fp7 socrates

FP7 SOCRATES Hans van den Berg (TNO, NL) Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FP7 SOCRATES FP7 SOCRATES Hans van den Berg (TNO, NL) Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO, NL) Neil Scully (Vodafone, UK) Informa SON Conference, London, 30 Nov 1 Dec 2010 Outline 1. SOCRATES Overview (15 min) a) Background, approach, use cases Hans

  1. FP7 SOCRATES FP7 SOCRATES Hans van den Berg (TNO, NL) Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO, NL) Neil Scully (Vodafone, UK) Informa SON Conference, London, 30 Nov – 1 Dec 2010

  2. Outline 1. SOCRATES Overview (15 min) a) Background, approach, use cases Hans b) Main results 2. SON Concepts in SOCRATES (15 min) Neil Q&A (5 min) 3. SON Simulation Demo’s (30 min) Ljupco Q&A (10 min) WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 2 2/17

  3. FP7 SOCRATES � SOCRATES – Self-Optimisation and self-ConfiguRATion in wirelEss networkS � Project period – 3-year duration: From 01/01/2008 until 31/12/2010 � Effort – Number of person months: 378 – Total project costs: € 4,980,433 � Consortium WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 3

  4. FP7 SOCRATES: KEY ISSUES � Self-organisation in wireless networks – Self-configuration – e.g. ‘plug-and-play’ of new base Measurements Measurements stations (Gathering and processing) (Gathering and processing) – Self-optimisation – measurements, processing, parameter adjustment, … continuous continuous loop loop – continuous loop Self- Self- optimisation optimisation – Self-healing Setting Setting parameters parameters – failure detection – automatic minimisation of coverage/capacity loss Self- Self- configuration configuration Self- Self- healing healing � Focus on 3GPP LTE (E-UTRAN) � Evolutionary approach triggered by triggered by incidental incidental events events WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 4

  5. SELF-ORGANISATION: EXPECTED GAINS (1/2) Co Co Co ver ver ver age age age GS ED UM � OPEX reductions … M GE TS – Primary objective! – Network operations increasingly complex – Less human involvement in – Network planning/optimisation – Performance monitoring, drive testing – Troubleshooting WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 5

  6. SELF-ORGANISATION: EXPECTED GAINS (1/2) � … and CAPEX reductions … – Efficiency improvement � delayed capacity expansions – smart eNodeBs may however be more expensive � … and performance enhancements – Enhanced service availability (robustness, resilience), QoS IMPACT OF 'SELF-HEALING' LOCAL SERVICE QUALITY LOCAL SERVICE QUALITY WITH SELF-HEALING: QUICK RECOVERY TO TOLERABLE LEVEL WITHOUT SELF-HEALING: DRAMATIC DROP TO INTOLERABLE LEVEL 0 20 40 60 80 100 TIME SITE FAILURE WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 6

  7. SOCRATES: OBJECTIVES � Main objectives of SOCRATES – Development of concepts, methods and algorithms for self- organisation – e.g. handover parameters, antenna parameters, admission control parameters, … – Specification of architectural requirements – measurements, interfaces, protocols – Assessment of the operational impact – e.g. radio network planning, capacity management, … WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 7

  8. FP7 SOCRATES Overview � FP7 SOCRATES – Background – Approach – Use cases – Results WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 8

  9. SOCRATES: APPROACH (1/2) • Three phases Defining use cases, Requirements assessment criteria, ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX OPEX OPEX GoS/QoS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS OVERALL OVERALL CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX OVERALL OVERALL OPEX OPEX OPEX OPEX OPEX ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX CAPEX OVERALL OVERALL OVERALL OVERALL OPEX OPEX OPEX OPEX GoS/QoS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS ROBUSTNESS CAPEX CAPEX phase reference scenarios GoS/QoS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS GoS/QoS OPEX OPEX OPEX OPEX and the framework SO A SO A SO B SO B SO B SO C SO C SO C SO D SO D SO D scenario 3 200 reference with load balancing 180 160 n unsatisfied users in network 140 Development Developing solutions 120 104 100 80 phase for individual use cases 60 40 35 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 t [s] Integration Integrating use cases phase into an overall solution WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 9 9

  10. SOCRATES: APPROACH (1/2) � Evolutionary approach towards self-optimisation – Take current architecture as starting point – Works quite well, when parameters are properly tuned … – ‘Make’ existing functionalities ‘self-optimising’ – E.g. RRM mechanisms, … – Determine actual need for self-optimisation by sensitivity analysis – Algorithms for ‘automatic’ adaptation of parameters – Required architectural modifications � impact on standardisation – Measurements, interfaces, signaling, … � Many ‘use cases’ defined and investigated – Stand-alone functionalities – Interacting functionalities – coordination needed! WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 10

  11. SOCRATES USE CASES (stand-alone functionalities) Handover parameter optimisation Load balancing Packet scheduling optimisation Self-optimisation Admission control optimisation Interference coordination HeNB handover optimisation HeNB interference and cov. optimisation Self-configuration Automatic generation of initial params Self-healing Cell outage management SON enabler X-map estimation WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 11 11

  12. SOCRATES USE CASES (integrated functionalities) � Combinations of use cases where there is either a control parameter conflict or an observability dependency Admission Control and Handover Optimisation Load balancing and Handover Optimisation Self-optimisation Macro & Home eNodeB Handover Optimisation Packet Scheduling and Interference Coordination WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 12 12

  13. FP7 SOCRATES Overview � FP7 SOCRATES – Background – Approach – Use cases – Results WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 13

  14. MAIN PROJECT RESULTS (1/2) � Framework for development of self-organisation methods – high-level guidelines, requirements, … manual manual detection detection time time repair time repair time local local revenue revenue eNodeB eNodeB dies dies � Assessment criteria and methodologies eNodeB eNodeB CASE WITHOUT CASE WITHOUT revived revived SELF-HEALING SELF-HEALING – OPEX, CAPEX, performance gains time time repair time repair time local local revenue revenue – reference scenarios regained revenue due to regained revenue due to cell outage detection cell outage detection otherwise otherwise missed missed CASE WITH CASE WITH revenue revenue regained revenue due to regained revenue due to SELF-HEALING SELF-HEALING cell outage compensation cell outage compensation time time � Self-organisation methods and algorithms for selected use cases – stand-alone – integrated WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 14

  15. MAIN PROJECT RESULTS (2/2) SON System SON System POLICY POLICY interface interface POLICY POLICY � SON coordination framework OPERATOR OPERATOR feedback on feedback on performance performance quality quality objectives & objectives & performance performance objectives objectives metric metric constraints constraints Communication Communication – alignment of interacting SON functions with peers with peers SON SON SON SON SON SON FUNCTION FUNCTION SON SON FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS Note SON system Note SON system will often be in the will often be in the specify specify eNB, but could be in eNB, but could be in data data feedback & feedback & change change any node any node requests requests constraints constraints requests requests performance performance data data ALIGNMENT ALIGNMENT performance data performance data AUTOGNOSTICS AUTOGNOSTICS Incl. Guard function Incl. Guard function configuration configuration changes changes � Measurements, architecture & interfaces for SON raw measurements & raw measurements & control parameter control parameter configuration changes configuration changes interface interface NETWORK SUBSYSTEM (e.g., eNB, neighbours, OSS, NMS) NETWORK SUBSYSTEM (e.g., eNB, neighbours, OSS, NMS) – based on use case studies, SON coordinator � Demonstrations – visualisation through simulation – validation � Implications of SON (ongoing work) – network planning & operations WWW.FP7-SOCRATES.EU Hans van den Berg (TNO), Ljupco Jorguseski (TNO), Neil Scully (Vodafone) 15


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