fields organizational strategies

Fields Organizational Strategies readings: From Object to Field - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fields Organizational Strategies readings: From Object to Field Field Conditions by Stan Allen Andrea Bagniewski Aya Jazaierly Field Conditions - form - rethinking the part-to-whole problem - reacting to Deconstructivism - in opposition to

  1. Fields Organizational Strategies readings: From Object to Field Field Conditions by Stan Allen Andrea Bagniewski Aya Jazaierly

  2. Field Conditions - form - rethinking the part-to-whole problem - reacting to Deconstructivism - in opposition to Modernist ‘object’ approach to architecture Robert Morris

  3. “ (...)The construction of meaning was displaced from the object itself to the spatial field between the viewer and the object: fluid zone of perceptual interference, populated by moving bodies.” Stan Allen

  4. Donald Judd “Most sculpture is made part by part, by addition, composed.” Donald Judd

  5. Field Conditions - form - start with small elements and through repetition bring about a different sense of the whole - to re-think organizational principles and the relationship between objects and territory - refers to an array of objects or marks that accumulate to the point of becoming a system Moire patterns - figural effect produced by the superposition of two regular fields

  6. Field Conditions - form - to defy the idea of boundary and act as windows into a potentially larger expanse, provoking viewers to imagine beyond the frame - it emphasizes the arbitrariness of the edge, suggesting that the drawing could extend infinitely beyond the surface it marks Mies Van Der Rohe - Brick Villa 1923

  7. Field Conditions - urbanism - in opposition to the Modernist’s and Deconstructivist’s rejection to the complexities of the urban context - toward a consideration of systems and networks with permeable boundaries, flexible internal relationships, multiple pathways and fluid hierarchies - redefine the relationships between figure and ground, finite and infinite, place and nonplace in relation to the grid In Sanford Kwinter’s text La Città Nuova: Modernity and Continuity , he describes fields as “... a space of propagation, of effects. It contains no matter or material points, rather functions, vectors and speeds.”

  8. Metabolists, Archigram Tokyo Bay, Kenzo Tange,1960 Plug-in City, Archigram, 1966

  9. Superstudio, Archizoom Il Monumento Continuo,Superstudio,1969 Non-stop City, Archizoom,1969

  10. Stan Allen’s projects Studies for Exhibition Pavillion - Stan Allen

  11. Stan Allen’s projects Monument to Freedom and Equality, Leipzig, Germany, 2012 “Field conditions refer to design strategies based on the aggregation of small, self similar parts to create local difference while maintaining overall coherence; field conditions implies the design of systems and assemblages, paying close attention to intervals and the spaces between things.” Stan Allen

  12. Stan Allen’s projects Contemporary Music Center in Taichung, Taipei, 2001

  13. Stan Allen’s projects Taichung Gateway Park, Taiwan, 2008

  14. Stan Allen’s projects Taichung Gateway Park, Taiwan, 2008

  15. Stan Allen’s projects Taichung Gateway Park, Taiwan, 2008

  16. Maribor Art Gallery, Stan Allen, 2010 Granada Performing Arts Center, Kengo Kuma, 2008


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