february 27 2018 forward looking statements and non gaap

February 27, 2018 Forward looking statements and non-GAAP measures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

February 27, 2018 Forward looking statements and non-GAAP measures Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable US and Canadian

  1. February 27, 2018

  2. Forward looking statements and non-GAAP measures Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable US and Canadian securities legislation (collectively, “forward-looking statements”), including, in particular, statements regarding the benefits and synergies of the IronPlanet transaction, future opportunities for the combined businesses of Ritchie Bros. and IronPlanet, future financial and operational results and any other statements regarding events or developments that Ritchie Bros. believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, although not always, identified by words such as “expect”, “plan, “anticipate”, “project”, “target”, “potential”, “schedule”, “forecast”, “budget”, “estimate”, “intend” or “believe” and similar expressions or their negative connotations, or statements that events or conditions “will”, “would”, “may”, “could”, “should” or “might” occur. All such forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond Ritchie Bros.’ control, including risks and uncertainties related to: general economic conditions and conditions affecting the industries in which Ritchie Bros operates; Ritchie Bros.’ ability to successfully integrate IronPlanet's; the ability to realize anticipated growth, synergies and cost savings in the IronPlanet transaction; the maintenance of important business relationships; our ability to commercialize new platform solutions and offerings; deterioration of or instability in the economy, the markets we serve or the financial markets generally; as well as the risks and uncertainties set forth in Ritchie Bros.’ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018, which is available on the SEC, SEDAR, and Ritchie Bros.’ website. The foregoing list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect Ritchie Bros.’ forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this presentation and Ritchie Bros. does not undertake any obligation to update the information contained herein unless required by applicable securities legislation. For the reasons set forth above, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. This presentation contains certain non-GAAP financial measures. For a discussion of non-GAAP measures and the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures, see the Appendix to this presentation as well as our earnings release and our Form 10-Q interim report, which are available at: investor.ritchiebros.com. These non-GAAP financial measures are not measures of financial performance in accordance with GAAP and may exclude items that are significant in understand and assessing our financial condition and results. Therefore, these measures should not be considered in isolation or as alternatives to measures of profitability, liquidity or other performance under GAAP. These measures may not be comparable to similarly-titled measures used by other companies. This presentation also includes certain forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures. We are unable to present a quantitative reconciliation of this forward- looking non-GAAP financial information because management cannot reliably predict all of the necessary components of such measures. Accordingly, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this information. All figures are in US dollars, unless otherwise noted. 2

  3. Opening R g Remarks Ravi Saligram, Chief Executive Officer

  4. A Day in the Life at Ritchie Bros. Generating Network Effects and moving beyond just auctions…. December 6, 2018 59% of total GTV across all • Approximately 295,000 unique users channels visited RB properties around the purchased by globe online buyers • Users generated approximately 390,000 sessions 8.5 million total bids Avg. • 54% on mobile devices / 43% 5 MM website up 16% originated outside of the users per month Americas /48% between the generating 580 ages of 25 and 44 MM page views Over a million followers on social media…. 4

  5. Fourth Q Qua uarter B Busi usines ess s & & Financial R Revi view Sharon Driscoll, Chief Financial Officer 5

  6. Q4 Consolidated Financial Performance  All figures unadjusted unless otherwise noted. (In $US Millions except EPS) GRO ROSS DILUTED TED TRA RANSACTIO ION TOTA TAL AGENCY CY ADJUSTED TED ADJUSTED TED VALUE VA REVENUES ES PROCEED EEDS OPE PERA RATIN ING (non-GAAP AAP) EPS PS (GTV) INCO COME (non-GAAP AAP) (non-GAAP AAP) 4Q18 18 4Q17 17 4Q18 18 4Q17 17 4Q18 18 4Q17 17 4Q18 18 4Q17 17 4Q18 18 4Q17 17 $356 $356 $292 $292 $56. $56.3 $42. $42.2 $0. $0.32 $0.26 $0. $1, $1,338 338 $1, $1,295 295 $19 $193 $17 $179 +3% % +22% 22% +8% % +33% 33% +23% 23%      14% O Onlin line g e growth l led b by Higher r reve venue f from GTV g grow owth a and h higher Agency proc oceeds g grow owth Hig igher er o oper erat atin ing strength i in Canada and inventory s sales in US a and onlin line v e volu lumes es inco come o e offset et b by h higher er  Dis isci ciplin lined ed e expense e Internat atio ional al Europe tax r rate in 4Q18 v Q18 vs.  Higher f fee r reve venue man anag agem ement prio ior y year ar associ ciat ated ed with p partia ial f l fee e  Modest L Live auction on   Higher f fee r reve venue Lower er acquis isit itio ion c costs v vs. harmon onization on grow owth; 2 23 f fewer 2017 17 associ ciat ated ed with p partia ial f l fee e  industrial a auctions Grow owth i in other ser ervices ces harmon onization on reve venue  Stron ong live a auction on c com omp  grow owth; 70% o of auctions Growth i in other er s ser ervices ces posted ed year ar o on y year ar Reve venue l led b by R RBFS posit itiv ive c e comps 6

  7. Fourth Quarter A&M Segment – Agency Proceeds  Ag Agency proceeds g s growth o of 8% 8% driven b by GTV, s strong o online a auction p performance, p partially o offse set b by so some i inventory r rate so softness ss in the U U.S .S.  Auctions a Au s and M Marketplaces Ag s Agency P Proceeds r s rate ( (non-GAAP) i increased 80 80 basi sis p s points t s to 13. 13.4% 4% o over 4Q 4Q17 17 d due to continued o overall market p price p performance a and c contributions f s from p partial f fee h harmonization A&M Agency Proceeds A&M Agency Proceeds Rate % In US$,(000) $193,133 13.1% 13.4% 12.6% $178,785 +8 +8% 4Q17 4Q18 7

  8. Fourth Quarter - Other Services  Other S Services es R Rev even enues es i improved ed 2 20%  RBFS Revenue gr growth o of 50% 50%  RBFS F Funded V Volume improved 3 35%  Ma Mascus revenue gr growth o of 3% 3% RBFS FS RBFS FS Mascus Reven enue Fund nded ed V Volum lume Reven enue In Millions USD In Millions USD In Millions USD $7.0 $122.0 $3.1 $90.5 $4.6 $3.0 4Q17 4Q18 4Q17 4Q18 4Q17 4Q18 8

  9. Fourth Quarter - Costs of Services / SG&A  4Q18 T Total R Reven enue g e growt wth of 2 22% / Agency Proceed eds g growt wth o of 8% outpacing S SG&A g growt wth o of 3%  4Q18 4Q 18 SG&A G&A l leverage – roug ughly hly 2 200 basis is p poin int r rate i impr provem ement ( (SG&A a A as a % of Agen ency P Proceeds ds) v vs. 4 4Q17  Cos osts of of Se Services i increased 18% Costs of S Servic ices es a and S d SG&A E Expen penses es (in $ $ US Th Thousands) SG&A A Expe pens nses es SG&A G&A Combined ed Cos osts of of Se Services (as a a % of A Agency Procee eeds) $141,939 Reported C d Costs o of S Servi vices o of $132,079 $46.3MM i includes ancillary a and logistical s servi vice e expens nses of $20.3MM 2017 & 2017 & 2018 2018 (RB+IP) When ancillary a and logistical s service Combin bined C d Compa pany expen enses es a are r rem emoved from om C Cos osts o of $95,624 Services, t the n e net et amount i is s $2 $26.0MM, $92,983 which r repr present nts 1 13% o of A Agency 4Q 4Q17 17 52% 52% Proc ocee eeds a and a a 4% i increa ease e over er 4Q17 +7% 1Q 1Q18 18 57% 57% $46,315 2Q 2Q18 18 49% 49% +3% $39,096 3Q 3Q18 18 55% 55% +18% 4Q 4Q18 18 50% 50% 4Q17 4Q18 4Q17 4Q18 4Q17 4Q18 9

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