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for Health R&D Public Seminar: Health R&D as a Global - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Global Framework for Health R&D Public Seminar: Health R&D as a Global Public Good Graduate Institute, Geneva Harvard Global Health Cross-sectoral learning Institute, Cambridge, USA Professor John-Arne Rttingen MD PhD MSc MPA

  1. Global Framework for Health R&D Public Seminar: Health R&D as a Global Public Good – Graduate Institute, Geneva Harvard Global Health Cross-sectoral learning Institute, Cambridge, USA Professor John-Arne Røttingen MD PhD MSc MPA Harvard School of Public Health Geneva Harvard Global Health Institute, Harvard University April 24, 2013 University of Oslo, Norway

  2. Gains in Life Expectancy Source:

  3. Gaps in Life Expectancy Source:

  4. Innovation and Access

  5. Innovation and Access

  6. Innovation and Access

  7. Imbalances in R&D Neglected diseases: Tuberculosis, malaria and tropical diseases, around 12% of GBD Only $3 billion (1-2% of total) invested globally on R&D for neglected diseases

  8. Health research and needs of the poor Longstanding recognition : market-driven global R&D system does not sufficiently meet the needs of majority of the world’s population, 80% of which lives in developing countries WHO-UNICEF-UNDP-World Bank Commission on Investing in Health Commission on Special Programme for Research Health Research Research Macroeconomics and Training in Tropical Diseases for Development and Development and Health (1975) (1990) (1996) (2001)

  9. A 10-year process 2003-2013 at WHO 2003 2006 2008 2010 2012 Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution WHA56.27 WHA59.24 WHA61.21 WHA63.28 WHA65.22 Intellectual property Public Health, innovation, Global strategy and plan Follow up of the report of Establishment of a rights, innovation and essential health research of action on public the Consultative Expert consultative expert public health and intellectual property health, innovation and Working Group on working group on rights: towards a global intellectual property Research and research and strategy and plan of Development: development: financing action Financing and and coordination Coordination Expert Working Group Consultative Expert Commission on Intellectual Intergovernmental WHO Governing on Research and Working Group on Research Property Rights, Innovation Working Group Bodies (EB/WHA) Development: Financing and Development: and Public Health and Coordination Financing and Coordination

  10. CEWG recommendations Assessment of 15 grouped proposals Convention on Global Health R&D ‘Open Knowledge Innovation’ Equitable licensing Open approaches Milestone and Direct grants Patent pools end prizes Global Framework Financing Financing commitments Pooled funding Monitoring Global R&D Observatory Advisory functions Coordination at WHO

  11. Innovation and Access – Delinkage

  12. Sweden Norway Denmark Public Austria Australia United States Health Netherlands Iceland Canada R&D Finland United Kingdom funding Singapore Germany France Israel Portugal Spain Ireland New Zealand Estonia Belgium Korea, Rep. Italy Luxembourg Japan Switzerland Czech Republic Lithuania South Africa Hungary Turkey Slovenia 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Publicly funded health R&D (% of GDP)

  13. Publicly funded neglected disease R&D (% of GDP) 0.0000 0.0020 0.0040 0.0060 0.0080 0.0100 Sweden Public Norway Denmark Austria Health Australia United States Netherlands & Iceland Canada Finland United Kingdom Neglected Singapore Germany France Disease Israel Portugal Spain R&D Ireland New Zealand Estonia Belgium funding Korea, Rep. Italy Luxembourg Japan Switzerland Czech Republic Lithuania South Africa Hungary Turkey Slovenia India Colombia 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Publicly funded health R&D (% of GDP)

  14. Levels of Cooperation (4 ‘C’s) Collabor- ation Pooled funding 5. Joint Funding mechanism 4. Joint programming Coordi- nation Advisory functions at WHO 3. Coordination nication Commu- Global R&D 2. Information sharing Observatory Principles & Found- ation 1. Norms and goals/targets Funding targets

  15. A 10-year process 2003-2013 at WHO 2013 2003 2006 2008 2010 2012 Draft resolution WHA66.XX Follow up of the report of the Consultative Expert Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Working Group on Research and Development: WHA56.27 WHA59.24 WHA61.21 WHA63.28 WHA65.22 Financing and Coordination Intellectual property Public Health, innovation, Global strategy and plan Follow up of the report of Endorses the following strategic work plan … Establishment of a rights, innovation and essential health research of action on public the Consultative Expert consultative expert public health and intellectual property health, innovation and Working Group on working group on URGES Member States to: rights: towards a global intellectual property Research and research and strategy and plan of Development: … increase investments in health R&D for diseases development: financing action Financing and and coordination disproportionately affecting developing countries Coordination REQUESTS the Director-General to Expert Working Group Consultative Expert Commission on Intellectual Intergovernmental WHO Governing • develop norms and standards for classification of health R&D on Research and Working Group on Research Property Rights, Innovation Working Group Bodies (EB/WHA) Development: Financing and Development: and Public Health • establish a Global Health R&D Observatory and Coordination Financing and Coordination • facilitate … implementation of a few health R&D demonstration projects • review existing mechanisms to assess their suitability to perform the coordination function of health R&D • explore and evaluate existing mechanisms for contributions to health R&D, and if there is no suitable mechanism, to develop a proposal for effective mechanisms , including pooling resources and voluntary contributions, as well as a plan to independently monitor their effectiveness

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