

QUEBEC CANADA 2016 FORUM WORLD SOCIAL ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE!! ARE WE READY FOR THE CHALLENGE ? Since !the !World !Social !Fo- Following ! the ! last ! meeting ! make ! this ! 2016 ! WSF ! a ! rum ! !(WSF) !held !in !Tunisia ! of

  1. QUEBEC CANADA � 2016 FORUM WORLD SOCIAL ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE!! ARE WE READY FOR THE CHALLENGE ? Since !the !World !Social !Fo- Following ! the ! last ! meeting ! make ! this ! 2016 ! WSF ! a ! rum ! !(WSF) !held !in !Tunisia ! of !the !International !Council ! great !popular !success. ! ! in !march !2013, !many !Ca- of !the !WSF !in !Tunis !(march ! All ! Artisans ! of ! change ! nadians ! heard ! about ! the ! 2015), !we !obtained !its !ap- have !their !place !at !WSF. ! ! � international ! enthusiasm ! proval !for !organize !a !WSF ! Sharing ! our ! dreams ! and ! aroused ! by ! the ! idea ! of ! in ! Montreal ! in ! August ! aspirations. ! ! holding ! the ! next ! WSF ! in ! 2016. ! Another !world !is !necessary, ! 2016 !in !Quebec, !Canada. ! In ! this ! perspective, ! we ! in- together !it !is !possible! vite ! all ! civil ! society ! to !

  2. A new world is required... � with you, it’s possible! BE INVOLVED! The ¡World ¡Social ¡Forum ¡was ¡cre-­‑ social ¡and ¡environmental ¡consid-­‑ ated ¡ in ¡ Brazil ¡ following ¡ vast ¡ col-­‑ eration, ¡ but ¡ also ¡ identified ¡ the ¡ lective ¡mobilizations ¡in ¡the ¡North ¡ resiliency ¡and ¡the ¡strength ¡of ¡the ¡ and ¡ in ¡ the ¡ South ¡ against ¡ the ¡ populations ¡subjected ¡to ¡the ¡dis-­‑ structural ¡ adjustments ¡ imposed ¡ astrous ¡ consequences ¡ of ¡ these ¡ by ¡ the ¡ globalized ¡ neoliberalism ¡ actions. ¡ � system ¡ (commercial ¡ agreements ¡ similar ¡ to ¡ NAFTA, ¡ World ¡ Trade ¡ For ¡more ¡than ¡10 ¡years, ¡the ¡WSF ¡ Organization, ¡ World ¡ bank, ¡ In-­‑ has ¡traveled ¡the ¡world ¡from ¡Latin ¡ ternational ¡ Monetary ¡ Fund). ¡ ¡ It ¡ America ¡ to ¡ Africa, ¡ through ¡ Asia, ¡ opened ¡space ¡for ¡the ¡convergence ¡ gathering ¡ between ¡ 50,000 ¡ and ¡ of ¡social ¡movements ¡and ¡civil ¡so-­‑ 1000,000 ¡persons ¡every ¡time. ¡ ¡It ¡ ciety ¡organizations ¡with ¡a ¡view ¡to ¡ allowed ¡ for ¡ better ¡ structure ¡ and ¡ build ¡concrete ¡alternatives ¡to ¡ne-­‑ reinforcement ¡of ¡social ¡concerns, ¡ oliberalism. ¡It ¡allowed ¡the ¡devel-­‑ for ¡ organizations ¡ to ¡ share ¡ and ¡ opments ¡of ¡big ¡campaigns ¡to ¡fight ¡ organize ¡ and ¡ for ¡ citizens ¡ to ¡ be-­‑ the ¡imperialism ¡of ¡the ¡big ¡powers ¡ come ¡aware ¡of ¡what ¡is ¡at ¡stake ¡so ¡ of ¡this ¡world. ¡It ¡brought ¡forth ¡the ¡ that ¡they ¡in ¡turn ¡become ¡involved ¡ discovery ¡ of ¡ a ¡ clear ¡ cleavage ¡ be-­‑ as ¡a ¡new ¡actor ¡in ¡social ¡transfor-­‑ tween ¡the ¡global ¡oligarchy ¡taking ¡ mation. the ¡richness ¡of ¡our ¡planet ¡with ¡no ¡ Indignation Information Involvement This document introduces the context of this initiative towards a 2016 World Social Forum in Québec and pro- vides for the project outline. Its aims are to provide in- formation on the initiative and to rally the maximum support for the event and process. Support this cam- paign aims to initiate a large process of popular mobiliza- tion for the WSF 2016 in Montreal.

  3. From neoliberalism to neoconservatism The challenges are enormous Canada illustrated perfectly this Canada has become a symbol because the neoliberalism crisis, neo-conservatist radicalization of this radicalization affecting obvious since 2008, has forced that is moving through the dom- other countries of the North. the global oligarchy towards a inating world. The conservative dangerous stand government since � t o w a r d s n e o - its election in 2006 conservatism. For has neglected cul- The WSF is a space to them, it’s not a ture, feminine af- speak, to share, to dia- question anymore to fairs, support to logue, to provide for build a global market unemployed, in- but instead their popular education, ternational aid, goal is to secure and many other and the practice of their strategic inter- civil society sec- citizenship, to network ests. The security tors … while in- and to elaborate pro- discourse is ahead creasing drastical- grams of concerted of free trade with ly its military ex- efforts. It stimulates drastic increases in penses (increase the dynamics of social military expenses to of 53% over 10 fight the endless war mobilizations and years). It has rein- on terrorism allowing forced its immigra- democratic lives to them to override the tion policies, par- move together to- most basic rights ticularly towards wards a democratic, and to criminalize all refugees and its fair and sustainable forms of contesta- control at the bor- society in solidarity. tion, while they ex- ders. It has fought � ploit the natural re- fiercely against the sources. This trend international nego- became visible in tiations for climate 2001 with the beginning of the changes and is the only country war in Afghanistan and with Iraq. to retract from the Kyoto proto- The fight must be reinfor- It continued to increase with the col while subsidizing the ex- ced in the heart of the arrival of neo-conservatist go- ploitation of the highly polluting Empire and must support the social movements to vernments in Europe and in tar sands in Alberta. It contin- r e v e r s e t h e t e s t o f North America and the financial ues to promote free trade, fight strength to advance and crisis in 2008 has allowed them any financial reforms and move forward the political in part to impose radical austere doesn’t hesitate to ridicule its and social progress initia- plans to fight deficits. Once citizens’ basic human rights and ted by the majority of the more, the populations have to to silence all forms of social con- countries of this world. The North needs the South pay for the oligarchic excesses, testation. For three years it re- in this fundamental fight. but this time there is no dissi- sisted signing the United Na- The social movements of dence tolerated in the name of tions Declaration of the rights of the North need the WSF. security. This radicalization in Indigenous rights and actually the North is dangerous for the led a campaign of sanctions to- whole of the world and the alter- wards civil society organizations � globalization’s circle of influence criticizing its policies. � must be ready to tackle it.


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