Fish Species Coho Salmon (ESA Threatened ) Coastal Cutthroat Trout Lamprey (Pacific and Brook) – (Conservation Strategy Species) Estuarine/Marine dependent species (several Conservation Strategy Species) Starry flounder, shiner surfperch, black rockfish, Pacific sandlance, etc.
Coho Salmon Diverse life histories Adult/Jack Subyearling estuarine rearing (spring entry through winter entry) Yearling outmigrant Likely Limiting Factors Juvenile Rearing (instream is poor due to lack of complexity/pools; Marsh is suitable but temperature dependent - Both summer and winter habitat is low quality in stream Adult Passage (tidegate/culvert) Spawning Habitat (Generally moderate quality in Reneke and Beltz) Production Potential Reneke at full-seeding, 118 summer parr/km, this is very low production potential (under 900 parr/km is low) Need to ensure adult access and improve instream habitat quality.
Coho Salmon Compared to Existing Condition Worse Better Full Breach Modern Tidegate Setback Levee -Benefit of breach applies to coho juveniles from adjacent basins as well -While modern tidegate may meet passage standards, concerns remain regarding water quality w/muted exchange -Setback levees can provide a substantial percentage of needed ecological benefits
Coastal Cutthroat Trout Diverse life histories (More so than coho) -Resident and anadromous -Life history diversity exists within and among cohorts\siblings Potential Limiting Factors -Spawning Habitat (Generally low quality in Reneke and Beltz) -Juvenile Rearing (instream is poor due to lack of complexity/pools; Marsh is suitable but temperature-dependant) - Both summer and winter habitat is low quality in stream -Passage for searun life history
Coastal Cutthroat Trout Compared to Existing Condition Worse Better Full Breach Modern Tidegate Setback Levee - Similar to coho
Lamprey Pacific Lamprey - Anadromous life history - Likely intermittent presence in Reneke/Beltz - Information on use of small streams is sparse - Passage issues can be limiting - Instream conditions likely poor Western Brook Lamprey - Resident life history - Some suitable habitat is present in Reneke/Beltz, but quantity is likely limiting - Passage issues in Reneke probably not substantial due to resident life history - Sensitive to water quality issues - Freshwater marsh could contain some areas suitable for ammocoetes, but temperature is an issue
Lamprey (Pacific) Compared to Existing Condition Worse Better Full Breach Modern Tidegate Setback Levee - Setback levee would be outside the distribution of Pacific Lamprey, so setback provides full benefit
Estuarine/Marine dependent Estuarine waters serve as nursery for many marine species Juvenile rockfish, surf perch, flatfish, etc . Potential Limiting Factors Current freshwater status of marsh renders Beltz Marsh unavailable to estuarine and marine dependent species
Estuarine\Marine-Dependent Compared to Existing Condition Worse Better Full Breach Modern Tidegate Setback Levee - Salinity intrusion is key to providing suitable access
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