Financial Report Financial Report For the Period Ending For the Period Ending August 31, 2018 August 31, 2018
Presented in thousands. F YT D F YT D Be ginning R e ve nue s E xpe nse s E nding Gove r nme ntal Ope r ating/ De bt F unds Ge ne ral 12,449 42,177 38,282 16,345 Ge ne ral E me rg e nc y/ Co nting e nc y Re se rve s 1,000 - - 1,000 Ho te l/ Mo te l 604 649 742 510 Juve nile Case F und 243 92 59 275 1/ 2 Ce nt E DC Ope rating 2,383 4,774 4,743 2,414 1/ 4 Ce nt CCPD 1,295 2,370 2,272 1,393 Po lic e Se ize d Asse ts F und 292 4 2 294 Po lic e Drug F und - DE A Award 333 5 - 338 Po lic e Drug F und - State / E ule ss 176 5 - 181 Grant F und 24 146 246 (76) Car Re ntal T ax Ope rating 2,988 11,126 10,533 3,581 Glade Parks Co mbine d F unds 1,062 2,044 1,728 1,378 Cable PE G F und 617 97 51 662 Midto wn Co mbine d F unds 1,290 2,002 1,830 1,463 Ge ne ral Oblig atio n De bt Se rvic e 1,017 4,209 3,846 1,380 E DC De bt Re se rve 135 - 33 102 E DC De bt Se rvic e 2 33 1 35 Stars Ce nte r De bt Se rvic e 135 705 706 134
Presented in thousands. F YT D F YT D Be ginning R e ve nue s E xpe nse s E nding Pr opr ie tar y Ope r ating/ De bt F unds Wate r & Waste wate r 6,392 23,223 20,704 8,911 Se rvic e Ce nte r 452 1,189 1,015 626 Drainag e Utility Syste m 344 742 769 317 Re c re atio n Classe s 297 719 627 389 Arbo r Daze F und 16 80 43 54 T X Star Spo rts Co mple x Co mbine d F unds 628 1,302 1,160 770 Go lf Co urse Co mbine d F unds 1,202 4,863 4,850 1,215 Wate r & Waste wate r De bt Re sv/ E me rg 1,141 41 - 1,182 Rate Stabilizatio n Re se rve 2,101 1,796 291 3,606 Wate r & Waste wate r De bt Se rvic e 92 1,096 951 237
Presented in thousands. F YT D F YT D Be ginning R e ve nue s E xpe nse s E nding Inte r nal Se r vic e F unds E quipme nt Re plac e me nt 3,149 2,293 1,814 3,628 He alth I nsuranc e 2,492 6,905 5,485 3,912 Risk/ Wo rke rs Co mpe nsatio n 2,116 941 906 2,151 F iduc iar y F unds Stars Ce nte r E sc ro w 1,421 5 - 1,425 T otal Ope r ating 47,890 115,631 103,689 59,832
Presented in thousands. Be ginning F YT D R e ve nue s F YT D E xpe nse s E nding Capital F unds De ve lo pe rs E sc ro w 2,092 158 - 2,250 Stre e t CI P 349 9,946 643 9,652 E DC CI P 2,027 1,438 1,080 2,384 Ge ne ral CI P 1,299 74 1 1,372 Re de ve lo pme nt CI P 116 2,027 703 1,439 Midto wn De ve lo pme nt CI P 3,986 - 3,348 638 Car Re ntal T ax CI P 2,513 1,677 2,084 2,106 Wate r/ Wa ste wate r CI P 3,563 1,533 822 4,275 Wate r I mpac t F e e CI P 1,845 676 343 2,179 Waste wate r I mpac t F e e CI P 622 195 - 817 Drainag e CI P 1,214 117 50 1,282 T e xas Star Spo rts Co mple x CI P 80 1 65 16 Go lf Co urse CI P 63 225 33 255 T otal Capital F unds 19,768 18,067 9,171 28,664
General Fund Revenues Other Revenues 9% Sales Tax Gross 28% Receipts 10% Other Financing Resources 8% Charges for Services 3% Prop. Tax 32% Fines & Fees 6% Permits 4% $42,176,791 or 102.3%
General Fund Expenses Other 9% Admin. PD 11% 31% Non-Dept. 14% Fire PACS 24% 6% Public Works 4% Development 1% $38,281,504 or 87.1%
Car Rental Tax Revenues $1,600,000 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0
Water & Wastewater Revenues Water 57% Sanitation 1% Wastewater 37% Misc. 3% Charges for Services 2% $23,222,755 or 95%
Water & Wastewater Expenses Water Non-Dept. Distribution 40% 4% Water Production Wastewater 29% Treatment 20% Admin. 7% $20,703,873 or 82.9%
Texas Star Golf Course Key Performance Indicators through August 31, 2018 PYTD FYTD FYTD FYTD Actual Budget Actual Variance Rounds 30,323 32,711 30,043 (2,668) Green/Cart $47.53 $48.55 $48.56 $0.01 Average
Texas Star Golf Course Income Statement through August 31, 2018 FYTD FYTD FYTD (in 000’s) Budget Actual Variance Operating Revenues Golf Operations 2,020 1,899 (121) F&B Operations 2,111 2,233 122 Total Operating Revenues 4,131 4,132 1 Operating Expenses (3,409) (3,419) (10) Net Operating Income 722 713 (9) Debt / Capital (644) (636) 8 Net Income / Loss 78 77 (1)
Texas Star Sports Complex Income Statement through August 31, 2018 FYTD FYTD FYTD (in 000’s) Budget Actual Variance Operating 1,230 1,261 31 Revenues Operating (1,102) (1,072) 30 Expenses Net Operating 128 189 61 Income Capital (88) (82) 6 Net Income / 40 107 67 Loss
Financial Report Financial Report For the Period Ending For the Period Ending August 31, 2018 August 31, 2018
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