MISSION STATEMENT The Saco Fire Department is committed to enhancing the quality of life for present and future generations of our community. We protect lives and property through Public Education, Fire Suppression, and Emergency Medical and Rescue Services.
RECOMMENDED BUDGET FY 2017 FY 2018 $ CHANGE % CHANGE BUDGET BUDGET Appropriations 4,081,763 3,955,823 (125,940) 3.1% Revenue (702,645) (720,833) (18,000) 2.6% Net Amount 3,379,118 3,234,990 (144,128) 4.3%
MAJOR INFLUENCES • Increased growth within the community and an increase in the demands on the services we provide are challenging our ability to maintain high levels of quality service across all disciplines (Fire, EMS, Fire Prevention, & Training). • Providing adequate trained responders on the scene; with a timely response • Ensuring apparatus & equipment maintained and ready to go • Facilities; maintenance and upkeep
MAJOR INFLUENCES • Changes in the health care system that impact our EMS Licensing, Certifications, and Training • Maintaining a healthy, physically fit, and an emotionally prepared workforce to perform in a highly dangerous and stressful environment.
FY YTD EMS CALL VOLUME AS OF 3/31/2017 FY '13 1812 FY '14 1978 FY '15 2145 FY '16 1928 FY '17 2135 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
YTD MAJOR FIRE INCIDENTS AS OF 3/31/2017 64 FY '13 79 FY '14 83 FY '15 56 FY '16 51 FY '17 0 20 40 60 80 100
FY YTD TOTAL 911 INCIDENTS AS OF 3/31/2017 2331 FY '13 2489 FY '14 2712 FY '15 2450 FY '16 2675 FY '17 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800
REQUEST ABOVE DIRECTIVE (RAD) SUPPORTED BY RECOMMENDED BUDGET Page RAD Required Required Received Received Priority Purpose # # RAD Source RAD Source S4 1822 1 45,470 One-time 45,470 One-time LIFEPAK purchase P29 S4 Comprehensive Fire/EMS 1824 3 30,000 One-time 30,000 One-time P30 Assessment
REQUEST ABOVE DIRECTIVE (RAD) SUPPORTED BY RECOMMENDED BUDGET RAD # 1822 Purchase new RAD # 1824 Comprehensive Cardiac Monitor Response/Deployment/ Services Study • Replaces an older unit that is no longer supported (6/30/17) by • Service Delivery the manufacturer. • Staffing • $24, 545.55 • Stations • $6,500 trade in discounts • Fire Prevention / Code Enforcement Activities • $8,694.45 additional manufacturer discounts • Training and Competency • Goals & Objectives • Requires a purchasing commitment by 6/15/2017
REQUEST ABOVE DIRECTIVE (RAD) NOT SUPPORTED BY RECOMMENDED BUDGET Required Required Page # RAD # Priority Purpose RAD Source S4 1823 2 32,295 Ongoing Return Overtime to 3 year average P29
OVERTIME RAD # 1823 Overtime • Used to maintain minimum staffing of 7 on-duty at all time for staffing of; 2 transporting ambulances, 2 engines, 1 ladder truck, 1 tanker, 1 brush truck, and 2 marine units • Used to provide/maintain education and training to ensure a highly trained professional response
OVERTIME RAD # 1823 Overtime • Used to meet Maine Emergency Medical Services requirements for licensing through Continuing Education Credit Hours • Average overtime expenditure $291,000 • Current budget year; 94.25%
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