fight against corruption brazil and the cgu brazil an

fight against corruption BRAZIL AND THE CGU BRAZIL AN OVERVIEW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Involving actors in the fight against corruption BRAZIL AND THE CGU BRAZIL AN OVERVIEW Federation: Union; 26 States; the Federal District 5,564 Municipalities Population of Brazil =~ 190 million Area: 8,514,877 km 2 1.5 Million people

  1. Involving actors in the fight against corruption


  3. BRAZIL – AN OVERVIEW Federation: Union; 26 States; the Federal District 5,564 Municipalities Population of Brazil =~ 190 million Area: 8,514,877 km 2 1.5 Million people working for the Federal Government OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - BRAZIL

  4. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU CGU is the internal audit unit and the anti-corruption agency of the Brazilian Federal Government: • Prevention initiatives • Transparency policies • Ombudsman • Audit actions (internal control) • Disciplinary actions OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU


  6. INVOLVING THE ACTORS Who is involved in corruption and the fight against corruption: • Government(s) • Civil servants / government employees • Companies / organizations • People OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - BRAZIL

  7. INVOLVING THE ACTORS How do we do it: • Increasing transparency and fostering public oversight • Promoting education for ethics and citizenship • Establishing public-private cooperation • Improving legal framework • Financing studies and research on corruption • Involving and supporting other public managers and agencies • Participating in efforts of those actors OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU

  8. CHALLENGES • Disseminate the idea that transparency is worth its inevitable political price . • Ensure sound cooperation and proper relationships with other institutions and the media • Strike the proper balance between preventive and repressive measures • Stimulate social participation and public oversight • Promote the engagement of the private sector • Overcome deep-seated legal interpretations of the law that hinder anti- corruption actions, such as bank secrecy, etc. • Reduce impunity and improve the judiciary system OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU


  10. Involving citizens

  11. TRANSPARENCY PORTAL What it is How it helps A website that provides information Provides transparency on public about: spending and revenues • Public spending • Empowers people • Revenue • Encourages better • Agreements management • Civil servants • Improves public trust - Offers an array of filters 300 000 visits per month (over 3 - Easy to find; easy to understand million pageviews per month) - Also available in open data Model adopted in all level of governments, the judiciary and legislative


  13. “EAGLE - EYE ON THE PUBLIC MONEY” What it is How it helps A program that provides training Increase social capability to and education - for citizens, public provide oversight on public officials, teachers, local counselors spending, improving their and others – on how to control confidence and the country’s public spending. capability to oversee public funds transferred to local governments. • courses • handbooks Over the last 8 years CGU has • e-learning trained around 58000 people and distributed more than 2.4 million copies of the program’s handbook.

  14. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW AND e-SIC What it is How it helps The Brazilian Access to Information The implementation allows citizens Laws allows citizens to obtain any kind to have information on any subject of information from government and understand Government’s agencies (except for those that were decisions. classified by criteria defined by law). That access is made directly in the The digital platform (e-SIC) allowed agencies or through the Internet, using implementation with lower costs, a system called e-SIC easy access for citizens and better management of requests, appeals The implementation of the Law within and reports. the Federal government was led by CGU, which trained and provided Over 10 000 requests in the first support for agencies, informed citizens month (Ministry of Justice: 607) and developed a digital platform for requests.


  16. TRANSPARENCY COUNCIL What it is How it helps A Council formed equally by members It brings together civil society and of government and society. It suggests government towards the same ways to improve social control, common goal, sharing ideas to transparency, better management and achieve the goals. measures to prevent and fight corruption. Forum for discussion of policies and bills of law.

  17. CONSOCIAL - NATIONAL CONFERENCE What it is How it helps A Conference that invited the Gets people involved, brings Brazilian society to discuss ideas “outside of the box” ideas, shares and solutions on how to improve responsibilities. transparency and social participation.

  18. Involving public managers and civil servants

  19. PUBLIC SPENDING OBSERVATORY What it is How it helps Data matching and tracking system - Offer tools for managers to that combines technical expertise, detect outliers in their spending scientific method and technology. and possible focus of irregular activities; A track is defined and processed with government databases. - Allows the detection of hoaxes, Outliers or “strange” behaviors are misuses of public money or other noticed and pointed by machine. potential problems. • Produces useful information to public managers (dashboard) • Detect suspicious and irregular behaviors

  20. PUBLIC SPENDING OBSERVATORY Example of tracks • Business connection between bidders • Relationship between bidders and public servants • Fractioning for purposes of bid waiver • Over average spending on a particular purchase • Fractioning to avoid more complex bidding modalities • More than one "exclusive” supplier • Bidders with the same address • Newly formed companies participating in the bid OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU

  21. COOPERATION WITH PUBLIC AGENCIES What it is How it helps Multiple operations that CGU These operations help the process develops in cooperation with many of finding and acting upon agencies, such as: corruption cases run much more efficiently, and enhances public • Federal Police confidence • Prosecutor’s Office • - More than 2400 proceedings were Attorney General Office started by the Prosecutor’s office based on CGU inspections; - 440 lawsuits of the Attorney General Office were based on reports - In 2011 alone, CGU worked with the Federal Police in more than 500 investigations. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU

  22. WORLD CUP’S TRANSPARENCY CHAMBER What it is How it helps A work group that unites local Creates standards on what should governments, civil society and the be publicized and how. Federal government to discuss priorities and solutions to bring Technical aid among participants. transparency to World Cup 2014 related actions. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU

  23. ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS POLICY What it is How it helps CGU has trained and provided Administrative penalties for guidelines to government agencies misconducts in the public service so they can run agile process for run much faster than the standard expulsion of civil servants from judiciary process. government agents through administrative process. Expelling civil servants helps both by stopping ongoing schemes and by improving public confidence that there is punishment for misconduct. More than 3 500 expulsion penalties were enforced since 2003.

  24. TRAINING Areas of training • Social Control • Access to information • Ethics and integrity • Management of public resources • Citizenship • … OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - CGU

  25. Involving the private sector

  26. NATIONAL DEBARMENT LISTS: CEIS & CEPIM What it is How it helps A list of organizations – companies Blocks new business between and non-profit private entities – government agencies and those that were punished by the organizations government. Allows all government agencies to • Mandatory reference for all track organizations who were federal government bodies: may involved in corruption not do business with sanctioned organizations Allows the private sector and • Reference for all governmental citizens to know those bodies organizations Public access via Internet


  28. CGU-ETHOS INSTITUTE PARTNERSHIP What it is How it helps Reinforces dialogue between the The partnership with a respected public and private sector; organization with voice within the private sector helps CGU get its • Stimulating and putting into message through with the right force initiatives to strengthen language and for the right people. good practices of corporative governance. Improves awareness on integrity • Promoting ethics and integrity measures importance and how to in the relationship of public and make them efficient. private sectors. • Creates forum for discussion. Improves awareness on damages • Fair Play project caused by corruption in the private sector. Handbooks, e-courses, workshops


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