FL520-Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Sumter Counties 2017 HUD CoC Notice of Funding Availability
CONTINUUM OF CARE GRANTEE CERTIFICATION Before applying for renewal or new CoC funding, it is imperative that all project applicants read the CoC Program Interim Rule 24 CFR Part 578 as it provides the requirements for implementation and administration of the CoC Programs.
➢ 7/28/17 - CoC Ending Homelessness Meeting ➢ 7/31/17 - HUD CoC NOFA Technical Assistance Meeting ➢ 8/01/17 – Additional application components to be posted on www.midfloridahomeless.org ➢ 8/04/17 – Notice of intent to apply on Timeline organizational letterhead due to Mid Florida Homeless Coalition. A scanned copy of the letter can be sent to mfhcopeningdoors@gmail.com but the original still needs to be mailed to MFHC at 104 E Dampier Street, Inverness, FL 34452
➢ 8/04/16 - HUD CoC NOFA scoring, ranking, tiering, and reallocations materials posted to website at www.midfloridahomeless.org ➢ Questions need to be submitted to mfhcopeningdoors@gmail.com Timeline ➢ 8/25/16 – Project applications created in esnaps to be submitted ➢ 8/25/16 –Additional application components to be received by Mid Florida Homeless Coalition at 104 E Dampier Street, Inverness, FL 34452
➢ Within 7-10 days – Review committee convenes ➢ Within 15 days of 8/25/16 – CoC staff notifies project applicants of Review Committee decisions & notify if any corrections required Timeline ➢ Within 2 days of notification– Appeals must be received via email at mfhcopeningdoors@gmail.com ➢ Appeals committee to meet at Mid Florida Homeless Coalition
➢ 8/25/16 – CoC Governing Board Meeting ➢ 8/29/16 – Deadline for CoC Board Approval of Projects for inclusion ➢ 9/18/16 – Corrected applications due in esnaps Timeline ➢ 9/22/16 - CoC Ending Homelessness Meeting ➢ 9/28/16 7:59:59 EST –MFHC application due to HUD ➢ More information as it is gathered.
Additional Documents Required ❖ 2017 HUD Request for Proposals (RFP) Supplemental ❖ Housing First/Low Barrier Questionnaire ❖ List of Board of Directors ❖ IRS 501(c)(3) Letter if applicable ❖ Most recent audit or IRS form 990 ❖ Certificate regarding lobbying ❖ APR submitted in 2016
Welcome to: FY 2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition: Funding Availability https://www.hudexchange.info/news/fy-2017-continuu m-of-care-coc-program-competition-e-snaps-is-now-av ailable/
Welcome to: e-snaps : Homeless Assistance Application and Grants Management System https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/e-snaps/
Grant Inventory Worksheet ❏ ARD – Annual Renewal Demand - $420,301 ❏ PPRN – Preliminary Pro Rata Need - $1,077,910 ❏ Tier 1 = 94% of ARD = $395,082.94 ❏ Permanent Housing Bonus up to 6% of the FPRN (Final Pro Rata Need) estimated at $64,000
❑ CoCs may create new permanent supportive housing projects that meet the requirements of DedicatedPLUS as PHB defined in Section III.A.3.d. of this NOFA or new permanent supportive housing projects where 100 percent of the beds are dedicated to chronic homelessness.
❑ CoCs may create new rapid rehousing projects that will serve homeless PHB individuals and families coming directly from the streets or emergency shelters, and include persons fleeing domestic violence situations and other persons meeting the criteria of P4 of the definition of homelessness
❑ CoCs may create new Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects as PHB defined in Section III.A.3.h. of this NOFA to better serve homeless individuals and families, including individuals or families fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence.
? Questions?
Thank you for attending Happy Grant Writing!
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