focus context display and navigation techniques for

Focus+Context Display and Navigation Techniques for Enhancing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Focus+Context Display and Navigation Techniques for Enhancing Radial, Space-Filling Hierarchy Visualizations John Stasko Eugene Zhang Information Interfaces Research Group College of Computing / GVU Center Georgia Institute of Technology

  1. Focus+Context Display and Navigation Techniques for Enhancing Radial, Space-Filling Hierarchy Visualizations John Stasko Eugene Zhang Information Interfaces Research Group College of Computing / GVU Center Georgia Institute of Technology

  2. Hierarchies and Trees Hyperbolic tree Treemap Node-link Lamping & Rao Shneiderman & Johnson ConeTree CHEOPS Beaudoin, Parent & Vroomen Card, Mackinlay & Robertson InfoVis ‘00 2

  3. Radial Space-Filling Chuah Andrews & Heidegger InfoVis ‘98 InfoVis ‘00 3

  4. SunBurst InfoVis ‘00 4

  5. Appears in: American Heritage Dictionary , 3rd Ed. Houghton Mifflin, 1992 InfoVis ‘00 5

  6. Empirical Study � Compared SunBurst to Treemap (borderless) on a variety of file browsing tasks � SunBurst performed as well (or better) in task accuracy and time � Learning effect - Performance improved with Treemap on second session � Strong subjective preference (51-9) for SunBurst � Participants cited more explicit depiction of structure as an important reason To appear: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Special issue on Empirical Studies of InfoVis, 2000 InfoVis ‘00 6

  7. SunBurst Negative � In large hierarchies, files at the periphery are usually tiny and very difficult to distinguish examples Quick demo InfoVis ‘00 7

  8. Fix: Objectives � Make small slices � Avoid use of multiple bigger windows or lots of scrollbars � Maintain full circular space-filling idea � Provide an aesthetically pleasing � Allow detailed interface in which it is examination of small easy to track changes files within context of in focus entire hierarchy � Don’t alter ratios of sizes InfoVis ‘00 8

  9. 3 Solutions � Three visualization+navigation techniques developed to help remedy the shortcoming � Angular detail � Detail outside � Detail inside InfoVis ‘00 9

  10. Design 1 - Angular Detail InfoVis ‘00 10

  11. Design 2 - Detail Outside InfoVis ‘00 11

  12. Design 3 - Detail Inside InfoVis ‘00 12

  13. Video 4 minutes On conf tape InfoVis ‘00 13

  14. Angular Detail • Most “natural” • Least space-efficient • Most configurable by user InfoVis ‘00 14

  15. Detail Outside • Exhibits non-distorted miniature of overview • Somewhat visually disconcerting • Focus is quite enlarged (large circumference and 360°) • Relatively space efficient InfoVis ‘00 15

  16. Detail Inside • Perhaps least intuitive and most distorting • Items in overview are more distinct (larger circumference) • Interior 360° for focus is often sufficient InfoVis ‘00 16

  17. Key Components � Two ways to increase area for focus region: larger sweep angle and longer circumference � Smooth transitions between overview and focus allow viewer to track changes � Always display overview � Allow focus selections from anywhere: normal display, focus or overview regions InfoVis ‘00 17

  18. Implementation � Utilizes fundamental animation update routine � Example: Detail Outside (called 3 times) ⌧ Shrink global view ⌧ Focus region grows out ⌧ Focus regions wraps around global view � Smooth interpolation between start-end position and angle InfoVis ‘00 18

  19. Speed Considerations � Don’t draw small slices � Cache small and large images of entire hierarchy, reload rather than draw � During animation transitions, only draw the 100 largest slices (don’t use thresh- holding) -> Consistent speed as hierarchy grows (really dependent on processor & graphics) InfoVis ‘00 19

  20. Preferences � Within our group, each method has its backers � Needs more careful study � Run study like our earlier one to identify performance benefits and subjective preferences InfoVis ‘00 20

  21. Potential Follow-on Work � Multiple foci � Varying radii for different levels in hierarchy � Use quick-keys to walk through neighboring files � Smarter update when choosing new focus region from existing focus � Fourth method: expand angle of focus in place by compressing all others InfoVis ‘00 21

  22. For More Information... � � InfoVis ‘00 22


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