INTERNA ERNATIONAL TIONAL VISIT ITOR OR SURVEY EY FI FIJI JI Interim Report for January – June 2019 Published January 2020
2019 9 INTERI TERIM FIJI JI INTERNA RNATIONAL TIONAL VISIT SITOR OR SURVEY VEY JAN ANUARY Y – JUNE E 2019 9 The 2019 Fi Fiji ji Interna nati tion onal al Vi Visit itor Sur Survey is an initiative of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism with the support of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). It represents an enhanced methodology with an increased sample size to the previous IVS methodology and is based on international best practices. This report is an interim report with data from the first six months of 2019 only. It contains provisional data that will be updated in the full year 2019 report. Unless otherwise stated, all reported figures are provisional and subject to periodic review. Reproducti duction on of of Materia erial Information contained within this publication, including all charts, information and graphical representations, may be used, reproduced or published without the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism’s prior approval. However, the information source must be explicitly referenced and acknowledged in all modes of representation. 1
SUMMARY Y OF KEY EY FIN INDINGS: DINGS: VISIT SITOR OR SPEN END JAN ANUAR ARY – JU JUNE E 2019 9 TOTAL AL VISIT SITORS ORS FJD 94 JD 947M 7M 259M 259M 688M 688M TOTAL AL SPEND THAT STAYS YS IN FIJI PRE-PAID AID SPEND ND POST T ARRIV IVAL AL SPEND ND 40 407, 7,49 495 TOTAL AL VISITOR ORS Figures exclude Fiji Residents and Persons In- Total visitor arrivals in the first six months of 2019 increased +6% over the same period last year Transit. Spending excludes in-market amounting to 407,495 visitors. The spending by visitors totaled to FJD 947M with FJD 259M spent after expenses such as commissions but includes a arrival in Fiji. The average visitor spent FJD 2,323 on their trip to Fiji. 3 portion of overseas airfare. See Appendix.
SUMMARY Y OF KEY EY FIN INDINGS: DINGS: VISIT SITOR OR SPEN END JAN ANUAR ARY – JU JUNE E 2019 9 TOTAL AL VISIT SITORS ORS Tot otal al Spend (FJD mill llion) on) Lodging and Accommodations $369 International Airfare $313 Restaurant/Bars/Other Eating Places $158 Tours, attractions and tour operator services $76 Hotel or Airport Transfer $7.2 .2 Retail Shopping $6.6 .6 (e.g., clothing, bags, souvenirs, shoes, jewelry) Supermarket/General/Local market food/other $4.2 .2 Bus/Taxi $2.4 .4 Handicrafts/Artwork $2.3 .3 Domestic Air $2.0 .0 Services $1.6 .6 (massages/hairdressing, spa) Car rental $1.5 .5 Other $1.0 .0 Communications $0.8 .8 (SIM cards, Internet, mobile phones) Boat transportation $0.7 .7 Small ship cruises $0.6 .6 Other Shopping $0.6 .6 The largest contribution to Fiji’s economy came from spending on Lodging, $369 Million or 39% of total Figures exclude Fiji Residents and spending. One-third of visitor spending ($313 Million) was attributed to spending on International Airfare and Persons In-Transit. Spending excludes 17 percent ($158 Million) on Restaurant and Bars, particularly through meals included in pre-paid packages. pre-paid expenses such as marketing Total Shopping (Retail, Handicrafts, Communications, Services, Other Shopping) accounted for $11.9 Million. 4 costs and commissions.
TOTAL AL VISIT SITOR ORS S DEM EMOGRAPH RAPHIC ICS JAN ANUAR ARY – JU JUNE E 2019 9 TOTAL AL VISIT SITORS ORS TOTAL AL VISITOR ORS S (%) BY SOURCE CE MARKET ET 40% 21% 11% 6% 7% 4% 2%2%2% 5% AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND USA CHINA PACIFIC ISLANDS EUROPE UK CANADA JAPAN OTHER AGE OF VISITOR ORS (%) 14% 14% 5% 5% 13% 13% 18% 18% 17% 17% 16% 16% 12% 12% 5% 5% 0-1 -13 YRS YRS 14-1 -19 YRS YRS 20-2 -29 YRS YRS 30-3 -39 YRS YRS 40-4 -49 YRS YRS 50-5 -59 YRS YRS 60-6 -69 YRS YRS 70+ YRS YRS GENDER EMPLOYMENT HOUSEHOLD STATUS 3% 3% Live alo Liv alone ne 4%7% 7% 4% 5% 5% 13% 13% Spou ouse/Par artner er Working 7% 7% 13% 13% $ Retired 46% 46% Chi Childre ldren 54% 54% 32% 32% Student Fem Females ales Par arent nt or Guar uardian ian Other Males Males 76% 76% Othe her fam famil ily/rel elat ativ ives es 73% 73% Fr Frie iends or room ommat ates es Australia continued to be the largest source for visitors to Fiji, with New Zealand and USA a distant second and third. The average age of the party head was between 40-49 years old. Most of these visitors worked full or part time, though just over 1-in-10 were retired. Most respondents lived with a spouse and a third had children in 5 the household.
TRIP CHAR ARACTER CTERIS ISTICS TICS JAN ANUAR ARY – JUNE E 2019 9 TOTAL AL VISIT SITORS RS PARTY Y SIZE TYPE OF TRAVELLERS LERS ACCOMM MMOD ODATION ON 7% 7% 4% 4% 22% 22% Fr Free ee Indep epende endent nt Sing ingle les Hot otel el or or Res Resor ort 34% 34% Trav avele lers (F (FIT) IT) 46% 46% Tim imesh eshar are Co Coup uples es 54% 54% Orga gani nize zed Group oup or or Pre-paid aid Pac ackage ge Fa Family ly or Fr Frie iends Trip ip Group ups 43% 43% 90% 90% AVERAGE E LENGTH OF STAY NEW OR RETURNING ING Fi First-tim ime V e Vis isit itor or 40% 40% 8.5 NIGHTS 60% 60% Re Repeat at V Vis isit itor On average, visitors stayed 8.5 nights and travelled mainly as couples (43%). Another one-third of visitors came as small groups with an average of five people. The majority (60%) were first time visitors and over half planned their own travel (not on an organized trip). Almost everyone (90%) stayed at a hotel or resort. 6
PURPOSE SE OF VISIT SIT JAN ANUAR ARY – JUNE E 2019 9 TOTAL AL VISIT SITORS RS 5 % 4 % 80 80 % 3 % HOLID IDAY VISITING ITING FRIENDS ENDS & RELATIVE IVES BUSINESS INESS CONFERE ERENC NCE 5.9 14.3 7.8 15.8 NIGHTS HTS NIGHTS NIGHTS NIGHTS AVERA VERAGE GE LENG NGTH H OF STAY AVERA VERAGE GE LENG NGTH H OF STAY AVERA VERAGE GE LENG NGTH H OF STAY AVERA VERAGE GE LENG NGTH H OF STAY 4,527 2,349 2,218 2,131 FJD VISITOR FJD VISITOR FJD VISITOR FJD VISITOR PER TRIP PER TRIP PER TRIP PER TRIP SPEND ND SPEND ND SPEND ND SPEND ND The vast majority of visitors were on holiday (80%) with 1-in-5 specifically to celebrate a special occasion. Note: Purpose of visit percentages Visiting friends and relatives accounted for 5%, while combined business travelers and those who attended a based on IVS responses not actual conference was another 7%. Business travelers spent the most on their trip because of the longer stay. immigration data. 7 The VFR market also stays longer than average but spent less due to lower in-Fiji spending.
REG EGION ONS S VISI SITED & V VISI SITOR OR SATIS ISFACTI CTION ON JAN ANUAR ARY – JUNE 2019 9 TOTAL L VISIT SITORS RS 1 % 10 % 10 3 % 2 % Vanua ua Levu 3 % 63 % 63 11 % 11 WERE E SATISF SFIED ED 63 63 % 2 % 1 % 51 51 % 3 % 7 % 17 % 17 27 27 % 66 % 66 2 % 10 % 10 34 34 % WOUL ULD D 0.4 % RECO COMMEND END Most visitors spent time in Nadi and Denarau. Other popular destinations included Coral Coast and Note: Multiple responses, therefore Mamanuca Islands. Overall two-thirds of visitors were satisfied with their trip and would recommend totals do not add up to 100% Fiji to their family and friends 8
JAN 2019 – JUN 2019 40 40 % AUSTRALIA TRALIA OF ALL VISIT ITORS RS 163,8 63,826 26 FJD JD 302M 02M FJD JD 211M 1M AVERAGE E LENGTH TH OF STAY SPEND SATISFACT CTION ION 1,845 223 223 8.3 66 66 % FJD SPEND FJD SPEND NIGHTS PER TRIP PER NIGHT AGE OF ALL VISITORS GENDER 19% 19% 5% 5% 8% 8% 15% 15% 17% 17% 15% 15% 15% 15% 6% 6% 0-13 0-13 YR YRS 14-19 YRS 14-1 9 YRS 20-2 20-29 YRS 9 YRS 30-3 30-39 YRS 9 YRS 40-4 40-49 YRS 9 YRS 50-5 50-59 YRS 9 YRS 60-6 60-69 YRS 9 YRS 70+ 70+ 41% 41% 59% 59% Females Fem ales Males Males Visitors from Australia increase another +2.5% and continued to account for the largest share of visitors (40%). Australians spend slightly less than the overall average visitor due to a lower pre-paid package cost and slightly less post-arrival spending. 10
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