carry_chain f c_in (x::xs,y::ys) = let val (res_bit, c_out) = f (x,y,c_in) in res_bit::(carry_chain f c_out (xs,ys)) end val ripple_add = carry_chain adder B.b0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 X4 y4 x5 y5 b0 Adder Adder Adder Adder Adder s_out1 s_out2 s_out3 s_out4 s_out5

  9. a magma example (3) � Support for simulation and synthesis: - structure SimulateAdder = RippleAdder (SimulationBasis); - SimulateAdder.ripple_add ([b1,b0,b0,b1,b1,b1],[b0,b1,b1,b0,b1,b1]) val it = [b1,b1,b1,b1,b0,b1] : SimulateAdder.bit list - structure SynthesiseAdder = RippleAdder (SynthesisBasis); - SynthesiseAdder.ripple_add (Magma.new_bus 5, Magma.new_bus 5) and(w_1,w_45,w_46); and(w_2,w_1,w_44); ... and(w_149,w_55,w_103); val it = ["w_149","w_150","w_151","w_152","w_153"]

  10. integrating SAFL and magma (1) <% (* Magma code Library Block: ---------------------------------- *) signature RP_ADD = ... functor Magma_Code (B:BASIS):RP_ADD = ... Contains ripple adder spec (as before) %> (* SAFL code: ------------------------------------------------- *) fun mult(x, y, acc) = if (x=0 | y=0) then acc else mult(x<<1, y>>1, if y[0] then <% ripple_add %>(acc,x) else acc) • Magma fragments treated as SAFL-level functions

  11. integrating SAFL and magma (2) Execute Magma Process 1: under Synthesis ML Session Interpretation Magma Verilog Process 2: Encounter Magma SAFL Compiler Fragment [Time] <% m %>(e_1, …, e_k)

  12. integrating SAFL and magma (3) fun f(x) = <% M %>(x) + <% M %>(x) Source-level transformation fun g(x) = <% M %>(x) fun f(x) = g(x) + g(x) High-level synthesis RTL Verilog RTL synthesis FPGA

  13. case study: DES � SAFL Describes DES Algorithm � Magma Describes Wiring Permutations � Current Version Not Pipelined • Making a pipelined version through SAFL/Magma program transformation is topic of future work � Throughput of 15.8 Mb/sec • On Altera APEX 200K FPGA with 33MHz clock • Theoretical max clock speed design > 40MHz � 2 DES blocks + test harness => 17% of FPGA

  14. case study: DES – Dev Boad Status LEDs APEX E20K200E

  15. conclusions � It is possible to combine behavioural + (limited) structural design in a clean way � Fine-grained structure integrates well with SAFL’s notion of resource-awareness � Program transformation remains a powerful technique for exploring tradeoffs � Tested technique on a real-life case study

  16. ongoing research � Extending the SAFL Language • ML-style references • Many-many synchronous channels • Pi-calculus style channel passing � Extending the FLaSH tool-chain • Developing / experimenting with new SAFL transformations • Building SAFL compiler which targets asynchronous hardware � Building larger examples

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