FP7 Specific Programme “People” Marie Curie Actions IRSES International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES GA N° 247518 1
IRSES Call history Call 2 - FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES • Call deadline: 27 March 2009 • Proposals: 178 received, 1 ineligible • Total available budget: 30M € • Total requested budget: 45M € • 107 proposals retained for funding (+10 in reserve list) • 111 funded All information available on a regular basis on Cordis Website: http://cordis.europa.eu/ fp7/dc/index.cfm? fuseaction=UserSite.PeopleDetailsCallPage&call_id=174#additionaldocs 3
ONDA - IRSES Staff exchange Programme Exchange programme: • Multi-annual joint exchange programme (4 years) • 4 WPs underpin: • Two-way staff secondments between institutions – Short term exchanges (up to 1 year per person in total) – Seconded staff: researchers, technical staff • Exchanges to/from Europe (not between EU/AC partners) • Staff are seconded (maintain salary in institution of origin and have the right to return) • Partner institutes select their staff for exchange 4
ONDA- IRSES Flow of the exchanges EU MEMBER STATES: THIRD COUNTRIES: • UNIMORE IT (20) • IOFFE RUS (35) • ILL FR (7) • ESRF FR (12) • PNPI RUS (21) • ICN SP (7) • IMDEANano SP (10) See Gantt in DoW () N° researchers seconded months Nationals from EU going to Russia Russian partner going to EU/AC 5
Grant Project Agreement Account Project Negotiation Staff Start Seconded Project Implementation CA/PA Contractual timeline Agreement Interim Paymnet Interim Financial Paymnet Reporting Union Final Pre-financing Reporting Signature GA Kick off Meeting Final Payment Interim Start Finish Period 6
Hierarchy of Law sources MC ACTIONS GRANTS FP7 Rules of FP7 People Specific Participation Programme + Financial Rules (FR) Grant Agreement (GA) Annexes I,II, III … The CA/PA comply with the regulations of the Rules of Participation and the Grant Agreement provisions, in case of incompatibility it applies the superior legal source which takes the precedence over Consortium/Partnership Agreement CA/PA 7
IRSES Grant Agreement (GA) Signed by EU (REA) and the Consortium (Multibeneficiary) • GA Structure: Core part: GA parameters, • Annex I: DoW, (the project) • Annex II: General Conditions, • Annex III: Specific provisions for funding schemes (IRSES) • Annex V: Form C • + Consortium Agreement mandatory • Due to technical issues, the GA production for IRSES - Calls 2009 - is delayed • Article 2 of the GA stipulates that the effective starting date is to be notified by the beneficiary (15/06/10) • There is no problem for to start on 15/06/10. This will be indicated as start date in our and therefore costs for secondments will be eligible from that date although they can only be claimed after the GA has been signed by the REA. 8
Read particularly GA provisions related to… • Financial provisions 1. Payment modalities 2. Eligible costs 3. Upper funding limits 4. No financial collective responsibility • Other provisions – Reporting – Amendments 9
Consortium/Partnership Agreement Consortium agreement (CA) : an agreement signed between the beneficiaries only for the purpose of the project . Partnership agreement (PA) : signed between the beneficiaries and the partner organisations (all) for the purpose of the project. These agreements (Consortium and Partnership) were signed: – before the signature of the GA . – between participants only; the Commission/REA are not part to any of these 2 agreements, • They complement and supplement the GA without conflicting it. 10
Consortium/Partnership Agreement 12 sections + 7 Attachments (incl. Draft secondment agreement) 11
CA/PA deal with knowledge management – IPRs IPR terminology: • Foreground: Results generated within the Project • Background: pre-existing information and rights • Access Rights : licenses and user rights to Foreground and Background • Use: Includes commercial and further research purposes • Ownership : each participant owns the foreground it generates • Joint ownership (in absence of specific agreement): – any owner can grant non-exclusive licenses to third parties, subject to prior notification and fair and reasonable compensation to the other owner(s) with no right to sub- licence Attachment 1 CA/ PA Art 8 CA/PA 12
ONDA Access Rights 13
ONDA Budget and Grant 14
IRSES Financial rules EC contribution 15
Eligible costs Non eligible costs • Identifiable taxes, including VAT • Actual • Duties – however People specific programme includes the possibility of Flat rate • Interest owed costs • Provisions for possible future losses/ • Incurred within the duration of the charges project – Reflect the duration of secondments • Exchange losses • Registered in the accounting • Costs reimbursed in respect of any other following the usual practices of the EU project beneficiaries • Debt and debt service charges • Used for the sole purpose of the project (economy efficiency • Excessive or reckless expenditure effectiveness) • not travel and subsistence costs for • Have been indicated in the overall budget in Annex 1 scientists moving from one MS/AC to another MS/AC or from a third country to another third country . 16
Supporting documents Type of costs related to secondments: • Travel tickets : airplane (economy class), Train tickets (1° class is allowed), by car (own or hired - invoice). • Local transport costs : metro, bus tickets and taxi (intra-city). • Accommodation costs. • Subsistence and sundries. • Visa and insurance. The costs must be adequately recorded. For each secondment – complete and keep the following documents to demonstrate that secondment were undertaken and costs are actually incurred. • Travel invoices, Transport tickets and boarding passes, • Time sheets for each seconded staff unit (see next slide). • Local transport tickets and receipts. • Secondment agreements (or letters between Home and Host organisation). • If travels by using own car, reimbursed eligible costs according your institution accounting practice: i.e. motor km allowance, vehicle hiring costs, or reimbursement of fuel consumption calculation (per distance) + motorway bills. – provide a map showing the route of the journey. • Invoices and receipts for accommodation and subsistence (hotel bills, meals, breakfast, restaurants etc), • Keep copies of agendas workshops, meetings where you actively participated. • Partners lists signed at relevant meetings. • Minutes and transcripts from the meetings. • For event keep and file copies of the material presented at workshop demonstrating an active contribution (articles, posters, slideshows, proceedings, abstracts etc.). 17
Time-sheets Per each researcher seconded record the effective duration of the staff exchange X 12 = n° of person months Hours on project N ° of productive hours per year 18
Calculating eligible costs for each secondment For each secondment: a detailed breakdown listing each cost item and reference to supporting documents Sum and consolidate listing total costs for each mission and secondment in the following table: 19
Conversion rates • Costs shall be reported in EUR. • IOFFE and PNPI with accounts in currencies other than EUR shall report in EUR on the basis of the exchange rate that would have applied either: – on the date that the actual costs were incurred or – on the basis of the rate applicable on the first day of the month following the end of the reporting period. – the daily exchange rates are fixed by the European Central Bank and may be obtained at the following internet address: http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/ or, for the rate of the first day of the month following the reporting period, in the relevant OJ of the European Union. – For the days where no daily exchange rates have been published, (for instance Saturday, Sunday and New Year’s Day) you should take the rate on the next day of publication. – The use of other sources for exchange rates (other than the ECB) is admissible only where no other solution is possible (i.e. when ECB does not include the daily exchange rates for a particular currency). • UNIMORE, ICN, IMDEA, ESRF, ILL with accounts in EUR shall convert costs incurred in other currencies according to their usual accounting practice . Fluctuations may occur, however have in mind that exchange losses are a non eligible cots. 20
Reporting Costs FORM C What is it? • It is a cost statement, a declaration on honour that its content is real and reliable (also from Audit point of view) • Has to be filled and submitted by beneficiaries not later than 60 days after the end of each reporting period (electronically and paper) • Has to be signed by beneficiary’s representative • Includes cost projects details, • Accompanying the Periodic Report(s) The Form C must be submitted via FORCE, printed out, signed by the Legal Representative, duly dated and stamped, and sent to the REA. • It is checked by REA officials against FP7 rules, the GA conditions and the provisional budget established • If inconsistencies are found beneficiaries are contacted in order to have complementary information NO NO NO NO 21
Sustainability – is the allowance enough? 22
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