Fiscal 2013 Results Presentation May 22, 2014 0
This document contains forward - looking statements in regard to forecasts, targets and plans of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, I nc. (“MUFG”) and its group companies (collectively, “the group”). These forward - looking statements are based on information currently available to the group and are stated here on the basis of the outlook at the time that this document was produced. I n addition, in producing these statements certain assumptions (premises) have been utilized. These statements and assumptions (premises) are subjective and may prove to be incorrect and may not be realized in the future. Underlying such circumstances are a large number of risks and uncertainties. Please see other disclosure and public filings made or will be made by MUFG and the other companies comprising the group, including the latest kessantanshin, financial reports, Japanese securities reports and annual reports, for additional information regarding such risks and uncertainties. The group has no obligation or intent to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document I n addition, information on companies and other entities outside the group that is recorded in this document has been obtained from publicly available information and other sources. The accuracy and appropriateness of that information has not been verified by the group and cannot be guaranteed The financial information used in “Outline of Financial Results” was prepared in accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in Japan, or Japanese GAAP Definitions of figures used in this document Consolidated Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (consolidated) Non-consolidated Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (non-consolidated) + Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (non-consolidated) (without any adjustments) Commercial bank Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (consolidated) consolidated 1 1
Management index (Consolidated) EPS EPS Dividend per share/ Dividend payout ratio Dividend per share/ Dividend payout ratio Dividend 25.2% * 2 (¥) - 40.6% 30.0% 22.0% 23.4% 23.9% payout (¥) ratio 80 Year-end divivend 68.29 61.00 Interim dividend 15 58.99 * 1 60 47.54 * 3 8 39.94 9 (forecast) 40 29.56 10 5 6 7 6 6 20 5 8 7 7 0 6 6 6 6 (forecast) FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 (20) 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 (25.04) (40) * 2 17.6% before excluding negative goodwill associated with application * 1 ¥68.09 before excluding negative goodwill associated with application of equity method accounting on our investment in Morgan Stanley of equity method accounting on our investment in Morgan Stanley * 3 FY13 year-end dividend is subject to approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled for Jun 27, 14 BPS BPS ROE ROE (¥) 1,000 893.77 * 4 8.77% 9.05% 10% 9.74% 7.75% 800.95 6.89% 727.98 800 678.24 612.05 4.92% 604.58 528.66 600 5% 400 200 0% FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 0 End Mar End Mar End Mar End Mar End Mar End Mar End Mar (3.97)% (5%) 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 * 4 11.10% before excluding negative goodwill associated with application of equity method accounting on our investment in Morgan Stanley 2 2
Financial targets The medium-term business plan aims for pursuit of sustainable increase of profitability and efficient capital management FY13 results FY14 targets FY11 results 20% increase Consolidated net operating profit ¥1,257.0 bn Growth ¥1,036.0 bn (customer divisions ) * 1 from FY11 Consolidated expense ratio 56.9% 60.9% Between 55-60% (Non-consolidated) 50.4% 55.5% Between 50-55% Profitability Consolidated net income RORA * 2* 3 0.8% 0.99% Approx. 0.9% Consolidated ROE * 2 7.75% 9.05% Approx. 8% Financial CET1 ratio (Full implementation) * 3 Approx. 9% 11.1% 9.5 % or above Strength 9.5% * 4 * 1 Simple sum of consolidated operating profits for Retail, Corporate, Global and Trust Assets segments * 2 FY11 figures exclude negative goodwill associated with application of equity method accounting on our investment in Morgan Stanley * 3 Calculated on the basis of regulations applied at end Mar 19 * 4 Excluding an effect of net unrealized gains FY14 targets Consolidated net operating profits FY13 results by segment : FY11 results (from FY11) Retail ¥314.7 bn ¥328.7 bn Up 15% ¥486.1 bn Up 15% Corporate ¥419.1 bn Up 35% Global ¥249.3 bn ¥377.4 bn Trust Assets ¥52.8 bn ¥64.8 bn Up 45% 3 3
Contents Outline of FY2013 3 Results Results Growth strategy Outline of FY201 Growth strategy FY2013 key points 6 Growth strategy 24 FY2013 summary (I ncome statement) Global strategy 7 25 FY2013 summary (I ncome statement) Asia strategy(1)-(3) 8 26 Americas strategy(1)-(3) supplementary explanation 29 Outline of results by business segment 9 Global strategic alliance with Morgan 32 FY2013 summary (Balance sheets) 10 Stanley Loans/ Deposits Domestic corporate banking business(1)-(2) 11 33 Domestic deposit/ lending rates 12 I nvestment product sales(1)-(2) 35 Domestic and overseas lending 13 Consumer finance 37 Historical profits in corporate banking 14 Loan assets 15 Governance Governance I nvestment securities 16 Expenses/ Equity holdings 17 Enhancement of corporate governance 39 Capital 18 Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings 19 Capital policy Capital policy Consumer finance 20 I mpairment of goodwill related to 21 Enhance further shareholder returns 41 investments in MU NI COS FY2014 financial targets Efficient use of capital 42 22 Capital policy 43 Our vision 44 Appendix Appendix 4 4
Outline of FY2013 Results 5 5
FY2013 key points Net income was ¥984.8 bn (EPS ¥68.29), * 1 1 Breakdown of net income Breakdown of net income * increase of ¥132.2 bn from FY12 Achievement ratio was 108% against ¥910.0 bn of full Morgan year target (¥bn) St anley Ot hers The difference between consolidated and 88.3 (70.9) non-consolidated net income was ¥198.2 bn. FY13 MUN ACOM MUSHD 984.8 1,000 Majar contribution was from MUSHD, UNBC and Morgan 21.3 4.2 97.7 Stanley Consolidated/ UNBC Steady progress on each initiative of non-consolidated 57.5 MUTB difference medium-term business plan 136.3 198.2 Profits in customer segments increased 750 BTMU Domestic corporate loan balance bottomed out in mid- 650.2 sized corporates, following large corporates. Strong profits from domestic investment banking business and investment product sales Continued steady expansion in overseas business and 500 increase in loan balance Progress on non-organic growth strategy Non-consolidated ・ Completed the acquisition of BAY in Dec 13 and hold 786.5 72% of shares. Integrate BTMU Bangkok branch into BAY within one year from share acquisition 250 Enhanced shareholder returns via increase in dividends Increased FY13 dividend by ¥3 to ¥16 per common stock Dividend forecast for FY14 is ¥16 0 * 1 The above figures take into consideration the percentage holding in each subsidiary and equity method investees (after-tax basis) 6 Consolidated net income for fiscal year 2013 was ¥984.8 billion, an increase of 132.2 billion yen from the previous fiscal year and significantly ahead of our target of 910 billion yen. As shown in the graph on the right, the difference between consolidated and non- consolidated net income was 198.2 billion yen. This reflected the contributions from subsidiaries such as Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Securities Holdings, Union Bank and Morgan Stanley. We saw increased net operating income of all customer segments as the results of proceeding growth strategies in fiscal year 2013, the second year of our medium- term business plan. Growth in domestic corporate loan balances extended from large companies to mid-sized companies. Our investment banking business prospered from cross-border M&A, IPO and PO transactions. The stock market rising in the first half also helped to boost sales of investment products in the Retail Business. Overseas, lending continued to increase with economic growth in Asia and North America, helping the Group’s overseas business to expand steadily. In December we took a 72% equity stake in the Bank of Ayudhya in Thailand, turning it into a consolidated subsidiary. In view of the good result fot fiscal year 2013 and the financial target for fiscal year 2014, we decided to enhance shareholder returns by lifting dividends per share by 3 yen compared with fiscal year 2012 to 16 yen per share. We forecast dividends per share of 16 yen in fiscal year 2014. 6
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