first things first

FIRST THINGS FIRST... Visit t thi his w website f for a all v - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FIRST THINGS FIRST... Visit t thi his w website f for a all v ll vital i l inf nforma mation n thr hrougho hout t the he s scho hool y l year. . ht http:/ :// .ncme .net/sections ns-2 -2/mi middle le-s

  1. FIRST THINGS FIRST... Visit t thi his w website f for a all v ll vital i l inf nforma mation n thr hrougho hout t the he s scho hool y l year. . ht http:/ :// .ncme .net/sections ns-2 -2/mi middle le-s -scho hool-c l-cho horal/ l/

  2. DATES TO REMEMBER TWO DATES TO REMEMBER Septemb mber 1 15 th th Deadli De line ne f for H Hono nors C Cho horus A Auditions ns http:/ ht :// .ncme .net/sections ns-2 -2/mi middle le-s -scho hool-c l-cho horal/ l/programs ms/ho hono nors-c -cho horus De Deadli line ne f for A All-S ll-State C Cho horus S Scho hool R l Registration ht http:/ :// .ncme .net/sections ns-2 -2/mi middle le-s -scho hool-c l-cho horal/ l/programs ms/all-s ll-state/ Janu nuary y 15 15 th th Deadli De line ne f for M MPA ( (Large a and nd S Solo lo/Sma mall E ll Ens nsemb mble le) ht http:/ :// .ncme .net/sections ns-2 -2/mi middle le-s -scho hool-c l-cho horal/ l/programs ms/mu music- n-mpa/ performa manc nce-a -adju judication-m

  3. LET’S GET SIGNED UP! LET’S GET SIGNED UP! Ple lease g go t to t thi his p page a and nd e enr nroll f ll for t the he NCMEA M Ment ntor P Program. m. All n ll new ew teache hers a and nd me ment ntors s sho hould ld e enr nroll. ll. ht https:/ :// .ncme .net/programs ms/me ment ntoring ng-p -program/ m/

  4. WHY ENROLL? WHY ENROLL? ● Ge Get t teame med u up w with a h a mu music s specific me ment ntor. . ● Fund nds a availa lable le t to he help lp y you a and nd y your me ment ntor o observe e each h othe her’s ’s c cla lasses. . ● Fund nds ma may b y be availa lable le t to he help lp w with t h the he c cost o of c conf nferenc nce. .

  5. RESOURCES RESOURCES How t to s set-u -up o or i improve yo your cho horal p l program: m: Sing ng 6 6-7 -7-8 -8 ( (Roger E Eme merson) n) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Sing ng-6 -6-7 -7-8 -8/10048309.i .item# m#.U .Un1 n12PnC nCsiSo Beyond nd S Sing nging ng ( (Stan M n McGi Gill & ll & E Eli lizabeth V h Volk) lk) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Beyond nd-S -Sing nging ng/10030158.i .item# m#.U .Un1 n12BHCsiSo Tips: T : The he F First W Weeks ks o of M Middle le S Scho hool C l Cho horus ( (Patrick K k K. F . Freer) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/she heet-mu -music/search.js h.jsp?keyw ywords=tips+patrick+ k+k.+ .+freer The he S Scho hool C l Cho horal P l Program ( m (Miche hele le H Holt lt & & J Jame mes J Jordan) n) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/she heet-mu -music/search.js h.jsp?keyw ywords=the he+scho hool+ l+cho horal+ l+program

  6. RESOURCES RESOURCES Warm-u m-ups The he C Comple lete C Cho horal W l Warm-u m-up B Book ( (Russell R ll Robins nson n & J Jay A y Alt ltho house) ) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/The he-C -Comple lete-C -Cho horal- l-Warm-U m-Up-B -Book/ k/1994821.i .item# m#.U .Un1 n12r3CsiSo Successful W l Warm-U m-Ups, B , Book 1 k 1 ( (Nanc ncy T y Telf lfer) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Successful- l-Warmu mups-B -Book-1 -1/1960400.i .item# m#.U .Un1 n13C3CsiSo Jazz W Warm-U m-Ups a and nd V Vocali lises ( (Ga Gary W y Walt lth) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Jazz-Warm-U m-Ups-a -and nd-V -Vocali lises/10279923.i .item# m#.U .Un1 n13u3CsiSo Cho horal W l Warm-U m-Up C Colle llection n (Sally A lly Alb lbrecht ht) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Cho horal- l-Warmu mup-C -Colle llection/ n/3298107.i .item# m#.U .Un_2 n_2QnC nCsiSo

  7. RESOURCES RESOURCES Sight ht S Sing nging ng Sing ng a at F First S Sight ht ( (And ndy B y Beck) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Sing ng-a -at-F -First-S -Sight ht/3300834.i .item One ne-M -Minu nute S Sight ht S Sing nging ng ( (Rona nald ld Sla labbinc nck & & H Holly S lly Sha haw-Sla labbinc nck) http:/ ht ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/she heet-mu -music/search.js h.jsp?keyw ywords=one ne+mi minu nute+sight ht+reading ng Essent ntial S l Sight ht S Sing nging ng, V , Vol. l.1 ( (Crocker a and nd L Leavitt) ) ht http:/ ://www.jw .jwpepper.c .com/ m/Essent ntial-S l-Sight ht-S -Sing nging ng%2C-V -Vol.-1 l.-1/3303897.i .item# m#.U .Un_2 n_2xXCsiSo

  8. RESOURCES RESOURCES Web B Based .musicthe .net www.s .sight htreading ngfactory.c .com m ht http:/ ://www.hi .hickoryt hirk/ k/k-1 -12mu music/#cho hoir ht http:/ ://www.s .same medaymu ymusic.c .com/ m/li library--mu --musicteache herresources

  9. RESOURCES RESOURCES Apps Ap s ht http:/ ://coach4 h4techno hnolo .net/dupageha hand ndout2013table lets.p .pdf http:/ ht ://www.e .educatorstechno hnolo logy.c .com/ m/2013/01/12-o -outstand nding ng-mu -music-t -teachi hing ng-a -and .html ml

  10. CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION Kasie R Ryan B n Brooks ks Frankli nklin A n Academy M y Middle le S Scho hool l Wake F Forest, N , NC brooks ksk1 k1@frankli nklina nacademy.o .org (c) 8 856-3 -366-6 -6657


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