federal ef deral efforts t s to adv advance data sharing

Federal Ef deral Efforts t s to Adv Advance Data Sharing nce Data - PDF document

Federal Ef deral Efforts t s to Adv Advance Data Sharing nce Data Sharing Christi Christi Dant, Dant, State Systems Coordinator, Division of Data and Improvement (DDI), ACF, OPRE Chris T Chris Traver, Senior Advisor and Interoperability

  1. Federal Ef deral Efforts t s to Adv Advance Data Sharing nce Data Sharing Christi Christi Dant, Dant, State Systems Coordinator, Division of Data and Improvement (DDI), ACF, OPRE Chris T Chris Traver, Senior Advisor and Interoperability Lead, Division of Data and Improvement (DDI), ACF, OPRE 1 Federal Support to Advance Data Sharing Christi Dant, State System s Coordinator Chris Traver, I nteroperability Lead Division of Data and I m provem ent ( DDI ) ACF, OPRE 1

  2. Division of Data and I m provem ent We unify ACF’s strategy by incorporating:  Interoperability Initiative  Data and program analysis, evaluation, and research  State systems coordination (APD’s)  Public assistance benefits matching (PARIS) 3 ACF’s I nteroperability I nitiative Supports data sharing through:  Policies and guidelines to accelerate adoption  Standards and tools that are reusable across the country  Field-based pilots  Addressing common privacy and security requirements to mitigate risks 4 2

  3. DDI and the Interoperability Initiative at ACF align with the ReImagine HHS initiative to modernization of HHS programs, systems, and support services that includes:  Putting People at the Center of HHS Programs  Leveraging the Power of Data  Efficiency through Streamlined Services  Increasing Innovation and Responsiveness 5 ACF is Listening Key themes identified from listening sessions conducted nationwide by HHS and ACF’s Office of Regional Operations, who also conducted a survey of state human service commissioners.  Focus on outcomes and results (92/ 100)  Reshape service delivery systems to reflect an integrated approach (75/ 100)  Enhance direct communication with service recipients to inform system and process improvements (69/ 100)  Improve agency performance management (82/ 100)  Improve state data systems interoperability (82/ 100) Watch the Town Hall here: https: / / www.youtube.com/ watch?v= 01z3z2Xh_HA 6 3

  4. Additional Regional Meetings A Region IV Data Colloquium produced multiple recommendations, including:  Need for increased federal coordination and alignment, both within and across agencies  Funding, Policies, and Technical Architecture  Support for building state staff capacity for using data  Further incentivizing re-use for both parties  Technical Assistance for:  Identifying and adopting better models and best practices for data sharing  Enhancing peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and collaboration through curation of proven effective services and matching resources  Assistance with RFPs and modernizing and improving procurement practices 7 Learn From Other I nitiatives 8 4

  5. W hy I s Data Sharing So Hard? National Information Exchange National Information Exchange Model Model Canonical Canonical Standard Standard Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Canonical Standard Canonical Standard Mapping --- n(n-1) Mapping --- n(n-1) Approach --- 2n Approach --- 2n 9 One Model in Use: NI EM 1 0 5

  6. Grow the Com m unity 1 1 ACF Has a Plan! ACF I nteroperability Action Plan  Starts with the “Data Sharing First” principle  Formalizes a commitment to interoperability  Builds the community: HSDISC  Tracks progress with required reporting to executive leadership  Provides a wide range of technical assistance  Includes support for program administration and evaluation 1 2 6

  7. ACF I nteroperability Action Plan – Progress to Date  Convened the Human Services Data Integration Solutions Community (HSDISC)  Increased technical assistance capacity and engaged on multiple initiatives  Published a catalog of ACF administrative data resources and related research to expand utilization of existing data sets  Chartered working groups to make progress on multi- program issues, such as runaway foster youth (RFY) reporting  Engaging with federal colleagues to work collaboratively, to address state requested issues such as improving program integrity support systems 1 3 DDI Leads Regulation Developm ent Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 directs HHS to designate data exchange standards… • for certain categories of information required to be shared under applicable federal law for agencies operating the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), child support enforcement, child welfare services, and foster care and adoption assistance programs • in consultation with an OMB interagency working group, including consideration of state government perspectives, and must meet certain technical requirements for non-proprietary, interoperable, and adaptive design 1 4 7

  8. Current/ Future Plans  Expanded ACF Confidentiality Toolkit, to address multi-program data use requirements  Enhanced program integrity tools (including PARIS 2.0)  Runaway Foster and Homeless Youth reporting to expedite recovery and prevent human trafficking  Integrated background check services to support programs with key mandates, such as child care  Technology Reuse Library to encourage sharing and adaptation of existing solutions  Expanded TA to support cross-program interoperability support at federal, state, and tribal levels 1 5 Priorities and Open Doors Opportunities to meet are rare, so what can we accomplish while we are here?  What are your data priorities over the next 1, 5, 10 years?  What could ACF do to better support your efforts to collect, share, and leverage data?  How should we communicate so that we can remain responsive to your needs? 1 6 8

  9. Contact ACF Interoperability: https: / / www.acf.hhs.gov/ about/ interoperability DataRx@acf.hhs.gov National Information Exchange Model: https: / / www.niem.gov/ https: / / niem.github.io/ Christi Dant, ACF State Systems Coordinator Christi.Dant@acf.hhs.gov Chris Traver, DDI Senior Advisor for Interoperability Christopher.Traver@acf.hhs.gov 1 7 9

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