finglas community safety forum organisational structure

Finglas Community Safety Forum Organisational Structure, Governance - PDF document

Item No. 4 Finglas Safety Forum February 2018 Finglas Community Safety Forum Organisational Structure, Governance and Management Report by John Bennett Coordinator Contents 1. Background 2. National Drug Strategy 3. Aim of Finglas Safety

  1. Item No. 4 Finglas Safety Forum February 2018 Finglas Community Safety Forum Organisational Structure, Governance and Management Report by John Bennett Coordinator

  2. Contents 1. Background 2. National Drug Strategy 3. Aim of Finglas Safety Forum 4. The role of the Community Safety Forum Coordinator 5. Community Safety Forum meetings 6. Governance and management 7. Funding Appendices A. Job Description - Finglas Community Safety Forum Coordinator B. 2018 Work plan – Finglas Safety Forum Coordinator

  3. 1. Background Finglas Community Safety Forum began in 2011 following agreement among all stakeholders on the need for a local policing forum meeting to be held in each of the 3 main neighbourhoods that make up the greater Finglas area. These are Finglas East, West, and South. Prior to this one local policing forum (LPF) was organised by Dublin City Council at their Civic offices on Mellowes Rd. This meeting was open to all residents of Finglas to attend. Following consultations among all key stakeholders a Dublin City Councillor who was a member of Finglas Cabra Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force proposed to the Task Force that it provide funding for the employment of a Coordinator post for what became known as Finglas Community Safety Forum. This would be similar to the post it funded in Cabra but structured to the particular needs in Finglas. A key part of the work of this Coordinator would be the organisation of a schedule of forum meetings in Finglas East, West and South. The funding for the Finglas Community Safety Forum post came from the reallocation of existing Task Force project funding. 2. National Drug Strategy The basis for involvement by the Drug and Alcohol Task Force in the Finglas Community Safety Forum stems from the role designated to it in the then National Drug Strategy 2009 - 2016. The strategy contained an action aimed at setting up local policing fora in each of the 12 Local Drug Task Force areas in Ireland. The Dept. of Justice through the Gardaí were the lead agency for this action with the support of Drug and Alcohol Task Forces. This National Drug Strategy action predated the establishment of Joint Policing Committees. 3. Aim of Finglas Community Safety Forum Finglas Community Safety Forum seeks to create safer neighbourhoods for all to live in and enjoy. It does this by supporting residents to identify and prioritise local issues relating to crime, estate management and social disorder and work in partnership with all stakeholders to resolve these issues. 4. The role of the Community Safety Forum Coordinator The aims and objectives of the Finglas Community Safety Forum Coordinator position are set out in the job description. See appendix A. The work of the CSF Coordinator is guided by an annual work plan. The implementation of this plan is monitored on a monthly basis by the Task Force Coordinator. See appendix B. The CSF Coordinator liaises on a weekly basis with the Community Garda Sergeant and the Dublin City Council Housing Manager concerning matters raised at forum meetings by the local community.

  4. Locally elected T.D.'s and Councillors are also in weekly contact with the Coordinator about issues of concern to their constituents. The working week of the Community Safety Forum Coordinator also involves daily contact with residents on the phone and at street meetings. Issues arising from this contact can require the organisation of specific problem-solving meetings involving residents, Gardaí, Dublin City Council staff and other relevant agencies. The CSF Coordinator attends meetings of Dublin North West Area Joint Policing Committee and provides it with a written report on the work of the Forum. The Coordinator seeks to assist with policy formulation at these meetings. The CSF Coordinator is also a member of the Supply Reduction & Estate Management Sub- Committee of the Task Force. The Coordinator reports to the sub-committee on matters discussed at Safety Forum that have relevance to the Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. The CSF Coordinator also links in with the Garda Diversion Projects and other relevant services and networks as needed such as Dublin North West Area Partnership. 5. Safety Forum meetings The main FSF structure for engagement with the community, Garda, City Council and elected representatives is its annual schedule of Forum meetings. These meetings are open to all local residents and are Chaired by the CSF Coordinator. The meetings are held in the following central locations: • Finglas East (St Canice's BNS) • Finglas West (St Fergal's BNS) • Finglas South (St Helena's Family Resource Centre) There are six meetings held in January to May period and 3 in September to November. In addition to these, the Gardaí host a combined meeting open to residents from each of the Forum neighbourhoods in December at Finglas Garda Station. The CSF meetings are advertised through the local press, on Facebook, and with the help of resident associations. Ground rules Each Forum meeting is guided by a standard agenda and ground rules. The ground rules include the following:  No Individual or family names may be mentioned during the meeting. Names will not be recorded in the minutes.  Issues raised in relation to criminal or anti-social behaviour at this meeting are only allegations and must be investigated by the relevant authorities. An opportunity will be provided at the end of the meeting for people who wish to provide additional information to An Garda Siochana or Dublin City Council in private and in strictest confidence.  One speaker at a time. This allows issues that are raised to be listened to, clearly heard and accurately recorded. It also prevents one person speaking over another.  Each person will be given the opportunity to raise as many issues as they wish. However, a person can only speak for the second time after everyone has a chance

  5. to speak once. This prevents one person from monopolising and using up the limited time of the meeting.  Immediate feedback may not be given in relation to issues raised at this meeting. This prevents agencies from being ambushed or being expected to answer questions that need further investigation. However, the agencies may wish to or be able to respond to some of the issues of the meeting.  All issues will be recorded . Issues will be recorded and passed on to the relevant agencies for investigation. Finglas Community Safety Forum Co-ordinator will link in with relevant agencies in between meetings to follow up on issues raised during the meeting.  No shouting or aggressive behaviour is allowed at this meeting.  Those unable to adhere to the rules will be asked to leave at the discretion of the Chairperson. The standard Safety Forum meeting agenda covers the following: Agenda a) Minutes of the previous meeting b) Reports on issues in minutes c) Garda report d) Dublin City Council report e) Community issues f) AOB 6. Governance and management Finglas Cabra Local Drug and Alcohol CLG employs the CSF Coordinator on an annual contract. The Coordinator is managed on a daily basis by the Drug Task Force Coordinator. The Drug Task Force also provides professional support supervision to the Coordinator. The Coordinator works from the Task Force Office on the first floor of Tolco Clinic on Ballyboggan Rd. All Drug Task Force governance, HR and child safeguarding policies apply to the role of Finglas Safety Forum Coordinator. 7. Funding The Task Force al locates a fixed annual budget of €48,728 to the Finglas Safety Forum. This budget covers the employment-related costs of the Finglas Community Safety Forum Coordinator post, including salary, employers PRSI, employers and public liability insurance, audit, pension contribution, travel expenses, mobile phone, printing etc. The budget does not include the cost of an office. 8. Conclusion The structure, governance and management of Finglas Community Safety Forum is evolving to meet the needs it aims to address. The key to the achievement of its aim is the sustainment of community involvement. Community involvement will be sustained through the continued commitment of all stakeholders to working together to make Finglas a safer and secure place for all.


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