Strategic Planning Community Open Forum “ For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Luke 12:48
“That the end of our lives may be Christian, without pain, blameless and peaceful, and for a GOOD ACCOUNT BEFORE THE AWESOME JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST” 2 Corinthians 5:10
Tonight’s Objectives Give everyone the opportunity to: 1. Learn more about our Strategic Planning process and timeline 2. Offer their suggested Parish Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities or Threats
Your Always Free Parish Resource The full version of this presentation can be downloaded under the Strategic Planning tab at: coptic-troy-mi/ \ Send questions to:
Strategic Planning is Biblical
Proverbs 29:18 “ “Where there is no vision, the people will perish”
Church Strategic Planning is: A process to help manage the “busyness” of our Parish without turning the Parish into a “business.”
What is Strategic Planning A Strategic Plan must answer 4 fundamental questions: 1. Why do we exist? 2. Where are we now? 3. Where do we want to be? 4. How will we get there?
The 4 P’s of Strategic Planning
The Essential 4 P ’s of Church Strategic Planning 1. P rocess - A comprehensive and methodical process and schedule 2. P eople – A diverse and inclusive group of strategic thinkers leading, developing and implementing the process, with input from everyone 3. P roduct - A comprehensive strategic plan with a detailed implementation plan and timeline 4. P erformance – The most critical step of performance and implementation of the Strategic Plan which must be well-managed and diligent
Stewardship Calling Proven Strategic Planning Process Our process has been used to complete strategic plans covering over 25% of U.S. Orthodox Christians Parishes GOA GOA GOA Orthodox Ukrainian Metro- Metro- Metro- Christian Orthodox polis of polis of polis of Church of Prison San Chicago Atlanta the USA Ministry Francisco (6 MW (8 SE (entire OCPM (7 Western States) States) USA) States) St John The Divine (Jacksonville FL) ; St Mary (Wichita, KS) ; In Progress:; St. Mark/St. Mary & Philopater Coptic St John The Baptist (Beaverton, OR) ; (Troy MI) and several other parishes and entities Annunciation (Atlanta, GA) ; St Nicholas (Ann Arbor. MI)
Strategic Planning Tab at You can watch or download 2 videos that teach Parish Strategic Planning at: http://stewardshipca strategic-planning- video/ You can download several Strategic Plans
Stewardship Calling Six Step Work Plan Process Step One Opening Retreat to determine SWOT, Statement of Why, Mission, Vision, Core Values, Strategic Areas of Focus Step Two Task Force Meetings to draft Strategic Goals and Action Plans Step Three Public Presentations of draft Strategic Goals and Action Plans for feedback and consensus- building Step Four Closing Retreat to finalize SMART Strategic Goals and Action Plans Step Five Finalize Strategic Plan + Parish Roll Out Step Six Implementation with continual communication
Strategic Plan Proposed Timeline SUMMARY OVERALL TIMETABLE ≈ 1.5 months from start Finalize SPT ≈ 4 months from start First retreat ¹ SPT = Strategic ≈ 8 months from start Planning Team Second retreat ≈ 10 -12 months after start Public Rollout TARGET TASK DATES Process officially starts 7-24-19 Finalize SPT 9-16-19 Community Feedback Events 9-22-19 SWOT/ SPT Homework due 10-7-19 First retreat 11-17,18 &19-19 SPT Task Forces finalize draft Strategic Goals and Action Plans 11-20-19 through 3-2-20 Second retreat 3-27, 28 & 29-20 Write Strategic Plan-organize rollout 3-20-20 Parish Rollout event Date TBD
Consensus 1. “Consensus” means seeking the “ common mind ” through a process of respectful dialogue without formal votes 2. “Consensus” means an agreement that everyone can “live with” after a full and fair dialogue
It Takes 2 Teams • SPT = Strategic Planning Team ➢ A diverse, representative cross-section of Parish strategic thinkers who develop the Strategic Plan • IT = Implementation Team ➢ A larger diverse group of parishioners and other experts who implement all of the Strategic Goals and Action Plans and who are accountable for the achievement of the Strategic Plan
Romans 12:5 “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.”
SWOT A SWOT Analysis is Biblical
“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves!” 2 Corinthians 13:5
SWOT Analysis ~ Answers strategic planning question #2: Where are we now? ~ We first focus on the INTERNAL Strengths and Weaknesses of our Parish ~ We second focus on the EXTERNAL Opportunities and Threats that our Parish faces from the outside
Internal Factors Strengths and Weaknesses (a) Strengths include things we do well. (b) Weaknesses include things we do poorly or problems we face.
External Factors External Opportunities or Threats include opportunities and challenges that are external to our parish that could affect us (a)Opportunities include external things that could help us (b) Threats include external things that could cause trouble for us They do NOT include things internal to our Parish
Community Online SWOT fb_HBGegcLTw69nRIDB8S36D3mX63dcNSHXO85dA/ viewform
Tonight’s Process 1. We will discuss Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats one at a time 2. To give everyone a chance, please speak only once on each topic 3. Today is not when we will discuss/debate the suggestions as the Strategic Planning Team will take ALL SWOT input into account 4. Please be as succinct as possible in what you say as you identify your key point(s) 5. All of your comments will be included in the final SWOT analysis 6. Remember, that Opportunities and Threats need to be EXTERNAL to our Parish P.S. Please still complete your electronic SWOT analysis
Please complete your electronic SWOT analysis and get them in by October 7, 2019
You have now been called as one of the 70 Disciples Luke 10:1
Strategic Planning Community Open Forum “ For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Luke 12:48
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