fisheries trust

Fisheries Trust 9/16/2014 1 Organisational Structure Chairman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outer Hebrides Fisheries Trust 9/16/2014 1 Organisational Structure Chairman Board of Trustees Management Sub-Group Biologist Angling Promotion Officer Administration Officer Outer Hebrides - Archipelago 5 main islands : Lewis and Harris

  1. Outer Hebrides Fisheries Trust 9/16/2014 1

  2. Organisational Structure Chairman Board of Trustees Management Sub-Group Biologist Angling Promotion Officer Administration Officer

  3. Outer Hebrides - Archipelago 5 main islands : Lewis and Harris , North Uist , Benbecula , South Uist , Barra 15% of UK freshwater surface area 4000 lochs, 80 catchments 30 fisheries 3 SACs in which we have an interest

  4. Freshwater fisheries - Economy Direct expenditure by visiting anglers - 185 FTE jobs (1.9% of working population, 1999) Indirect and induced impacts on the value of angling to the Western Isles economy estimated at £5.6 million - 260 FTE jobs (2.7% of working population, 1999) In 1999 7,500 game anglers visited the Western Isles spending £3.98 million (12% of total visitor expenditure) Annual expenditure of proprietors - £779.000

  5. Outer Hebrides – Species Freshwater typically acidic and nutrient low Native species : Salmon , Trout , Charr , Eels , Pearl mussels , Lamprey , Stickleback + introduced species : Minnow and Rainbow Trout

  6. Trust Activities

  7. Fisheries Trust – Core Actions Research & Monitoring Catchment Education management ACTIONS Practical Biosecurity Advice to Stakeholders Angling Assistance to Promotion local DSFB

  8. Research and monitoring What we do – Core monitoring of juvenile salmonid populations – Adult fish monitoring (Sea lice, tagging) – Scale analysis – Genetics (FASMOP & MIAP) – Status of charr, lamprey and eel assessments

  9. Education Target Audience - Fisheries Managers, Anglers, Schools Subjects - Climate change, invasives, inappropriate management, damage to river banks, pollution and overexploitation, salmonid life cycle, FW Pearl Mussels Activities - Events such as ‘ Salmon in the Classroom ’ or River visits with Schools, ‘ Pearls in the Classroom’

  10. Angling Promotion Objectives - Sustainable development and enhancement of salmon, sea and brown trout angling Actions - Youth and community angling events, focal point for angling tourism, catch & release competition

  11. Biosecurity – Invasive’s Objectives - Raise awareness, prevent their introduction or spread How - Salmon in the Classroom and providing literature to angling club and fisheries Species - Gyrodactylus salaris , Mink, Minnows, Plants

  12. Catchment management 30 fisheries Production ‘ Catchment Management Plans’ Formal management advice – Fish stock health – Habitat issues such as overgrazing or passage obstruction – Water management

  13. DSFB Assistance Advice to the WI District Salmon Fisheries Board – Strip and Stock – Planning applications for renewable energy, fish farms and other developments – Input to ASFB policy papers Others partners : Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, SNH, SEPA, MSS, Crown Estate

  14. Thank you for listening


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