Fixed Point Real Numbers • 16-bit Unsigned with Binary Point: 8 • XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX • Maximum/Minimum Values • 11111111.11111111 = 255+255/256 • 00000000.00000000 = 0 • 16-bit Signed with Binary Point: 8 • XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX • Maximum/Minimum Values • 01111111.11111111 = 127+255/256 • 10000000.00000000 = -128
Multiplication of Signed FP • If a has width W a and binary point bp a and b has width W b and binary point bp b . • The output of the multiplier will need width W a +W b and a bp of bp a +bp b .
Number Representation • Previous examples of FIR filters used integer representations for the filter coefficients. • What if we have coefficients with fractional components? • Two options. 1. Apply a scaling factor to all the coefficients to get the desired resolution. 2. Use a binary point numbers to represent our coefficients.
Example: • input is 8-bit signed • filter coefficients b = [1.42 2.05 -3.23 4.71 -3.11 -5.10] What values digital of b should we use? What is the required output data width?
Example: • input is 8-bit signed • filter coefficients b = [1.42 2.05 -3.23 4.71 -3.11 -5.10] What values of b should we use? What is the required output data width? • Scaling factor approach • Multiply coefficients by 100 and use a 10-bit signed format (-512 to 511). b = [142 205 -323 471 -311 -510] • Determine the maximum output. max = abs(128)*sum(abs(b)) = 251136 • ceil(log2(251136))+1 = 19-bit signed • 19-bit signed has a range(-262144 to 262143)
Example: • input is 8-bit signed • filter coefficients b = [1.42 2.05 -3.23 4.71 -3.11 -5.10] What values of b should we use? What is the required output data width? • Scaling factor approach • If the absolute scale of the output is to be retained, it will need to be divided by 100 to revert back to the original filter coefficients. • How do we divide by 100 in binary? • Maybe not a good approach in all instances.
Example: • input is 8-bit signed • filter coefficients b = [1.42 2.05 -3.23 4.71 -3.11 -5.10] What values of b should we use? What is the required output data width? • Binary Point Approach • Represent coefficients with 10-bit signed and binary point at the 6 th position • This is a design choice. • XXXX.XXXXXX • Can handle values -8+(0/64) to 7+(63/64)
Example: • input is 8-bit signed • filter coefficients b = [1.42 2.05 -3.23 4.71 -3.11 -5.10] What values of b should we use? What is the required output data width? • Binary Point Approach • Determine the digital coefficient values. • b bp = dec2bin(mod(round(64*b)+1024,1024)) • b bp = [0001011011 0010000011 1100110001 0100101101 1100111001 1010111010]
Example: • input is 8-bit signed • filter coefficients b = [1.42 2.05 -3.23 4.71 -3.11 -5.10] What values of b should we use? What is the required output data width? • Binary Point Approach • Determine the maximum output. b bp = round(64*b) max = abs(128)*sum(abs(b bp )) = 160640 • ceil(log2(160640))+1 = 19-bit signed • 19-bit signed has a range(-262144 to 262143) • Final output is a 19-bit signed with a bp of 6.
IIR Implementation: a 0 = 1 z -1 z -1 a 1 a 2 + - subtraction
IIR Implementation: Pipelining? z -1 z -1 z -1 a 1 a 2 a 1 a 2 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 a 1 a 2 a 1 a 2 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1
IIR Implementation out_reg dif z -1 a 1 a 2 m1 m2 in_reg p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 //functional description assign dif = in_reg - p1; assign m1 = dif*a1; assign m2 = dif*a2; always@(posedge clock) begin in_reg <= in; out_reg <= dif; p1 <= m1 + p2; p2 <= m2; end
IIR Implementation: DSP Blocks out_reg dif z -1 a 1 a 2 in_reg p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 0 //dsp48 structural always@(posedge clock) begin in_reg <= in; out_reg <= dif; end macc_wrap dsp2 (.C(0),.A(dif),.B(a2),.PCOUT(p2)); macc_wrap dsp1 (.PCIN(p2),.A(dif),.B(a1),POUT(p1)); assign dif = p1 + in;
Number Representation • For the IIR filter diagram in the previous slides, there is a requirement that a 0 =1. • For cases when a 1 and a 2 are near 1 or fractional values, we cannot accurately represent these values. • Two options. 1. add a pre-multiplier to the input to incorporate an a 0 scale term. 2. If we care about the absolute scale, use a binary point numbers to represent our coefficients. 3. Remember to keep track of binary point locations especially in the feedback path.
IIR Implementation out_reg dif z -1 a 1 a 2 m1 m2 in_reg m0 p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 + - subtraction a 0 //functional description assign dif = m0 - p1; assign m0 = in_reg*a0; assign m1 = dif*a1; assign m2 = dif*a2; always@(posedge clock) begin in_reg <= in; out_reg <= dif; p1 <= m1 + p2; p2 <= m2; end
IIR Implementation out_reg dif z -1 Keeping track of bp locations a 1 a 2 We will use (W:BP) notation. m1 m2 Assume all values are signed. in_reg p1 p2 Input is 8-bit signed (8:0) m0 Coefficients are (10:6) z -1 z -1 z -1 + - subtraction Assume p1 is (18:6) for subtraction a 0 m0 (18:6) diff (19:6) m1,m2 (29:12) p1 (30:12) p1 needs to have a bp of 6 so the subtraction will have equivalent input formats.
IIR Implementation out_reg dif z -1 a 1 a 2 m1 m2 in_reg m0 p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 + - subtraction a 0 //functional description assign dif = m0 – (p1 >>> bp); //bp is the binary point of the coefficients assign m0 = in_reg*a0; assign m1 = dif*a1; assign m2 = dif*a2; always@(posedge clock) begin in_reg <= in; out_reg <= dif; p1 <= m1 + p2; p2 <= m2; end
IIR Implementation out_reg dif z -1 a 1 a 2 m1 m2 in_reg m0 p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 + - subtraction a 0 //functional description assign dif = m0 – p1; assign m0 = in_reg*a0; assign m1 = (dif*a1) >>> bp; //or shift assign m2 = (dif*a2) >>> bp; //here always@(posedge clock) begin in_reg <= in; out_reg <= dif; p1 <= m1 + p2; p2 <= m2; end
IIR Implementation out_reg dif z -1 a 1 a 2 p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 0 a 0 //dsp48 structural always@(posedge clock) begin out_reg <= dif; end macc_wrap dsp0 (.C(p1 >>> bp),.A(in),.B(a0),.POUT(dif)); macc_wrap dsp2 (.C(0),.A(sum),.B(a2),.PCOUT(p2)); macc_wrap dsp1 (.PCIN(p2),.A(sum),.B(a1),POUT(p1));
IIR Implementation out_reg sum z -1 -a 1 -a 2 p1 p2 z -1 z -1 z -1 0 a 0 //dsp48 structural always@(posedge clock) begin out_reg <= dif; end macc_wrap dsp0 (.C(p1 >>> bp),.A(in),.B(a0),.POUT(sum)); macc_wrap dsp2 (.C(0),.A(sum),.B(-a2),.PCOUT(p2)); macc_wrap dsp1 (.PCIN(p2),.A(sum),.B(-a1),POUT(p1));
IIR Implementation: Pipelining? Really only need to pipeline a 2 nd order IIR filter to realize 2 poles. Then we can cascade a number of them to realize M poles. z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 z -4 a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1
IIR Implementation: Pipelining? z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 a 2 a 4 The above diagram has 4 poles and has extra registers for pipelining. Idea is to start with an IIR filter with 4 poles (2 we want to keep and 2 of our choosing that will be canceled). Based on the 2 we want to keep, determine what the 2 additional poles need to be to eliminate the a 1 and a 3 terms. Pre-multiply with a cascaded FIR filter with zeros placed at the locations of the two additional poles.
IIR Implementation: Pipelining? • Turn to the math... • Z-domain 1 1 𝐼 𝑨 = 1 − 𝑏 1 𝑨 −1 − 𝑏 2 𝑨 −2 = 1 − 𝑞 1 𝑨 −1 1 − 𝑞 2 𝑨 −1 • Add some poles but compensate in the numerator with an FIR filter. 1 − 𝑞 3 𝑨 −1 1 − 𝑞 4 𝑨 −1 1 𝐼 𝑨 = 1 − 𝑞 1 𝑨 −1 1 − 𝑞 2 𝑨 −1 1 − 𝑞 3 𝑨 −1 1 − 𝑞 4 𝑨 −1 • Choose p 3 & p 4 to cancel the z -1 & z -3 coefficients in the denominator.
IIR Implementation: Pipelining • Using the original polynomial. 1 + 𝑏 1 𝑨 −1 + −𝑏 2 𝑨 −2 1 𝐼 𝑨 = 1 − 𝑏 1 𝑨 −1 − 𝑏 2 𝑨 −2 1 − −𝑏 1 𝑨 −1 − 𝑏 2 𝑨 −2 1 + 𝑏 1 𝑨 −1 + −𝑏 2 𝑨 −2 𝐼 𝑨 = 2 + 2𝑏 2 𝑨 −2 − 𝑏 2 2 𝑨 −4 1 − 𝑏 1
IIR Implementation: Pipelining z -1 z -1 z -2 z -2 2 +2a 2 2 a 1 -a 2 a 1 a 2 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 2 +2a 2 2 a 1 -a 2 a 1 a 2 z -1 z -1 z -1
IIR Implementation: Pipelining • Still not fully pipelined. • Add 4 zeros/poles instead of 2. z -1 z -2 z -2 z -2 z -1 z -2 z -2 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a 1 ’ a 2 ’ z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1 z -1
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