fenland councillor briefing 10 october 2016 jessica

Fenland Councillor Briefing 10 October 2016 Jessica Bawden, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Minor injury units and outpatient services East Cambs and Fenland Fenland Councillor Briefing 10 October 2016 Jessica Bawden, Director of Corporate Affairs Matthew Smith, Local Chief Officer Minor injury units and services review in East

  1. Minor injury units and outpatient services East Cambs and Fenland Fenland Councillor Briefing 10 October 2016 Jessica Bawden, Director of Corporate Affairs Matthew Smith, Local Chief Officer

  2. Minor injury units and services review in East Cambs and Fenland This evening we would like to:  Discuss why minor injury units and services are being reviewed  Discuss the options that are being explored so far  Update on what is happening with outpatient clinics  Hear your feedback  Clarify next steps and timetable.

  3. Why review the minor injury services?  New recommendations for Urgent Care services in the Keogh review  Opportunities for working more closely with other local services such as GP practices and the Joint Emergency Team (JET)

  4. Why review the minor injury services?  Ensure most effective use of money  And most effective use of skilled, valued staff  This is about providing local minor injury services in a different way, not removing services

  5. The draft Keogh standards • Open and staffed consistently for at least 16 hours (e.g. 8am to Opening Hours midnight) on every day of the year • Multi-disciplinary team of experienced generalist and specialist Staffing clinicians, including doctors • A minimum of one registered healthcare practitioner plus one other staff member • Plain film X-ray facilities Diagnostics • Point of care testing – tests and results while the patient is there • ECG • Acts as clinical advice hub for health professionals in the Services community (e.g. paramedics and emergency technicians) • Provides out of hours pharmacy • Resuscitation and stabilisation facilities available • Initial assessment and a Mental Health Act assessment should be available within four hours • Potential co-location with out of hours service • Minor injuries service • Staff able to refer into acute clinics. Referral to other services

  6. A word about the money • The NHS and local government aim to ensure that our health and care services are financially sustainable and that we make best use of the money allocated to us • The contract value for the MIUs is relatively small (about £1.3 million) • Need to reduce expenditure to within budget – reduce CCG deficit this year by over £43m+ • Need to ensure patients can access the services they need .

  7. Work so far  MIU review:  no issues with the quality of services  do not meet recommendations of the Keogh review  MIU data and visits  Discussions with MIU staff and local GPs  Surveyed patients with Healthwatch

  8. Work so far  Developing options for the future  We will ensure that a future service will provide a local service for minor injuries/illness but this may be in a different way  Reviewing GP capacity  No decisions have been taken

  9. Outpatients and x-ray services important • Cambridgeshire Community Services committed to providing outpatient clinics at Doddington and POW until September 2017. • Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS FT taking over the service then. • North Cambs clinics provided by QEH Kings Lynn. • Just finalising position for radiology services (X-ray).

  10. Other considerations/developments  Self-care Pharmacist can give advice on minor illnesses  Out of Hours / 111 New Integrated service starts on 17 October 2016  Mental Health Vanguard First Response Service (FRS) will be available countywide from 19 September.

  11. Current MIU services  Patients not clear when they can use MIUs  Low attendances at some periods and some sites  Extended hours in the past proved unpopular  Current arrangements have limits to the conditions that can be dealt with  Staff skills are underutilised.

  12. Current MIU services Conditions that can be treated: • Wounds – cuts and bruises (Tetanus immunisation can also be given) • Bites – human, insect, and animal • Minor burns and scalds • Muscle and joint injuries – strains, sprains, limb fractures • Emergency contraception • Eye problems e.g. removal of foreign bodies, conjunctivitis • Earache (patients aged 2 years and over) • Cystitis (not children or male patients) • Minor head injuries (with no loss of consciousness)

  13. Current MIU services Conditions that can’t be treated: • Alcohol problems • Mental health problems • Overdoses/self-harm • Dental problems • Ophthalmology conditions not related to trauma • Services for children under 2 (some radiological services could be performed) • Fulfilling of prescription requests by qualified nurse prescribers • 24/7 emergency services for life-threatening injuries

  14. Conditions seen Patients seen in MIUs: approx 31,000 per annum  Minor illness (about 25%)  Minor trauma (about 75%)  About 1/5 trauma cases need an X-ray  Possible to see approx 80% of cases with no X-ray  Currently:  c63% seen and discharged (approx 20,000 attendances)  c37% seen and referred to another practitioner (approx 11,000 attendances)

  15. MIU activity – expected caseload of about 25 patients daily Unit Total Number of 5 or 7 Average Daily Daily Activity weeks Days Daily caseload with caseload with per Activity 2 Nurse 3 Nurse week Practitioners Practitioners Princess of 13,638 44 7 44.3 22.2 14.8 Wales Doddington 9,119 44 7 29.6 14.8 9.9 North Cambs 8,920 44 5 40.5 20.3 13.5

  16. What local people told us  Crucial to maintain a local service  Like short waiting times and walk-in service  Sometimes get passed between services  Sometimes not sure where to go for what they need  Staff are friendly and helpful  Distance to services – don’t like travelling if they don’t have to  Many would have attended GP practice or A&E if the MIU was not open.

  17. What we have found out so far?  Highly skilled and experienced staff provide a very safe service  MIUs could treat a broader range of conditions  Service not consistent across units  Ambulance/transport issues

  18. What we have found out so far?  Issues with the buildings/Care Quality Commission (CQC)  Variable X-ray availability  Many patients go to A&E who could be managed at MIU  Limited integration with other services e.g. JET, Neighbourhood Teams, Primary Care, Out of Hours GPs. Creates issues over prescribing, contacting GPs etc.

  19. Early options for discussion Six options: Option 1 Continue with existing MIU, Out of Hours (OOH), community and primary care arrangements (Do Nothing) Option 2 Close all MIUs and require primary care and local A&E departments to manage the activity previously managed within the MIUs Option 3 Reconfiguration of services in the Fens and East Cambs and use local primary care, OOH, JET capability and capacity and MIU staff to create an integrated local urgent care service

  20. Early options for discussion Six options (continued): Option 4 Close all but one of the MIUs in the Fens and East Cambs but develop this into an Urgent Care Centre, and use local primary care, Out of Hours, Joint Emergency Team (JET) capability and capacity and MIU staff to create an integrated local urgent care service in the areas affected by closures Option 5 Close all but two of the MIUs and develop these into Urgent Care Centres and use local primary care, OOH, JET capability and capacity and MIU staff to create an integrated local urgent care service in the area affected by the closure Option 6 Develop all MIUs into Urgent Care Centres

  21. Next steps  August to October – more work to consider options, including looking at local needs, access, and growth  Engagement meetings with public and staff  September/October – NHS regional clinical senate review and feedback

  22. Next steps  November/December to February/March 2017 – Public consultation if change recommended  CCG would make a decision following this process and after reviewing all the options and feedback  We will ensure that a local service will be provided for minor injuries/illnesses, but this may be in a different way.

  23. Questions and feedback  What matters to you?  What would you like us to consider?  How would you like to be kept updated?


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