focus on pages 16 17 in the next five minutes i would

Focus on pages 16-17 In the next five minutes I would like you to try - PDF document

Focus on pages 16-17 In the next five minutes I would like you to try and find examples of any nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and fill up your grid. Silver Bronze Noun (N) Verb (V) Adjective (Aj) Adverb (Av) Find 2 Find 2 examples of

  1. Focus on pages 16-17 In the next five minutes I would like you to try and find examples of any nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and fill up your grid. Silver Bronze Noun (N) Verb (V) Adjective (Aj) Adverb (Av) Find 2 Find 2 examples of a dig lizard soft examples of all helplessly noun, verb and the word types adjective Gold Find 3 examples of all the word types Challenge Look at the word 'innocent' on page 22. What category would you put this in? J ustify your answer.

  2. Read up to chapter 9 of 'Holes' (page 42)- see accompanying youtube videos Read the first paragraph with me if you have a copy of the book

  3. Date: Write out the questions in your books LO: To develop our comprehension skills. Look at page 3 (see separate attached pictures). Bronz e The only trees are two old oaks on the eastern edge of the "lake". Why is the word lake written in inverted commas? Silve Look at page 10. r Find the quote that IMPLIES that Camp Green Lake is not what Stanley expected. Write it in your book. Go ld Look at page 37. What does the word 'enviously' mean and why has Stanley used it? Challenge: Look at page 42. Why is it significant that the author tells us that yellow-spotted lizards like to eat the shells of sunflower seeds?

  4. LO: To develop our comprehension skills. ANSWERS Look at page 1. Bronz e The only trees are two old oaks on the eastern edge of the "lake". Why is the word lake written in inverted commas? The word "lake" is written in inverted commas because although it is known as Camp Green Lake, there is no longer a lake there. It is in the middle of the desert and is an extremely dry and barren area therefore it shouldn't really be referred to as a lake. Look at page 10. Silve r Find the quote that IMPLIES that Camp Green Lake is not what Stanley expected. "He couldn't see a lake. And hardly anything was green." Look at page 37. Go What does the word 'enviously' mean and why has Stanley used it? ld Envious is another way to say jealous/resentful or you want what someone else has. Stanley uses this word when Zero has finished digging his hole because he wishes that he had finished his hole.

  5. LO: To develop our comprehension skills. Challenge: Look at page 42. Why is it significant that the author tells us that yellow-spotted lizards like to eat the shells of sunflower seeds? It is significant because Mr. Sir has been eating a bag of sunflower seeds a week to help him stop smoking.

  6. Date: LO: To develop our comprehension skills. M..., I am pleased that I was able to answer identity the word classes confidently because I often find verbs challenging. M..., I am exceptionally pleased that I could answer inference questions about Holes because ...


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