franklin middle school athletics

Franklin Middle School Athletics Grades: 6, 7, 8 Welcome to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Franklin Middle School Athletics Grades: 6, 7, 8 Welcome to Frankin Middle School Athletics The Franklin Township Athletic Department is excited to present and provide the following information for all parents and students about the

  1. Franklin Middle School Athletics Grades: 6, 7, 8

  2. Welcome to Frankin Middle School Athletics The Franklin Township Athletic Department is excited to present and provide the following information for all parents and students about the various sports offerings that will be available to 6th, 7th, & 8th graders.

  3. Dear Parents and/or Guardians, In order for your child to participate in middle school athletics a completed physical packet must be turned in once a year. Fall sport physical packets are due August 1 st 2019. These physical packets must be handed in to the Franklin High School Athletic Department. Winter sports Physical Packets/Update Packets are due to your Child/Children’s PE/Health Teacher by 11/8/2019 Spring Physical Packets/Update Packets are due to your Child/Children’s PE/Health Teacher by 3/6/2020 If your child has NOT turned a physical packet into the athletic department in the past 365 days, they will need the packet filled out by their physician. If your child has turned in a physical from his/her physician within the past 365 days, they will need do an update packet.. Physical packets are also available from your son or daughter’s Physical Education or Health teacher. Sports Offered Fall Winter Spring Boys Soccer (A&B Teams) Boys Basketball (A&B Teams) Baseball Girls Soccer (A&B Teams) Girls Basketball (A&B Teams) Softball Field Hockey Cheerleading Track and Field Cross Country Wrestling Football

  4. Sports Offered: Tryout Dates Fall Season: Cross Country( boys & girls ) : 8/5/19 (Buccleuch Park) 8:30am -10:30am Football: 8/12/19 FMS (HSC) (8am-10am) Field Hockey, Soccer( boys & girls ): 8/26/19 (8am-10am) (HSC) Winter Season: Basketball( Boys & Girls) , Cheerleading 11/11/19 (SGS Campus) 3-5pm Wrestling 11/18/19 FMS (HSC) 3-5pm Spring Season : Baseball, Softball, Track & Field( Boys & Girls ) 3/9/20 (HSC) 3-5pm

  5. Franklin Middle School Athletics: Warriors for Life!


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