forth quarter and fy 2011 results presentation

Forth quarter and FY 2011 results presentation February 24 th 2012 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Forth quarter and FY 2011 results presentation February 24 th 2012 Disclaimer These materials are confidential and have been prepared by Nord Gold N.V. (Nordgold) solely for your information and may no t be reproduced, retransmitted or

  1. Forth quarter and FY 2011 results presentation February 24 th 2012

  2. Disclaimer These materials are confidential and have been prepared by Nord Gold N.V. (“Nordgold”) solely for your information and may no t be reproduced, retransmitted or further distributed to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for any other purpose. These materials may contain projections and other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of Nordgold. You can identify forward- looking statements by terms such as “expect,” “believe,” “estimate,” “intend,” “will,” “could,” “may” or “might”, or oth er similar expressions. Nordgold cautions you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially. Nordgold will not update these statements to reflect events and circumstances occurring after the date hereof. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in projections or forward-looking statements of Nordgold may include, among others, general economic and competitive environment conditions in the markets in which Nordgold operates, market change in the gold industry, as well as many other risks affecting Nordgold and its operations. These materials do not constitute or form part of any advertisement of securities, any offer or invitation to sell or issue or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities of Nordgold in any jurisdiction, nor shall they or any part of them nor the fact of their presentation, communication or distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investment decision. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by Nordgold, its affiliates or any of their respective advisers, officers, employees or agents, as to the accuracy of the information or opinions or for any loss howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of these materials or their contents. 2

  3. Nikolai Zelenski Results at a Glance Chief Executive Officer

  4. Summary of Quarterly and Full Year Results FY 2011 vs. FY 2010 Analysis 4Q2011 vs. 4Q2010 Analysis Average realised gold price of US$ 1,567 / oz, up 25% accompanied Average realised gold price of US$ 1,652 / oz, up 19% with the production increase by 28% to 754 koz with moderate accompanied with the production increase by 5% to 204 koz with increase in TCC of 23% and moderate increase in TCC of 12% Revenue of US$ 1,182m, up 57% vs. 2010 (US$ 754m) Revenue of US$ 385m up 43%, vs. 4Q2010 (US$ 269m) EBITDA of US$ 574m, up 55% vs. 2010 (US$ 370m) EBITDA of US$ 195m, up 43% vs. 4Q2010 (US$ 136m) Cash and equivalents slightly increased compared to 2010 (US$ Bissa project construction in Burkina Faso progressing rapidly 217m vs. US$ 212m) providing the comfortable liquidity cushion with engineering works mostly completed; on track to deliver first gold in early 2013 Gold equivalent resources of over 24 moz with further growth anticipated after new MER released in March/April 2012 Gross project in Russia on track to complete pre-feasibility in May/June 2012 Successful listing of GDRs on the London Stock Exchange in January 2012 (ticker: NORD) with 10.6% free float 4

  5. Robust Production Growth FY2010-FY2011 Production Bridge Key FY2011 Production Highlights » 2011FY production at 754 koz, 28% higher than last year and on 800 the upper end of the guidance 2 750 14 5 5 5 36 » 2011 production growth was primarily driven by the consolidation 700 of the LEFA mine coupled with the higher productivity at key 650 122 mines – Berezivovy and Neryungri 600 754 » Targeted 2012 production of of 800 – 850 koz 550 500 589 » Key 2012 growth drivers: further debottlenecking of LEFA 450 coupled with the operational improvement and productivity 400 increase of Russian mines FY2010 LEFA Taparko Suzdal Neryungri Aprel- Berezi- Buryat- FY2011 kovo tovy zoloto 4Q 2010 – 4Q 2011 Production Bridge 4Q 2011 Production Highlights » 4Q production at 204 koz gold equivalent ounces, 14% ahead of 0 200 1 2 13 3Q 2011 and 5% up form 4Q 2010 6 15 9 » 180 Production decline on the West African mines in 4Q 2011 compared to 4Q 2010 was more than compensated by the growth on Russian and Kazakhstan assets 160 204 194 » Our African operations showed a sensible decrease during Q4 140 2011  Guinean LEFA mine faced lower grades and associated 120 decrease in recoveries 100  Production volumes were also affected by repair works in Q42010 LEFA Taparko Suzdal Neryungri Aprel- Berezi- Buryat- Q42011 December at our Taparko mine located in Burkina Faso kovo tovy zoloto 5

  6. Financial Performance Indicators Average realized gold price (US$ /oz) +25% +19% » Growing gold demand from the developing economies and 1,652 1,567 unstable macroeconomic environment were the key drivers 1,384 1,251 for the gold price rally observed in 2011 » Average realized gold price was up 25% in 2011 versus 2010 reaching US$ 1,567 / oz 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 Revenue (US$ m) » 2011 revenue of US$ 1,182m was up 57% from 2010 (US$ 754m) driven by a higher realised gold prices and increased +57% production of 754k oz (up 28% year-on-year) +43% 1,182 » In 2011 54% of revenue was originated outside of Russia, 754 with Africa as main contributor with 43%, compared to 34% 385 269 in 2010 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 Revenue Breakdown (US$ m) FY2010 by geography FY2011 by geography 100%=US$ 754m 100%=US$ 1,182m Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Russia 11% Russia 14% Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 17% 46% 21% 52% 13% 26% Guinea Guinea 6

  7. Financial Performance Indicators EBITDA (US$ m) +55% » Continued success in driving mine efficiency and +43% operational improvement resulted in an EBITDA increase 574 of 55% in 2011 to US$ 574m 370 195 136 » TCC increase was compensated by the growing realised gold prices and supported industry-high EBITDA margin 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 » EBITDA Margin Cash costs has moderately increased in 2011 as a result of increase in production cash costs at Lefa and Suzdal 51% 51% mines embittered with the fixed costs incurred by low 49% 49% production volumes. Cash costs were considerable effected by full year consolidation of higher cost Lefa mine 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 Total Cash Cost (US$ /oz) +23% +13% 715 687 636 557 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 7

  8. Financial Performance Indicators Operating Cash Flow(US$ m) +60% +80% » The business continues to generate significant cashflows 398 reflecting healthy and efficient underlying operations. In 249 2011 operating cashflow increased by 60% to a record 184 US$ 398m 102 » 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 Strong cashflow is central to our longer term strategy enabling us to efficiently fund mine expansions and value Capital expenditures (US$ m) accretive acquisitions, whilst also maintaining the capacity to return surplus cash to shareholders as appropriate +87% +118% 319 » Nordgold has a focused capex strategy which aims to deliver growth from both existing and new assets. In 2011, 170 123 capex was US$ 319m, with a particular focus on 56 204 83 105 Nordgold’s key development projects: LEFA, Gross and 33 Bissa 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 FY2010 FY2011 Other Capex Exploration Capital Expenditures Breakdown (US$ m) FY2010 by objective FY2011 by objective 100%=US$ 168m 100%=US$ 319m 32% 35% 39% 36% 29% 29% Safety, facilities balancing, replacement of equipment Development 8 Exploration and evaluation

  9. Operational Update

  10. Diversified Production Base Key Production Highlights FY2010-FY2011 Production Breakdown » We continue to follow global diversification path with a 2010 2011 particular focus on Russia, CIS and West Africa 754 koz 589koz Celtic & » Traditionally most of the production is concentrated in Russia Celtic & Semgeo Semgeo 11% and CIS region (c. 57% in 2011) Buryatzoloto Buryatzoloto 15% 18% 23% » Share of the West African business has significantly increased LEFA Taparko 12% 17% for the past year (from 34% in 2010 to 43% in 2011) Berezitovy Berezitovy 12% » Launch of the key Nordgold’s growth projects Bissa and Gross 14% Taparko as well as further debottlenecking of LEFA mine will further 22% Neryungri & Aprelkovo LEFA drive production shift to West Africa leading to a more Neryungri & 16% 26% Aprelkovo balanced geographical structure 14% 4Q 2010-4Q 2011 Production Breakdown 4Q 2010 4Q 2011 204koz 194koz Celtic & Celtic & Semgeo Semgeo Buryatzoloto 15% Buryatzoloto 8% 18% 19% LEFA Berezitovy 28% 8% LEFA 24% Berezitovy 14% Neryungri & Taparko Aprelkovo 19% 18% Taparko Neryungri & 13% Aprelkovo 16% 10

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