fort bend county major thoroughfare plan update

Fort Bend County Major Thoroughfare Plan Update January 13, 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fort Bend County Major Thoroughfare Plan Update January 13, 2015 History of FBC Thoroughfare Planning First MTP Adopted January 1980 Major updates 1984 2007 Thoroughfare Plan Update Funding approved by FBC and H-GAC -

  1. Fort Bend County Major Thoroughfare Plan Update January 13, 2015

  2. History of FBC Thoroughfare Planning  First MTP Adopted – January 1980  Major updates  1984  2007

  3. Thoroughfare Plan Update  Funding approved by FBC and H-GAC - August 2013  NTP issued by H-GAC – September 2013  Project initiated – October 2013  Projected map adoption – January 2015  Projected project completion – February 2015  Includes HGAC modeling

  4. Purpose  Updating alignments  Updating roadway classifications  Updating typical cross sections and design standards  Principal Thoroughfare  Major Thoroughfare  Collectors  Local  Updating population and traffic model

  5. Traffic Modeling  Population and Employment  Subsidence District population projections  H-GAC data  Census data  Private developers  Greater FBC Economic Development Council

  6. Draft Map

  7. showdocument.aspx?documentid=26145


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