filtering decomposition and search space reduction for

Filtering, Decomposition and Search Space Reduction for Optimal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Search and Search Space Reduction Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work Filtering, Decomposition and Search Space Reduction for Optimal Sequential Planning (FDP System) St ephane

  1. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Search and Search Space Reduction Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work Filtering, Decomposition and Search Space Reduction for Optimal Sequential Planning (FDP System) St´ ephane Grandcolas Cyril Pain-Barre InCA Team Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Syst` emes (LSIS) UMR CNRS 6168 Marseille, France St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 1/36

  2. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Search and Search Space Reduction Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work Plan of the Talk Overview 1 Framework Quick Presentation Structure, Solutions and Filtering 2 Planning-Structure Solution Consistency and Filtering Search and Search Space Reduction 3 Search and Problem Decomposition Search Space Reduction Experimental Results 4 Conclusion and Future Work 5 St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 2/36

  3. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Framework Search and Search Space Reduction Quick Presentation Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work Overview 1 Framework Quick Presentation Structure, Solutions and Filtering 2 Planning-Structure Solution Consistency and Filtering Search and Search Space Reduction 3 Search and Problem Decomposition Search Space Reduction Experimental Results 4 Conclusion and Future Work 5 St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 3/36

  4. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Framework Search and Search Space Reduction Quick Presentation Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work A Hybrid Planner FDP (Filtering and Decomposition for Planning) optimal sequential planner classical planning assumptions several techniques: from planning : consistency rules goal reachability estimation (future) heuristic search from the CSP field : filtering decomposition no-good recording St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 4/36

  5. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Framework Search and Search Space Reduction Quick Presentation Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work FDP in a Nutshell planning-structure kind of planning graph incrementally extended with a given maximal size (no termination criterion on unsolvable problems) filtering of inconsistent actions and literals search for a solution in a planning-structure currently, a kind of depth-first search (complete procedure) several decomposition strategies reduction of the search space : no-good recording goal-reachability estimation pruning of some redundant action sequences St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 5/36

  6. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Framework Search and Search Space Reduction Quick Presentation Experimental Results Conclusion and Future Work FDP in a Nutshell planning-structure kind of planning graph incrementally extended with a given maximal size (no termination criterion on unsolvable problems) filtering of inconsistent actions and literals search for a solution in a planning-structure currently, a kind of depth-first search (complete procedure) several decomposition strategies reduction of the search space : no-good recording goal-reachability estimation pruning of some redundant action sequences St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 5/36

  7. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Overview 1 Framework Quick Presentation Structure, Solutions and Filtering 2 Planning-Structure Solution Consistency and Filtering Search and Search Space Reduction 3 Search and Problem Decomposition Search Space Reduction Experimental Results 4 Conclusion and Future Work 5 St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 6/36

  8. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Planning-Structure : Definition Given the problem P = ( A , I , G , L ), � k , V a , V l , d � is a planning-structure for P where: k : size of the planning-structure, V a = { y 0 , . . . , y k − 1 } : action variables , V l = { x i , l } 0 ≤ i ≤ k , l ∈ L : literal variables , d : domain function ∀ y i ∈ V a �− → domain d ( y i ) ⊆ A , denoted A i , ∀ x i , l ∈ V l �− → domain d ( x i , l ) ⊆ {⊤ , ⊥} , denoted D i , l . St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 7/36

  9. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Planning-Structure : Graphical Representation planning-structure of size k action steps A A 1 A k−1 0 . . . L L L L L 0 1 2 k−1 k literal steps St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 8/36

  10. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Planning-Structure : Detailed Representation Step i of the planning-structure A i the literal p p variable x i,p has a 1 domain { , } q q a 2 r r a 3 the literal s s variable has x i,s domain { } L L i+1 i action variable y i has domain { , } a 1 a 3 Initially, all the variables are undefined literal variables have {⊤ , ⊥} as domain action variables have A as domain St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 9/36

  11. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Valid Plan in a Planning-Structure p p q a 1 a 1 a 1 q r a 2 a 2 a 2 r a 3 a 3 a 3 s s t t goals A valid plan is an assignment of the variables of V l ∪ V a that : respects the domains valids the initial state literals (closed-world assumption) valids the goals in the last state respects the preconditions and effects of the chosen actions respects the persistence of the literals not affected by actions St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 10/36

  12. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Preliminary Removals in the Structure Before searching, some values for literals are removed : p p a 1 a 1 a 1 q q a 2 a 2 a 2 r r a 3 a 3 a 3 s s in L 0 according to I in L k according to G ∀ l ∈ I , ⊥ is removed ∀ l ∈ G , ⊥ is removed from D 0 , l from D k , l ∀ p (proposition) �∈ I , ⊤ is removed from D 0 , p Consequences some actions and some literals become then inconsistent St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 11/36

  13. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Inconsistent Values for Literal and Action Variables 5 possibilities for a literal value to become inconsistent logical consistency forward persistence backward persistence all actions delete opposite always required 3 possibilities for an action value to become inconsistent falsified precondition falsified effect effect required St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 12/36

  14. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Consistency Rules and Filtering : Example Initial situation A i p p p p a 1 q q a 2 r r a 3 s s a 4 t t L L i+1 i St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 13/36

  15. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Consistency Rules and Filtering : Example Logical consistency A i logical consistency p p p p a 1 q q a 2 r r a 3 s s a 4 t t L L i+1 i St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 13/36

  16. Overview Structure, Solutions and Filtering Planning-Structure Search and Search Space Reduction Solution Experimental Results Consistency and Filtering Conclusion and Future Work Consistency Rules and Filtering : Example Forward persistence A i p p p p a 1 q q a 2 r r a 3 s s a 4 t t forward persistence L L i+1 i St´ ephane Grandcolas, Cyril Pain-Barre FDP System. AAAI’07, 24 July 2007, Vancouver 13/36


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