frontiers in chemistry let s create our future 100 years

Frontiers in Chemistry: Lets create our Future! 100 years with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Frontiers in Chemistry: Lets create our Future! 100 years with IUPAC WELCOME TO FRANCE TO CELEBRATE THE IUPAC CENTENARY THE CONVENTION CENTER OF PARIS 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris WHERE? Palais des Congrs de Paris

  1. «Frontiers in Chemistry: Let’s create our Future!» 100 years with IUPAC WELCOME TO FRANCE TO CELEBRATE THE IUPAC CENTENARY

  2. THE CONVENTION CENTER OF PARIS 2 place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris

  3. WHERE? Palais des Congrès de Paris HYATT Regency Paris Etoile WHEN? World Chemistry General Assembly Congress Div. meetings Council July 7 - 12, 2019 July 6 – 11 July 10 – 11

  4. L2 - HALL MAILLOT: 5500 MAIN AUDITORIUM sq.m. ≈ 3700 seats EXHIBITION area 1 Auditorium 7 (or 9) Conference Rooms Meeting Rooms L3 - HALL HAVANE: 3000 sq.m. POSTER area 2 Auditoriums 6 (or 8) Conference Rooms Meeting Rooms PLAN / FLOOR PLAN LEVELS 2 & 3

  5. CONGRESS - THE VENUE PLENARY SESSIONS (level 1) § Main Auditorium (3700 seats) PARALLEL SESSIONS (levels 2 & 3) : § 3 auditoriums (380, 650, 826 seats) § 12(14) conf. rooms (120 to 380 seats) § meeting rooms (12 to 80 seats) POSTER AREA (level 3) up to 3000 posters in 3 sessions EXHIBITION AREA (level 2) Hall Maillot, 5500 sqm

  6. GA - THE VENUE Palais des Congrès From Fri July 6 to Thu 11 : IUPAC‘s Divisions and Standing Committees Meetings Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile On Wed 10 and Thu 11: Council and Council Dinner

  7. HYATT REGENCY PARIS ETOILE Model of venue for the Council (will be in class-room arrangement ) next door to Convention Center

  8. CONGRESS GENERAL ORGANISATION Honorary Committee Sponsoring IUPAC Consortium Congress Honorary Bureau / Div / St. Comm Maison de la Chimie President . Soc. Chim. France (SCF) J.-M. Lehn Union des Ind. Chim. Organising (UIC) Congress Chair Committee C. Sanchez Chair: C. Sanchez President CNC Sec. Gen.: S. Pommeret International Coord.: J.-P. Vairon , CNC Treasurer : N. Baffier Advisory Board Professional Congress Scientific Organization Organizer chair: C. Sanchez HOPSCOTCH CONGRES, Paris vice-chair : B. Charleux CNC : Comité National de V. Gauthier la Chimie (Acad. Sci.)

  9. SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATION Congress Organising PCO Committee HOPSCOTCH CONGRÈS Paris Programme Executive Scientific International Committee (PC) Committee (EC) Advisory Board (IAB) Chair: C. Sanchez ~ 60 reviewers ~ 18 members, including Vice chair: B. Charleux (2/3 from abroad) nominations by including the IUPAC + 22 theme conveners IUPAC Div. Chairs ~ 28 Symposia organised by French + Foreign co-chairs 2 or 3 Thematic - Cross-themes - Industry - Education - Poster sessions Young scientists - Chemistry and Society - History of Chemistry - Special symposia – etc..

  10. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD J. Aizenberg U-Harvard, USA S. Ley U-Cambridge, UK S. Aldoshin RAS, Moscow, RU K. Matyjaszewski U-Carnegie-Mellon, USA A.D. Andricopulo Chair, IUPAC-2017, USP, BR R. Noyori RIKEN, JP Chunli Bai CAS, Beijing, CN K.D.P. Nigam IIT, New Delhi, IN Chair, IUPAC-2021, CA C.N.R. Rao JNCASR-Bangalore, IN N. Bulford D. Shechtman Technion, Haifa, IL A. Corma ITQ, U-Valencia, ES N. Tarasova Past-Pdt IUPAC, RAS, RU G. Ertl MPI, Berlin, DE K. Wüthrich ETH-Zurich, CH; Scripps, USA C. Sanchez Chair IUPAC-2019, FR Zhou Qi-feng Pdt IUPAC, CAS, CN R . Hartshorn S.G. IUPAC, U-Canterbury , NZ Y.T. Lee Acad. Sinica, TW *List susceptible of change

  11. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE B. Abegaz, Afr. Acad. Sci., KE C. Amatore UPMC-ENS, Paris, FR M. Akashi , U-Osaka, JP M. A. Brimble IUPAC-Div III , NZ D. Astruc U-Bordeaux, FR P. Fedotov, IUPAC-Div VI, RU R.G.W. Anderson Pdt Chemical Heritage P. Braunstein U-Strasbourg, Fr K-H. Hellwich IUPAC-Div VIII, DE Founation, USA J.-C. Charpentier ENSIC, Nancy, FR M. Antonietti MPI Potsdam, DE J. Labuda IUPAC-Div V, SK B. Chaudret INSA-Toulouse, FR P. Bruce U-St Andrews, UK T. Perun IUPAC-Div VII, USA J. Cossy ESPCI, Paris, FR C. Claver U-Tarragona, ES J. Reedijk IUPAC-Div II , NL O. Eisenstein U-Montpellier, FR Kuiling Ding SIOC,CAS, Shanghai, CN G.T. Russell IUPAC-Div IV , NZ M. Fontecave Coll. de Fr., CEA Grenoble, FR A. Fischer BASF, DE M. Sözbilir IUPAC-CCE, TR R. Guillaumont U-Paris Sud, FR E. Frackowiak Polytech-Poznan, PL C. Tollinche IUPAC-CHEMRAWN, PR J. Hoffmann U-Strasbourg, FR J. Frechet KAUST, Thuwal, SA R. Weir IUPAC-ICTNS, CA H. Kagan U-Paris Sud, FR J. Hedrick IBM, San Jose, USA B. West, IUPAC-COCI, CA I. Iliopoulos Arkema, Paris, FR A. Hoveyda Boston College, USA A.K. Wilson, IUPAC-Div I, USA L. Leibler ESPCI, Paris, FR O. Ikkala U-AALTO, FI J. Livage Coll. de Fr., UPMC, Paris, FR Jung-Il Jin Korea Uni, Seoul, KR P. Maestro Solvay, Brussels, BE P. Knochel LMU, München, DE D. Mansuy U-Descartes, Paris, FR S. Mann U-Bristol, UK B. Meunier U-Toulouse, FR L. Nazar U-Waterloo, CA R. Réau L’Air Liquide, Paris, FR R. Nolte U-Nijmegen, NL P. Robert Michelin, Clermont-Fer., FR J. Rocha U-Aveiro, PT M. Rohmer U-Strasbourg, FR F. Separovic U-Melbourne , AU Ph. Sautet ENS-Lyon, FR R. Sessoli U-Florence, IT J.-P. Sauvage ISIS,U-Strasbourg, FR M. Stevens Imperial Coll., London, UK H. Toma U-São Paulo, BR

  12. SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATION Guiding principles - Limited number of interdisciplinary main themes . - Themes broad enough to cover most of the chemistry domains . - Only 3 to 6 symposia per theme to avoid dispersion of the audience and the forth and back rushing. - Both academic and industrial aspects considered in the symposia. - Young Scientists Programme, organized by themselves. - Specific Symposia for «Chemical Education», «Chemistry and Society» , «History of Chemistry and IUPAC», «Gender Gap in Sciences», etc.. - Symposia proposals established by a restricted executive group (theme conveners) and submitted for review to the Programme Committee and IAB. - Programme Committee composed of a majority of Foreign scientists including the IUPAC Divisions/Committees chairs.

  13. 4 Plenary Sessions , 1 Symp = 1 to 3 8 PL 70 KN half-day sessions 140 IL 420 CL Sun ev. , Mon - Wed - Fri am Chemistry across the Theme 1 Theme 3 Themes Chemistry for Life Chemistry for the Environment 2 Conveners 4 Conveners 6 Symposia 3 Conveners 4 Symposia (3 Orgnizers /symp, Theme 2 4 Symposia Fr. + For.) Chemistry for Energy Theme 5 and Resources Theme 4 Education Chemistry and 5 Conveners 2 Conveners Society x Symp 6 Symposia 2 Conveners Theme 6 - History of 3 Symposia Chemistry Theme 7 2 Conveners , 1 Symp. Posters Young Scientist 2 or 3 sessions : Pr ogramme Special Symposia Tu, (We), Thu, pm 2 Conveners 3 Symp – to be completed x sessions to be defined

  14. YOUNG SCIENTISTS PROGRAMME … AGAIN A TOUCH OF GLOBALISATION 1- All along the Congress, series of talks and round table talks related to “early carrier” chemists (EC)’ interests and issues will be organized in parallel (controlled overlapping ) with regular symposia: proposal and article writing skills - research and project management – scientific outreach and communication - networking with academic and industrial partners -, etc … 2- A dedicated space at the Convention Center will be available for Young Scientists (EC and youngers) for, own meetings - networking activities - interaction with potential employers from industry and academy - CV clinics and soft skills tutorials -, etc … 3- An YS Celebration of IUPAC100 on the evening of Wednesday July 10, 2019 at Maison de la Chimie (main auditorium), gathering of Congress foreign YS participants with the YS from broader Paris area – Talk by a renowned guest speaker – Dinner (or buffet).

  15. CONGRESS/EVENTS TENTATIVE AGENDA Sun 7 Mon 8 Tue 9 W ed 10 T hu 11 Fri 12 8h30 8h30 Welcome PL4 PL7 Symp Symp 8h45 PL2 9h15 9h30 PL5 PL8 PL3 1 KN, 2 IL 1 KN, 2 IL 10h 10h15 10h20 10h35 Rep. Chem.Edu - Ch. PL6 IUPAC & S. - Gender 11h05 Sp L 100 6 CL 6 CL 11h35 IUPAC Sp L /session Celebration on site /session Awards & Closing 12h05 REGISTRATION (all participants) IUPAC 12h30 12h30 14h Symp Symp Symp Symp Plenaries PL1-9 : 45 mn (no quest.) 1 KN, 2 IL 1 KN, 2 IL 1 KN, 2 IL 1 KN, 2 IL Spec. Lect. Sp L: 30 min (no quest.) 6 CL 6 CL 6 CL 6 CL Key-notes 17h30 /session /session /session /session KN: 35 min + 5 Welcome & Opening 18h Inv. Lect. 18h30 IL: 25 min + 5 Musical interlude 19h Contrib. Lect. - YS CL: 15 min + 5 PL1 Free 20h Centenary Ceremony/Recept. YS Celebration Evening Gala Welcome Sorbonne Maison de la Chimie Dinner or City Hall Reception (invited only) (all participants) 22h JPV-13/11/2017 PROVISIONAL AGENDA


  17. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Basis: 3000 attendees - 100 exhibitors Standard fees for registration (in €, including VAT) (Susceptible of change depending on economical context ) Early bird On-site - General participants 650 750 - NAO affil. Soc. Memb. 600 680 - IUPAC Affil. Memb. (AMP) 550 620 - IUPAC Delegates and 300 350 Div/Comm Members - Students (up to PhD, 250 300 duly regist. at Univ.) - Accompanying Guests 200 250 Scientists from developing countries: Reduced rates (50%) might be considered case-by-case upon request. TO DATE, THE PROVISIONAL BUDGET (2.4 M€ ) IS WELL-BALANCED The Paris Exhibition Committee granted a subsidy of 100 000 € to the IUPAC Congress

  18. PATRONAGE The following organisations and companies already agreed to partner the IUPAC 2019 events :


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