Flash 1 Chandler McWilliams | 161A
What is Flash Multimedia file format for animation and interactivity. Vector based format allows for smaller file sizes and scalability. Designed for web delivery. Interactive when used with ActionScript. ActionScript is an object-oriented language initially based on JavaScript. Streaming audio and video. Makes it more difficult for people to access raw source code and media files. Because Flash is plug-in based, you get a more reliable cross-platform experience.
What is a Plug-in Plug-ins allow 3rd parties to extend and enhance the functionality of web browsers. Some (like Flash) are included with most web browsers. Plug-ins can be more quickly and easily updated than incorporating the same technology into the browser. Common plug-ins are: Flash player, QuickTime, Acrobat (PDF) Add another level of complexity to web design because users can have a larger variety of combinations of browser, browser version, and plug-in versions. Detecting for the presence and version of the Flash player is important for creating rich user experiences.
Common Uses For Flash Animation Video (YouTube, Google Video) Banner Advertisements Games “Rich Media”/Experience-Based sites Audio Content Advanced interaction
Disadvantages of Flash Requires a plug-in. Often even a specific version of the plug-in. Doesn’t print well. Difficult to copy and paste text. Problematic for search engine placement. Breaks the back button. Difficult to email links to specific content. Easy to make hard-to-navigate sites.
File Formats and Publishing Flash IDE complies .fla Flash Plug-in renders source file into .swf file that swf file in the browser. the plug-in can understand.
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