fr from mine ine to o far arm

Fr From Mine ine to o Far arm Focused on the supply of premium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fr From Mine ine to o Far arm Focused on the supply of premium quality primary products to the fertiliser markets to meet the growing plant based food demands in the Asia-Pacific region May y 2019 WWW.CENTREXMETALS.COM.AU ASX:CXM Forward

  1. Fr From Mine ine to o Far arm Focused on the supply of premium quality primary products to the fertiliser markets to meet the growing plant based food demands in the Asia-Pacific region May y 2019 WWW.CENTREXMETALS.COM.AU ASX:CXM

  2. Forward Looking Statements This presentation has been prepared by Centrex Metals a prospective investor may require in evaluating a uncertainties and contingencies which may affect Limited and is not intended to be and does not constitute possible investment in Centrex Metals or that would be Centrex Metals’ assets. an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, required in a prospectus or a product disclosure To the maximum extent permitted by law, each Relevant Centrex Metals’ securities. statement prepared in accordance with the Corporations Person makes no representation or warrant (express or Act. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of This presentation does not constitute a recommendation implied) as to the currency, accuracy, Centrex Metals and its related bodies corporate, and to invest in Centrex Metals assets, is not investment, reasonableness or completeness of the information, each of those parties officers, employees, agents, accounting, financial, legal, tax or other advice and does statements and opinions expressed in this presentation advisers and associations (each a Relevant Person) is, or not take into consideration the investment objectives, (information). To the maximum extent permitted by law, may be taken to be, under any obligation to correct, financial situation or particular needs of any recipient of all liability in respect of the information is expressly update or revise the presentation. the presentation (Recipient). Before making an excluded, including without limitation any liability arising investment decision, Recipients should (a) conduct their Any forward looking statements (including forecasts) from fault or negligence, for any direct, indirect or own independent investigations and analysis of Centrex included in this presentation are not representations as consequential loss or damage arising from the use of the Metals and the information set out in the presentation, to future matters and should not be relied upon by information or otherwise. No responsibility is accepted (b) rely entirely on such investigations and analysis and Recipients. The statements are based on a large number by any Relevant Person, for any of the information, any not on this presentation in relation to their assessment of assumptions about future events and are subject to omission from this presentation or for any action taken of Centrex Metals and (c) form their own opinion as to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of by the Recipient or any other person on the basis of the whether or not to invest in Centrex Metals. which are outside the control of Centrex Metals. No information. representation is made that any forecast or future event The presentation contains information on Centrex Metals will be achieved. Actual results may vary significantly and its activities which are current as at the date of this from the forecasts. presentation. The information in this presentation is general in nature and does not propose to be complete Each Recipient should make its own enquiries and nor does it purport to contain all of the information that investigations regarding the assumptions, 2

  3. Company Overview Flagship Ardmore Phosphate NORTHERN TOWNSV SVILL ILLE PORT project TERRITORY MOUNT UNT ISA SA ▪ 10 year mine life in Reserves 1, 6 Ardmore ▪ High grade product WESTERN AUSTRALIA QUEENSLAND ▪ Located on granted mining lease 2 GERALDTO DTON N SOUTH Oxley PORT AUSTRALIA NEW SOUTH WALES PERTH TH Goulburn SYDNE DNEY ADELAID IDE Head Office Head Office VICTORIA ▪ Tightly held capital structure with no debt ▪ Realised value via sale of iron ore projects – A$10 million contingent royalty 4 ▪ Seeking to unlock value from other projects including large-scale potassium nitrate project Note: Footnotes are in appendix 3

  4. Corporate Summary CXM Share Price Capital Structure $0.20 Ordinary shares on issue 315.7 million Share rights on issue 5.8 million $0.15 Share Price (16 May 2019) A$ 0.11 $0.10 Market Capitalisation (16 May 2019) A$ 35 million Cash (31 March 2019) A$ 5.6 million $0.05 Debt nil Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- Enterprise Value A$ 29 million 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 Shareholding structure Chrisp CXM Trust * : 111 million 35.1% 40.5% WISCO International Resources Development & Investments: 40 million on Baotou Iron & Steel (Group): 22 million on HSBC Custody Nominees: 15 million 12.8% Other 6.9% 4.7% Board and Management: ~37% * Entity associated with Graham Crisp 4

  5. Board of Directors Mr David Klingberg AO Mr Kiat Poh Chairman (Independent) | Appointed 19/4/05 | Chairman since 15/1/10 Independent Non-Executive Director | Appointed 21/5/08 Mr Klingberg has 35 years’ experience as a professional engineer with Kinhill Limited including Mr Poh has over 30 years’ experience at senior management level in the construction, quarrying, real estate previously spending 10 years as CEO managing professional engineering services to resource development, manufacturing industries and financial markets. He has also held senior positions in developments and other industries. He has extensive experience in the mining industry as Project corporate finance and mezzanine capital investment companies in Malaysia specialising in investments, Manager for the Windarra Nickel project for Poseidon Ltd and was responsible for significant mergers and acquisitions as well as financial instruments for fund raising. From 1998 to 2005 he was projects for Western Mining Corporation and CRA Limited. He was also a director of the engineering Managing Director of a Singapore Exchange listed company and since 2005; Mr Poh has managed an joint venture overseeing the Lihir Gold Project. investment advisory company in Singapore that focuses on participating in strategic stakes in listed companies. He is also a director of SML Corporation Limited (ASX: SOP). Mr Klingberg is a former Chancellor of the University of South Australia, retiring in 2008 after holding the position for 10 years. He was formerly the Chairman of Barossa Infrastructure Limited Mr Poh is a member of the Company’s Audit and Risk Management Committee. and the Premier’s Climate Change Council. Previous directorships include Codan Limited (ASX: CDA), E&A Limited (ASX: EAL) and Snowy Hydro Limited as well as the State Government Boards of Mr Graham Chrisp Renewables SA and Invest in SA. He is currently a director of Litigation Lending Services Limited. Non-Executive Director | Appointed 21/1/10 Mr Klingberg is a member of the Company’s Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Mr Chrisp has a degree in Civil Engineering and has substantial experience in numerous aspects of business operations, including design and construction of roads and other earthworks, mineral exploration and property development. As an owner and operator of earth moving equipment for mining and civil applications, Mr Chrisp has practical experience with modest scale mining operations, including several of his own developments. He was a founding director of Centrex Metals Limited (having previously served as Mr Chris Indermaur its Managing Director) and Lincoln Minerals Ltd and has numerous private interests. Independent Non-Executive Director | Appointed 1/7/17 Mr Chrisp is a member of the Company’s Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Mr Indermaur has over 40 years’ experience in large Australian companies in engineering and commercial roles. His significant technical and commercial experience extends to downstream mining related industrial facilities including fertiliser plants. Mr Indermaur is currently a Director of Austin Mr Jim Hazel Engineering Limited (ASX: ANG) and Austal Limited (ASX:ASB). Chris was formerly the Engineering and Independent Non-Executive Director | Appointed 12/7/10 Contracts Manager for the QNI Nickel Refinery at Yabulu, Company Secretary for Queensland Alumina Limited and General Manager for Strategy and Development at Alinta Limited. In his earlier career Chris Mr Hazel has had an extensive career in banking and investment banking, including as Chief General worked at Wesfarmers chemical and fertiliser subsidiary CSBP for ten years where he held engineering Manager of Adelaide Bank Ltd and was formerly managing director of an ASX listed retirement village and and production roles. aged care operation. He is now a professional public company director and is currently a Director of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (ASX: BEN), Coopers Brewery Limited and Ingenia Communities Group (ASX: INA, Chairman). He is formerly a director of Impedimed Limited (ASX: IPD). Mr. Hazel is Deputy Chairman of the Company and chairs the Company’s Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. 5

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