financial presentation

Financial Presentation ( Six Months Ended September 30, 2015 ) Goro - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

October 30, 2015 Financial Presentation ( Six Months Ended September 30, 2015 ) Goro Yamaguchi President and Representative Director Toda day ys Presen s Presenta tation tion 1. F 1. Finan nancial R ial Resul esults for th s

  1. October 30, 2015 Financial Presentation ( Six Months Ended September 30, 2015 ) Goro Yamaguchi President and Representative Director

  2. Toda day’ y’s Presen s Presenta tation tion 1. F 1. Finan nancial R ial Resul esults for th s for the S e Six M x Months En hs Ended September 30, ded September 30, 2015 2015 2. F 2. Finan nancial F ial Forecast for th recast for the Y e Year En ar Ending M ding March 31, 2016 rch 31, 2016 3. M 3. Major Initia jor Initiativ tives for F s for Future G ture Growth owth 1

  3. 1. F 1. Finan nancial R ial Resul esults for th s for the S e Six M x Months En hs Ended September 30, ded September 30, 2015 2015 2. F 2. Finan nancial F ial Forecast for th recast for the Y e Year En ar Ending M ding March 31, 2016 rch 31, 2016 3. M 3. Major Initia jor Initiativ tives for F s for Future G ture Growth owth 2

  4. Financial Results for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - (Unit: Yen in millions) Six months ended September 30, Change 2014 2015 2015 Amount Am Amou ount Amount % % to net sales % to net sales Net sales 714,329 100.0% 722,577 722,577 100. 100.0% 0% 8,248 1.2% Profit from operations 54,751 7.7% 61,949 61,949 8.6% 8. 6% 7,198 13.1% Pre-tax income 68,118 9.5% 78,000 78,000 10.8% 10. 8% 9,882 14.5% Net income attributable to shareholders of 43,649 6.1% 50,792 50,792 7. 7.0% 0% 7,143 16.4% Kyocera Corporation Capital expenditures 30,470 4.3% 34,615 34,615 4.8% 4. 8% 4,145 13.6% Depreciation 28,419 4.0% 30,473 30,473 4. 4.2% 2% 2,054 7.2% R&D expenses 26,480 3.7% 29,102 29,102 4. 4.0% 0% 2,622 9.9% ¥103 ¥122 ¥122 US$ Average exchange rate (yen) ¥139 ¥135 ¥135 Euro Approx. ¥ 19 billion Ap Approx. ox. ¥ ¥ 4 40 b billion on Net sales Foreign currency fluctuation effect on; (compared with the previous Approx. ¥ 5 billion Appro pprox. ¥ . ¥ 8 8 b billion Pre-tax income same period) 3

  5. Sales by Reporting Segment for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - (Unit: Yen in millions) Six months ended September 30, Change 2014 2015 2015 Amount Amou Am ount nt Amount % % of net sales % of net sales Fine Ceramic Parts Group 43,224 6.0% 46, 46,945 45 6. 6.5% 5% 3,721 8.6% Semiconductor Parts Group 102,173 14.3% 111,226 111,226 15. 5.4% 4% 9,053 8.9% 124,714 17.5% 113,636 113,636 15. 5.7% 7% -11,078 -8.9% Applied Ceramic Products Group Electronic Device Group 138,843 19.4% 146,211 146,211 20. 0.3% 3% 7,368 5.3% Components Business 408,954 57.2% 418,018 418,018 57. 7.9% 9% 9,064 2.2% 91,555 12.8% 78,697 78, 97 10.9% 10. -12,858 -14.0% Telecommunications Equipment Group Information Equipment Group 157,648 22.1% 162,511 162,511 22. 2.5% 5% 4,863 3.1% Equipment Business 249,203 34.9% 241,208 241,208 33. 3.4% 4% -7,995 -3.2% Others 83,457 11.7% 84,700 84, 00 11.7% 11. 1,243 1.5% Adjustments and eliminations -27,285 -3.8% -21,349 1,349 -3. 3.0% 0% 5,936 - Net sales 714,329 100.0% 722,577 722,577 100. 00.0% 8,248 1.2% 4

  6. Profit by Reporting Segment for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - (Unit: Yen in millions) Six months ended September 30, Change 2014 2015 2015 Amount Amou Am ount nt Amount % % to net sales % to net sales Fine Ceramic Parts Group 7,009 16.2% 8,267 8,267 17. 7.6% 6% 1,258 17.9% Semiconductor Parts Group 14,655 14.3% 16,626 16, 26 14.9% 14. 1,971 13.4% 5,776 4.6% 8,023 8,023 7.1% 2,247 38.9% Applied Ceramic Products Group Electronic Device Group 16,684 12.0% 18,411 18, 11 12. 12.6% 1,727 10.4% Components Business 44,124 10.8% 51,327 51, 27 12. 12.3% 7,203 16.3% -1,258 -5,621 -5 -4,363 Telecommunications Equipment Group - - - Information Equipment Group 17,207 10.9% 12, 12,039 39 7. 7.4% 4% -5,168 -30.0% Equipment Business 15,949 6.4% 6,418 6,418 2.7% -9,531 -59.8% Others 2,494 3.0% 11,262 11, 62 13. 13.3% 8,768 - Operating Profit 62,567 8.8% 69, 69,007 07 9. 9.6% 6% 6,440 10.3% Corporate and Others 5,551 8,993 8,993 3,442 62.0% - - Pre-tax income 68,118 9.5% 78, 78,000 00 10.8% 10. 9,882 14.5% Operating profit represents profit from operating activities. 5

  7. Sales of Components Business for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - ¥ + 9.0 billio 9.0 billion ( + 2.2% 2.2% ) Fi Fine C Ceramic P Parts Increased sales of parts for semiconductor (Yen in billions) 418.1 409.0 ¥ + 3.8 billion ( 3.8 billion ( + 8.6%) 8.6%) processing equipment as well as automotive components such as camera 47.0 43.2 modules Semicon Semiconductor P uctor Parts rts Increased sales of packages and substrates ¥ + 9.0 ( + 8.9 8.9 % ) 9.0 billi billion on ( for communications infrastructure and 102.2 111.2 smartphones as well as packages for LEDs Applied Cerami pplied Ceramic Pr c Prod oducts ucts Decreased sales in solar energy business ¥ - 11. illion ( - 8.9 8.9 % ) 11.1 billion ( due mainly to a change in subsidy system 113.6 in Japan. 124.7 Increased sales in cutting tool business primarily for automotive-related markets El Electr ectronic De onic Device vice Increased sales of capacitors for 146.2 ¥ + 7.3 ( + 5.3 5.3 % ) 138.9 7.3 billi illion on ( smartphones and printing devices for industrial equipment H1 FY3/2015 H1 FY3/2016 6

  8. Operating Profit of Components Business for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - (Yen in billions) ¥ + 7.2 7.2 billion illion 51.3 ( + 16.3% 16.3% ) Fi Fine C Ceramic P Parts Increased profit owing to sales growth of ¥ + 1.3 ( + 17. 17.9 % ) 1.3 billi illion on ( 8.3 parts for industrial equipment 44.1 7.0 Semiconductor P Semicon uctor Parts rts Increased profit due mainly to improved ¥ + 2.0 ( + 13. 13.4 % ) 2.0 billi billion on ( 16.6 profitability in organic package business 14.6 Increased profit due to cost reduction Applied Cerami pplied Ceramic Pr c Prod oducts ucts efforts in solar energy business and an ¥ + 2.2 ( + 38. 38.9 % ) 2.2 billi billion on ( 8.0 increase in profit in other businesses 5.8 including cutting tool business El Electr ectronic De onic Device vice Increased profit due to sales growth and ¥ + 1.7 on ( + 10. 10.4 % ) 1.7 billi billion 18.4 16.7 cost reduction H1 FY3/2015 H1 FY3/2016 7

  9. Sales of Equipment Business for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - (Yen in billions) ¥ - 8.0 8.0 billion illion ( - 3.2% 3.2% ) 249.2 241.2 Telecomm communica unications Eq ions Equipm uipment ent Decreased sales due to lower sales ¥ - 12.9 billion ( 12.9 billion ( - 14. 14.0 % ) 91.6 of low-end handsets overseas and 78.7 PHS-related products in Japan 162.5 157.6 Information Eq Informa ion Equip uipmen ent Increased sales due to higher sales ¥ + 4.9 on ( + 3.1 3.1 % ) volume in the U.S. and Asian 4.9 billi billion regions H1 FY3/2015 H1 FY3/2016 8

  10. Operating Profit of Equipment Business for First Six Months of FY3/2016 - Comparison with first six months of FY3/2015 - (Yen in billions) ¥ - 9.5 billio 9.5 billion ( - 59.8% 59.8% ) 15.9 6.4 Informa Information Eq ion Equip uipmen ent Decreased profit due to ¥ - 5.2 on ( - 30.0 30.0 %) 5.2 billi illion increased raw material costs reflecting the impact of foreign currency rate fluctuations 17.2 12.0 Telecomm communica unications Eq ions Equipm uipment ent Increased loss owing to sales ¥ - 4.3 4.3 billi billion on decline -1.3 -5.6 H1 FY3/2015 H1 FY3/2016 9

  11. Financial Results for Q2 of FY3/2016 - Comparison with Q1 of FY3/2016 - (Unit: Yen in millions) Three months ended Change June 30, 2015 Se September 30, 2015 30, 2015 Amount Amou Am ount Amount % % to net sales % to net sales Net sales 339,247 100.0% 383,330 383,330 100. 100.0% 0% 44,083 13.0% Profit from operations 32,583 9.6% 29,366 29,366 7. 7.7% 7% -3,217 -9.9% Pre-tax income 47,010 13.9% 30,990 30,990 8. 8.1% 1% -16,020 -34.1% Net income attributable to shareholders of 31,575 9.3% 19,217 19,217 5.0% 5. 0% -12,358 -39.1% Kyocera Corporation Capital expenditures 16,014 4.7% 18,601 18,601 4.9% 4. 9% 2,587 16.2% Depreciation 14,535 4.3% 15,938 15,938 4. 4.2% 2% 1,403 9.7% R&D expenses 14,386 4.2% 14,716 14,716 3. 3.8% 8% 330 2.3% ¥121 ¥122 ¥122 US$ Average exchange rate (yen) ¥134 ¥136 ¥136 Euro  On the basis of excluding profit from a sale of assets recorded in Q1, profit from operations in Q2 was up by approx. 40% compared with Q1. 10

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