forecasting high frequency volatility a study of the

Forecasting High Frequency Volatility: A study of the Bitcoin Market - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Forecasting High Frequency Volatility: A study of the Bitcoin Market using Support Vector Regression Yaohao Peng Mariana Rosa Montenegro Ana Julia Akaishi Padula Jader Martins Camboim de S a University of Brasilia Laboratory of Machine

  1. Forecasting High Frequency Volatility: A study of the Bitcoin Market using Support Vector Regression Yaohao Peng Mariana Rosa Montenegro Ana Julia Akaishi Padula Jader Martins Camboim de S´ a University of Brasilia Laboratory of Machine Learning in Finance and Organizations

  2. Main goals ◮ Evaluate the predictive performance of Bitcoin volatility of machine learning techniques in comparison to GARCH models ◮ Error metrics: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) ◮ Diebold-Mariano Test ◮ Analyze the Bitcoin volatility on low (daily) and high (hourly) frequency data sets

  3. Motivation: The evolution of wealth “Wealth” is a key concept in finance, and its idea has changed radically throughout the history (Ferguson, 2008) ◮ Wealth as a consequence of power: having the means to conquer and pillage ◮ Wealth as the cause of power: possession of precious metals; production and trade ◮ Wealth as possessing money : money can be converted to any other asset ◮ Wealth as possessing financial assets : money’s value reserve is increasingly lower ◮ Can cryptocurrencies be the next step?

  4. Cryptocurrencies

  5. Why Bitcoin? Satoshi Nakamoto ◮ One of the richest “people” in the history of mankind

  6. Volatility forecasting Volatility forecasting bears a huge importance in financial series analysis ◮ Decisive impacts on risk management and derivatives pricing ◮ Financial series’ conditional variance is typically non-constant ◮ Classic models: ARCH (Engle & Bollerslev, 1986), GARCH (Bollerslev, 1986), EGARCH (Nelson, 1991), GJR-GARCH (Glosten, Jagannathan & Runkle, 1993) ◮ GARCH(1,1) is a generalization of an ARCH( ∞ ), and performs well for financial data (Hansen & Lunde, 2005; Orhan & K¨ oksal, 2012)

  7. High frequency volatility forecasting The increasing of financial transaction flows motivates a “High-frequency trading paradigm” (Easley, L´ opez de Prado & O’Hara, 2012) ◮ Exchange rates and cryptocurrencies’ intraday volatility tend to be very high (Li & Wang, 2016)

  8. Machine learning in volatility forecasting Support Vector Regression (SVR) is a Kernel-based learning algorithm which can fit models with high degree of nonlinearity while using few parameters ◮ Applications in volatility forecasting: (Chen, H¨ ardle & Jeong, 2010; Premanode & Toumazou, 2013; Santamar´ ıa-Bonfil, Frausto-Sol´ ıs & V´ azquez-Rodarte, 2015) ◮ SVR’s efficiency and superiority towards other machine learning techniques are discussed in Gavrishchaka & Banerjee (2006) and Barun´ ık & Kˇ rehl´ ık (2016)

  9. Bitcoin volatility forecasting Bitcoin volatility analysis are still scarce, and mainly focusing on traditional GARCH models and its extensions (Li & Wang, 2016) ◮ Bitcoin’s reaction to news is quicker than Gold and US Dollar (Dyhrberg, 2016a; 2016b) ◮ Fundamental value vs speculative bubbles (Dowd, 2014) ◮ Informational innefficiency (Urquhart, 2016)

  10. GARCH(1,1) r t = µ t + ǫ t µ t = γ 0 + γ 1 r t − 1 h t = α 0 + α 1 ǫ 2 t − 1 + β 1 h t − 1 r ) 2 (Chen, H¨ ◮ Proxy volatility: ˜ h t = ( r t − ¯ ardle & Jeong, 2010) For this paper, we used the Gaussian, Student’s t and Skewed Student’s t distributions for ǫ t

  11. Support Vector Regression The Support Vector Machine is a regression method that computes nonlinear decision functions by means of a Kernel function κ ( x i , x j ) = ϕ T ( x i ) · ϕ ( x j ) ∈ R that maps the original data to a much higher dimension ◮ This paper used the Gaussian Kernel −|| x i − x j || 2 � � κ ( x i , x j ) = exp , σ > 0, the most widely used 2 σ 2 in the machine learning literature

  12. Support Vector Regression The SVR decision function has the form n f ( x i ) = w T ϕ ( x ) − w 0 = � κ ( x i , x j )( λ ∗ j − λ j ) − w 0 j =1 Given the bias-variance dilemma, two parameters are introduced: ◮ To avoid overfitting, a tolerance band ε ¯ is allowed for the deviation between observed and predicted values ◮ For deviations greater ther ε ¯ in a quantity ξ > 0, a penalty C ¯ is imputed to SVR’s objective function

  13. Support Vector Regression

  14. SVR-GARCH(1,1) The SVR-GARCH (1,1) follows the same structure of the GARCH (1,1), with the mean and volatility equations estimated via SVR r t = f m ( r t − 1 ) + ǫ t h t = f v ( h t − 1 , ǫ 2 t − 1 ) (1) ◮ Santamar´ ıa-Bonfil, Frausto-Sol´ ıs & V´ azquez-Rodarte (2015) presented empirical evidences that the SVR-GARCH managed to outperform standard GARCH’s predictions, showing better ability to approximate the nonlinear behavior of financial data and stylized facts, such as heavy tails and volatility clusters

  15. Empirical analysis ◮ Data collected from January 5th 2015 to December 31st 2016. ◮ Both low and high frequency databases were split into three mutually exclusive subsets: Training set (50%), validation set (20%) and test set (30%). ◮ The parameters’ search were performed by grid search ◮ The predictions’ performance were evaluated by error metrics RMSE and MAE and the Diebold-Mariano test for predictive accuracy

  16. Forecasting performance: Error metrics ◮ Both error metrics were significantly lower for SVR-GARCH (1,1) in comparison to the GARCH models ◮ The overall volatility was higher in low frequency data than in high frequency (as seen in Xie & Li (2010)) ◮ The GARCH with Gaussian distribution performed slightly poorly than Student’s t and Skewed Student’s t distributions

  17. Forecasting performance: Diebold-Mariano Test ◮ For the majority of the testes models, the null hypothesis is rejected at a greater than 99% significance level, providing strong statistical evidences that the predictive superiority of SVR-GARCH(1,1) towards GARCH models ◮ In both data frequencies, the p-value for the Gaussian GARCH model was the lowest ◮ In high frequency data, the test showed that SVR-GARCH(1,1) is “less emphatically” better than the other models, especially the Skewed Student’s t GARCH (1,1)

  18. Limitations and future developments ◮ Analyze other markets (derivatives, commodities,...) and cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash,...) ◮ Replication to different time periods and data frequencies ◮ Comparison with other machine learning methods ◮ Test for other GARCH extensions, distributions for ǫ t and Kernel functions

  19. Thank you!


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