Financial Report Financial Report For the Period Ending For the Period Ending January 31, 2019 January 31, 2019
Presented in thousands. E stimate d Be ginning F und E nding F und Balanc e F YT D R e ve nue s F YT D E xpe nse s Balanc e Gove r nme ntal Ope r ating/ De bt F unds Ge ne ral 13,616 19,397 13,454 19,559 Ge ne ral E me rg e nc y/ Co nting e nc y Re se rve s 1,000 500 - 1,500 Ho te l/ Mo te l 423 34 148 309 Juve nile Case F und 270 29 22 276 1/ 2 Ce nt E DC Ope rating 2,455 1,779 2,009 2,225 1/ 4 Ce nt CCPD 1,284 875 809 1,351 Po lic e Se ize d Asse ts F und 291 2 11 281 Po lic e Drug F und - DE A Award 338 3 4 337 Po lic e Drug F und - State / E ule ss 181 2 - 183 Grant F und - 16 33 (17) Car Re ntal T ax Ope rating 4,709 2,693 5,890 1,511 Glade Parks Co mbine d F unds 1,453 355 378 1,430 Cable PE G F und 690 18 3 705 Midto wn Co mbine d F unds 1,464 994 276 2,181 Ge ne ral Oblig atio n De bt Se rvic e 1,384 2,653 92 3,945 E DC De bt Re se rve 99 103 14 188 E DC De bt Se rvic e 2 14 - 16 Stars Ce nte r De bt Se rvic e 135 244 - 378
Presented in thousands. E stimate d Be ginning F YT D F YT D E nding F und F und Balanc e R e ve nue s E xpe nse s Balanc e Pr opr ie tar y Ope r ating/ De bt F unds Wate r & Waste wate r 7,699 7,794 7,650 7,844 Se rvic e Ce nte r 591 439 358 672 Drainag e Utility Syste m 322 276 319 279 Re c re atio n Classe s 413 190 187 416 Arbo r Daze F und 54 - - 54 T X Star Spo rts Co mple x 192 313 304 201 T X Star Spo rts Co mple x De bt Re se rve 569 12 - 581 Go lf Co urse Co mbine d F unds 1,180 1,431 1,472 1,138 Wate r & Waste wate r De bt Re sv/ E me rg 1,182 - - 1,182 Rate Stabilizatio n Re se rve 3,595 16 72 3,539 Wate r & Waste wate r De bt Se rvic e 320 479 99 700
Presented in thousands. E stimate d Be ginning F YT D F YT D E nding F und F und Balanc e R e ve nue s E xpe nse s Balanc e Inte r nal Se r vic e F unds E quipme nt Re plac e me nt 3,814 656 624 3,846 He alth I nsuranc e 3,947 2,351 1,720 4,578 Risk/ Wo rke rs Co mpe nsatio n 2,188 346 684 1,850 F iduc iar y F unds Stars Ce nte r E sc ro w 1,421 3 - 1,423 T otal Ope r ating 57,280 44,014 36,631 64,663
Presented in thousands. E stimate d Be ginning F YT D F YT D E nding F und F und Balanc e R e ve nue s E xpe nse s Balanc e Capital F unds De ve lo pe rs E sc ro w 2,268 24 - 2,292 Stre e t CI P 9,615 1,106 3,227 7,494 E DC CI P 2,360 2,543 548 4,355 Ge ne ral CI P 1,579 15 91 1,503 Re de ve lo pme nt CI P 1,339 512 354 1,497 Midto wn De ve lo pme nt CI P 382 - 232 150 Car Re ntal T ax CI P 2,142 3,008 - 5,150 Wate r/ Waste wate r CI P 2,634 1,428 238 3,824 Wate r I mpac t F e e CI P 2,168 260 125 2,303 Waste wate r I mpac t F e e CI P 728 83 - 811 Drainag e CI P 1,258 90 - 1,348 T e xas Star Spo rts Co mple x CI P 16 - - 16 Go lf Co urse CI P 187 117 7 296 T otal Capital F unds 26,677 9,185 4,824 31,038
General Fund Revenues Prop. Tax 54% Permits 3% Sales Tax Fines & Fees Other Revenues 22% 4% 7% Charges for Services Gross 2% Receipts 8% $19,396,928 or 46%
General Fund Expenses Admin. 13% Non-Dept. PD 11% 33% Public Works 11% PACS Fire 5% 25% Development 2% $13,453,912 or 30%
Car Rental Tax Revenues $1,600,000 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0
Water & Wastewater Revenues Water 54% Sanitation 1% Wastewater Misc. 39% 4% Charges for Services 2% $7,794,494 or 30%
Water & Wastewater Expenses Non-Dept. 48% Wastewater Treatment 24% Admin. Water Production 6% 18% Water Distribution 4% $7,649,923 or 29%
Texas Star Golf Course Key Performance Indicators through January 31, 2019 PYTD FYTD FYTD FYTD Actual Budget Actual Variance Rounds 8,302 8,939 7,685 (1,254) Green/Cart $50.62 $53.06 $49.93 ($3.13) Average
Texas Star Golf Course Income Statement through January 31, 2019 FYTD FYTD FYTD (in 000’s) Budget Actual Variance Operating Revenues Golf Operations 600 496 (104) F&B Operations 760 706 (54) Total Operating Revenues 1,360 1,202 (158) Operating Expenses (1,139) (1,078) 61 Net Operating Income 221 124 (97) Debt / Capital (245) (244) 1 Net Income / Loss (24) (120) (96)
Texas Star Sports Complex Income Statement through January 31, 2019 FYTD FYTD FYTD (in 000’s) Budget Actual Variance Operating 340 309 (31) Revenues Operating (273) (238) 35 Expenses Net Operating 67 71 4 Income Capital (24) (62) (38) Net Income / 43 9 (34) Loss
Financial Report Financial Report For the Period Ending For the Period Ending January 31, 2019 January 31, 2019
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